Title: Using workspaces on nanoHUB'org
1Using workspaces on nanoHUB.org
- Michael McLennanSoftware ArchitectNetwork for
Computational Nanotechnology
2What is a workspace?
- Full-featured Linux desktop
- For tool developers
- For researchers
- Accessible from any web browser
- Still running after you close your browser
- Access to Grid resources
- File storage provided by nanoHUB
3Requesting workspace access
- Given automatically to tool developers
4Requesting workspace access
- Given to others on a case-by-case basis
- Give us a good reason
- How are you affiliated with NCN?
- What are you doing?
5Launching workspaces
6Accessing running workspaces
7Closing workspaces
8Resize the screen
9Pop out as a separate window
10Pop out as a separate window
11Share your screen
12Developing tools
- See instructions
- in your project area at wiki/GettingStarted
- Subversion tutorial
- Rappture tutorial
- Use Subversion to check out project source code
- svn checkout https//repo.nanohub.org/svn/app-qdo
t/trunk app-qdot - Edit, compile, test
- cd src
- make install
- cd ../rappture
- vi tool.xml
- rappture
13Downloading Files
- Easy way to download files
- exportfile tool.xml
- exportfile examples/
14Uploading files
- Easy way to upload files
- importfile src.tgz
15Uploading files
- Easy way to upload files
- importfile src.tgz
- importfile mesh.dat doping.dat
16Using webdav to access files
Browse your nanoHUB files on any Windows,
Macintosh, or Linux desktop
- On Microsoft Windows
- Go to My Network Places
- Click Add a network place
- Internet or network address
17Using webdav to access files
Browse your nanoHUB files on any Windows,
Macintosh, or Linux desktop
See this page on nanoHUB for instructions on
other platforms
Drag files in and out
18Using sftp to access files
sftp mmclennan_at_sftp.nanohub.org
sftp mmc_at_mmc.rcac.purdue.edu
19Accessing the grid
Launch jobs on the grid If you would have
typed spice3 b indeck gt out.dat then submit
the job to the grid as submit spice3 b indeck
gt out.dat submit --venue hamlet spice3 b indeck
gt out.dat
20More Information
- Pick an editor
- vi
- emacs
- nano
- xedit
Linux tutorial online http//www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/