Title: Welcome Back To All Stars Activity one
1Welcome Back To All Stars Activity one
What do you remember from the last All Stars
What are problems that people face today because
of technology?
2Invention Assignment
- Take out the invention assignment from last All
Stars session.
What did you come up with for the future?
3Forward to the Future Activity one
Who 20, 30, 40 years from now will be starting
businesses, running for government offices,
staring in movies or sports?
Who will be responsible for your success your
future success?
You Are
- What does it mean to have a vision of the future?
Who is responsible to for your vision to future?
- Who can help you understand what is important so
you can get your own vision?
Other Adults
Who is responsible for your vision to future?
You Are !!
An ideal is defines how things would be if things
were perfect or the best they could be. An
Ideal is the best possible future that you can
strive for.
How many have an vision of your ideal
future? How many are willing to work to make
sure your ideal future comes to pass?
7Vision and Ideals
- What is needed to make your visions or your ideal
future come to pass?
8Forward to the Future
- You just received a worksheet Forward to the
- The sticker sheet lists possible futures?
- Mark each sticker with a if the sticker is a
future you want or if the sticker is a future
you do not want. - Take the future you want most and place it on
worksheet Forward to the Future under the
category Futures I want (Ideals) Future I want
9Forward to the Future -Continued
- Now choose 3 more futures you want and place them
in order below the future you want most. - Take the future you dont want at all and place
it on worksheet Forward to the Future under the
category Futures I Dont Want Future I dont
want at all. - Now choose 3 more futures you dont want and
place them in order below the future you dont
want at all. - You will not use all of the labels.
10Forward to the Future -Homework Assignment
Take home the worksheet Forward to the Future
and with a parent or another adult complete the
back side of the worksheet. This assignment is
due when we meet next for All Stars
11Ideal Thinking Activity three
Take out a pencil,color pencils, crayons,
markers, and ruler. Take the paper that was just
handed out and divide it in to equal 2 columns
with 5 equal rows. In the top row label the left
column Futures I Want label the right column
Futures I Dont Want Be Creative (hint use
color) Place your name in the space for Futures I
want. Under the column Futures I Want list the
Futures you choose in the same order the Futures
you want. Leave space to write. Under the column
Futures I Dont Want list the Futures you choose
in the same order the Futures you dont want.
Leave space to write.
12Ideal Thinking - Continued
Now in the space by each Future you want and
dont want write things that can help you reach
that future or avoid futures you do not want.
13Remember -Forward to the Future -Homework
Take home the worksheet Forward to the Future
and with a parent or another adult complete the
back side of the worksheet. This assignment is
due when we meet next for All Stars