Title: Comparing%20Realized%20and%20Bi-Power%20Variation%20in%20Lee-Mykland%20Statistic
1Comparing Realized and Bi-Power Variation in
Lee-Mykland Statistic
- Warren Davis
- April 11 Presentation
- Discussion of Lee-Mykland
- Change of Statistic
- Simulation Set-Up
- Simulation Results
- Future Directions
3Lee and Mykland (2006)
4The Bi-Power multiplied term in the denominator
of the statistic was replaced by a simple
realized variance, with a sum of returns squared,
as was used in the BNS statistics earlier in the
This statistic was run on Bristol-Myers stock
data, yielding 713 hits, as opposed to 1912 with
the Bi-Power statistic.
5Simulation Set-Up
- The following random variables were used
- A set of normally distributed returns with
mean0, St. Dev. .015 (95 of returns less than
3) - A random Poisson variable with mean .01
- A normally distributed variable with mean 0, St.
Dev..1 or .05
6Simulation Set-Up
- The Poisson integers were multiplied by the
second random normal distribution to create a
series of jumps - These jumps were added to the original normally
distributed returns - The Bi-Power and Realized Variance versions of
Lee-Mykland were then ran on the data, seeing how
accurately they performed in flagging jumps
7Simulation Results- No Jumps Added
Realized Variance Results
Bi-Power Results
Realized Variance Results
of Hits 28.03
7.54 (4.57) (2.68)
of Hits 28.03
7.54 (4.57) (2.68)
Returns Flagged .2803 .0754
8Results- Poisson Integer Jumps
Bi-Power Results
Realized Variance Results
Hits False
10.60 3.07
Correct Hits .98.17
Jumps Missed
.9569 1.609
9Poisson x N(0,.0025)
Bi-Power Results
Realized Variance Results
Hits False
21.62 5.65
Correct Hits 35.05
Jumps Missed 62.67
10Poisson x N(0,.01)
Bi-Power Results
Realized Variance Results
Hits False
19.31 4.47
Correct Hits 53.33
Jumps Missed 37.27
11Future Directions
- Explore iteration process of removing jumps, then
retesting results - Explore other estimators of local variance and
test these, particularly exponential variations
of bi-power