Title: Assessing climate change impacts and policy responses
1Assessing climate change impacts and policy
- Don Gunasekera
- Chief Economist
- Policy responses
- Emissions trading scheme
- Recent ABARE CSIRO work
- GIAM model
- Way forward
3Climate change challenges
- Higher average and peak temperatures
- Decreased flows reduced water quality
- Changes in farm productivity
- Increased incidence of pests diseases
- Ocean acidification
4Key policy responses
5Policy response considerations
- Impacts of climate change
- Managing transitional impacts
- Balancing the costs and benefits of policy
responses - Ability to refine/improve policy responses
6Global Integrated Assessment Model GIAM
ABARECSIRO initiative
Economic module GTEM
Policy response
Climate module MK3L, changes in climate
Emissions pathway
7Developing a reference case with impacts
8Key drivers of emissions global population
9Key drivers of emissions economic growth
average annual growth, 2001-2100
10Key drivers of emissions global energy
11Long run global emissions
12Atmospheric concentration reference case
without impacts
13Increase in average surface temperature,
reference case without impactsrelative to 2000
14Increase in average surface temperature,
reference case without impactsrelative to 2000
15Economic growth pathway world
16Economic growth pathway Australia
17Way forward
- Need more work on climate change impacts
(benefits and damages) - Need to develop
- adaptation module
- policy response module
18(No Transcript)