Title: National Dementia Strategy
1National Dementia Strategy
- Listening and Learning
- Event
- Date
2Policy Commitment
- To develop a national dementia strategy and
implementation plan by October 2008 with the
following themes - Improving awareness
- Early diagnosis and intervention
- Improving the quality of care for people with
- Dementia is one of the main causes of disability
- It affects adults of all ages and includes people
with learning disabilities - There will be 750,000 people with dementia by
2020 - Annual overall economic cost is c14.3b
- Hidden economic contribution of unpaid carers is
c5.2b - A third of people with dementia have no formal
4Dementia UK Results
The consensus estimates of the population
prevalence () of late onset dementia
5Dementia UK Results
The consensus estimates of the population
prevalence () of late onset dementia
6Dementia UK Results
Numbers of people with late onset dementia by age
700,000 people now
700,000 families
1 million by 2025
7Dementia UK Results
8Dementia UK Results
Where are people with dementia?
424k in the community (64) 244k in care homes
(36) Proportion in care rises with age
9Dementia UK
10Dementia UK
Total cost of dementia in the UK 17 billion
per annum 25,000 per person with dementia
11Dementia UK Results
Proportion of estimated number of people with AD
in Europe treated with anti-dementia drugs 2004
12Dementia UK Results
Variation in services for people with dementia
a case study of prescriptions per year per person
with dementia 2005-6
13Improving awareness
- Will focus on
- Developing better understanding about dementia by
the public and professionals - Providing better information on the condition and
how to get help - Tackling the stigma and misunderstandings about
14Early diagnosis and intervention
- Will focus on
- ensuring effective early assessment and diagnosis
services are available nationwide - addressing whether diagnosis is made in primary
or secondary care
15Improving the quality of dementia care (1)
- Will focus on a whole systems approach to
improving care pathways by - Improving emergency care so that people with
dementia are not admitted to hospital
unnecessarily because of a lack of alternative
appropriate services - Improving acute hospital care so that people with
dementia receive appropriate care and treatment - Improving discharge planning so that people with
dementia have access to intermediate care and
other appropriate services to enable early
discharge from hospital
16Improving the quality of dementia care (2)
- Improving knowledge and skills in the workforce
- Improving the quality and flexibility of home
support services to give people with dementia
real alternatives to residential care - Improving the quality of residential care for
those people who really need it
17Whats happened so far?
- Department of Health working group overseeing the
project, reporting to a Programme Board - External reference group chaired by Neil Hunt
with three themed groups - NHS Chief Executive gave evidence to the Public
Accounts Committee on the NAO report on dementia - Toolkit on strengthening user involvement
published - Engagement and listening events currently taking
place - Formal consultation planned for the summer
18What do we want from you?
- Your ideas about what needs to be in the strategy
in the three themes - Your commitment to helping to implement the
strategy when it is published next year - Your ideas about what needs to happen in your
area to improve dementia care
19Some questions
- Who/which organisations need to show leadership?
- Which organisations need to be involved for each
20 - What are the early wins for each theme?
- What are the key outcomes for each theme?
21 - What needs to happen in this region to achieve
these outcomes? - How do we make a start?
22What happens next?
- We will put together all the information from
today and send it to the DH working group so they
can include it in the draft strategy - We will keep in touch to let you know what is
happening - There will be formal consultation events when the
draft strategy is published in the summer
23Contact details
- Regional CSIP lead e-mail
- Mobile number
- Local Alzheimers Society contact
- Jane.gilliard_at_alzheimers.org.uk
- (secretariat for ERG)