Lecture 07: INTEGERS Sections 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 Pages 153-212 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lecture 07: INTEGERS Sections 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 Pages 153-212


Sections 2.4, 2.5, 2.6. Pages 153-212. Jarek Rossignac ... b=bk2k bk 12k 1 ...b12 b0. ab=akb2k ak 1b2k 1 ...a1b2 a0b. Sum the terms ajb2j where aj=1 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Lecture 07: INTEGERS Sections 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 Pages 153-212

Lecture 07 INTEGERSSections 2.4, 2.5,
2.6Pages 153-212
CS1050 Understanding and Constructing Proofs
Spring 2006
  • Jarek Rossignac

Lecture Objectives
  • Divisibility
  • Primes
  • GCD, LCM
  • Congruence and applications random, hash,
  • Representing, adding, multiplying integers in
    base 2
  • Algorithms for computing b div m, b mod m, bn mod
  • Prime decomposition

When does x divide y?
  • When y/x is an integer
  • ?z?Z yzx
  • Assuming that both are integers and x is not zero
  • Notation x y
  • I will write x ! y when x does not divide y

When is x a factor of y?
  • when x y

What are important divisibility properties?
  • Assume that a, b, and c are integers
  • (a b) ? (a c) ? a (bc)
  • if a divides b and c, it divides their sum
  • Proof a b ? ?x?Z bxa , a c ? ?y?Z cya,
  • a b ? ?c ( a bc )
  • if a divides b, then it divides all multiples of
  • Proof
  • a b ? b c ? a c
  • if a divides b and b divides c, then a divides c
  • Proof
  • (a b) ? (a c) ? ?m?Z ?n?Z (a (mbnc))
  • if a divides b and c, it divides their linear
    combinations with integer coef

When is p a prime?
  • When
  • p is an integer gt 1 and
  • p and 1 are its only factors
  • Examples 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31,
    37, 41, 43, 47
  • An integer greater than 1 that is not prime is
    called composite

Fundamental theorem of arithmetic?
  • Every integer greater than 1 can be written
    uniquely as a product of one or more primes
    (divisors) of non-decreasing size
  • Example 100 2?2?5?5

Bound a prime divisor of a composite n
  • n composite ? n has a prime divisor not exceeding
  • Proof
  • If n is composite, it can be written nab, with
    1lta and 1ltb
  • If both a and b were gt vn we would have a
  • Assume wlog that a vn
  • If a is prime, we are done
  • If not, it has a prime divisor lta (Fundamental
    theorem of Arithmetic)

How to check whether n is prime?
  • n is prime ? ?prime p (p vn) ? (p ! n)
  • Translate this into an algorithm

How to find the prime factorization of n?
  • factors emptyList
  • mn
  • For all primes p from 2 to vn do
  • if (pm) emptyList.add(p) mm/p
  • Is this algorithm correct?
  • If not, fix it!

Prove that there are infinitely many primes
  • Euclids proof by contradiction
  • Assume that the only primes are p1, p2pn
  • Let Q p1p2pn1
  • If Q is prime, we have a contradiction
  • Otherwise, Q can be written as the product of 2
    or more primes.
  • This is impossible, since if one of the primes pi
    divided Q it would also divide Q p1p2pn1

What is the division algorithm?
  • Let a be an integer and d be a positive integer
  • There are unique integers q and r with 0rltd such
    that adqr
  • d is the divisor
  • a is the dividend
  • q is the quotient, can be written q a div d
  • r is the remainder, can be written r a mod d
  • What is 11 div 3 ?
  • What is 11 mod 3 ?

Greatest common divisor of a and b?
  • Assume that a and b are integers and at least one
    of them is not zero.
  • Their greatest common divisor, gcd(a,b), is the
    largest integer d such that da and db
  • What is gcd(24,36)?
  • 2 (12,18)
  • 2?2 (6,9)
  • 2?2?3 (2,3)

When are two integers relatively prime?
  • When their GCD is 1
  • Find the smallest integer larger than 1 that is
    relatively prime with 9.

The least common multiple of a and b?
  • Assume a and b are positive integers
  • Their least common multiple lcm(a,b) is the
    smallest integer that is divisible by both.

What is gcd(a,b) ? lcm(a,b) ?
  • gcd(a,b) ? lcm(a,b) ab
  • What is the essence of a proof?

When are a and b congruent modulo m?
  • Assume a, b, m are integers and m is positive.
  • a is congruent to b modulo m if m divides ab
  • Notation a?b (mod m)
  • Theorem a?b (mod m) ? (a mod m) (b mod m)
  • Theorem a?b (mod m) ? ?k?Z a bkm
  • Theorem a?b (mod m) and c?d (mod m) ?
  • ac?bd (mod m) and ac?bd (mod m)

What is a hashing function?
  • Maps an integer k to a positive integer h(k) less
    than m
  • To speed up search of people in a table (memory)
    of m entries.
  • We want to hash each person to a memory location
    h(k) where k is the SS number.
  • If we have more than one person hashed to the
    same location, we have a collision.
  • Assign the next free location or use a pointer to
    a list of all people hashed there
  • Most common hashing h(k)k mod m

How to generate pseudorandom numbers?
  • Chose 4 integers
  • m modulo
  • a multiple with 2altm
  • c increment with 0cltm
  • x0 seed with 0 x0ltm
  • Then iterate xn1(axnc) mod m
  • How do you get random numbers between 0 and 1?

What was Caesars cipher?
  • An important application of congruence is
  • Caesars shift cipher
  • Map letters of the alphabet to consecutive
    integers 0, 1, 2
  • Perform a circular shift by 3
  • A?D, C?E,Z?C
  • How would you encode it using congruence?
  • How would you decode it using congruence?
  • How many variables need to be guessed to break
    the code?
  • How could you break it?
  • Increase security to require 3 variables.

How to represent integer n in base b?
  • Assume b is an integer gt1
  • There is a unique way of writing n as
  • nakxkak1xk1a1xa0
  • where
  • k is a non-negative integer,
  • ak, ak1, a1 , a0 are non-negative integers
    less than b,
  • ak?0
  • b is the base of the expansion of n

What is the binary expansion of n?
  • Bit string akak1 a1a0 of the expansion of n in
    base 2

How to expand n in base b?
  • Let mn
  • Let Eempty string
  • Repeat
  • E (m mod b)E pre-concatenation quotient to
  • m m div b keep the reminder mbqr
  • until (m0)
  • Example What is the binary expansion of 241?
  • Hexadecimal expansion base 16
  • Blocks of 4 consecutive bits in base 2
  • Written 0, 1, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F

How to add integers in base 2?
  • Usual right-to-left addition with carry
  • 000, 101, 1110
  • Example add use base 2 to add 89 and verify
  • Binary expansion of 8 ()2
  • Binary expansion of 9 ()2
  • Sum in base 2 ()2
  • Decimal value

How to program the addition?
  • Let o be the carry from adding the previous bits
  • We want the new carry c and sum s of adding bits
    a and b
  • Provide Boolean expressions for
  • s
  • c

o a b c s
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 1
0 1 0 0 1
0 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1
1 0 1 1 0
1 1 0 1 0
1 1 1 1 0
How to multiply two k-bit integers?
  • aak2kak12k1a12a0
  • bbk2kbk12k1b12b0
  • abakb2kak1b2k1a1b2a0b
  • Sum the terms ajb2j where aj1
  • Obtain ajb2j by shifting b to the left j times,
    padding with a 0
  • How many one bit shifts are needed ?
  • Can we use Horners rule here? How?

What is the fast modular exponentiation?
  • How to compute bn mod m?
  • Important in cryptology to compute bn mod m for
    large b, n, m.
  • Cant compute bn and then the remainder, because
    bn is too large
  • Instead, use binary expansion
  • Assume n(ak1 a1a0)2
  • Successively compute pjb2j mod m as (pj1)(pj1)
    mod m
  • Keep track of the sum of pj values where aj1

How to compute a div d and a mod d?
  • q0 ra while (rd) rrd qq1
  • if ((alt0) (rgt0)) rdr q(q1) q a div
    d, r a mod d

What is the Euclidean algorithm?
  • A faster method for gcd
  • Note that gcd(bqr,b)gcd(b,r)
  • Proof Assume dbqr and db. Then d(bqrqb).
    Hence db and dr.
  • Assume db and dr. Then d(bqr).
  • Hence common divisors of bqr and b are the same
    as those of b and r.
  • Euclidean algorithm gcd(a,b)
  • xa yb while (y!0) rx mod y xy yr
  • gcd(662,414)
  • 6624141248
  • 4142481166
  • 248166182
  • 1668222
  • 822410 gcd(414,662)2 , the last non zero

Find s and t such that gcd(a,b)satb
  • gcd(252,198)18252s198t
  • 18 54 (198 (252 198 1 )3 )1
  • 252 198 1 54 18 54 (198 (54)3
  • 198 54 3 36 18 54 (36)1
  • 54 36 1 18
  • 36 18 2

  • Assume that a, b, and c are positive integers
  • gcd(a,b)1 and abc then ac
  • a does not divide b, but divides bc, so it must
    divide c
  • Proof
  • abc ? atbc (from slide 5)
  • asac and actb ? a(sacctb) (from slide 5)
  • gcd(a,b)1 ? satb1 ? sacctbc, multiply by c

Prime factorization
  • (p is prime) ? (pa1a2an) then ?j paj
  • The factorization of an integer into prime,
    listed in non-decreasing order is unique
  • Proof By contradiction
  • Assume that we have two different factorizations
    A and B).
  • Remove their common primes, we still have AB.
  • Then, a prime p of one (say A) must divide B
    (since AB)
  • So, p must divide one of the primes of B
  • But p is not a prime listed in B and hence we
    have a contradiction

Another property
  • Let a, b, c, and m be integers. Assume mgt0.
  • (ac?bc (mod m)) ? (gcd(c,m)1) ? a?b (mod m)
  • When computing mod m, we can divide both terms by
    a common divisor that is relatively prime to m

What is the inverse modulo m?
  • Let a and m be relatively prime integers and mgt1.
  • ?a is the inverse of a module m if a?a ?1 (mod
  • Theorem ?a exists and is unique (modulo m)
  • What is the inverse of 3 modulo 7?
  • gcd(3,7)1, hence, the inverse of 3 exists
  • 7 2 3 1
  • 1 7 2 3 1
  • (1 7 2 3) mod 7 1
  • (2 3) mod 7 1 2 is the inverse of 3 modulo
  • (7 3 2 3) mod 7 1
  • (5 3) mod 7 1 5 is the inverse of 3 modulo 7

How to solve a linear congruence?
  • An equation of the form ax?b (mod m) is a linear
  • To find all x that satisfy this equation,
  • Find the inverse ?a of a modulo m
  • Multiply both sides by ?a to get ?aax??ab (mod
  • Since ?aa ?1 (mod m), we obtain x??ab (mod m)

What is the Chinese reminder theorem?
  • The system of linear congruences x ? ai (mod mi)
  • where the mi are pairwise relatively prime
  • has a unique solution modulo m?mi
  • Example. Solve x ? 2 (mod 3), x ? 3 (mod 5), x ?
    2 (mod 7)
  • m357105, M1m/335, M2m/521, M3m/715.
  • The inverse y1 of M1 modulo 3 is 2, since (352)
    mod 3 1.
  • The inverse y2 of M2 modulo 5 is 1, since (211)
    mod 5 1.
  • The inverse y3 of M3 modulo 7 is 1, since (151)
    mod 7 1.
  • The solutions are x ? a1M1y1a2M2y2a3M3y3 mod M
  • here x ? 233 ? 23 (mod 105)

How to compute with large integers
  • Relatively prime integers mi larger than 1 form a
  • Let m be their product
  • Any positive integer a lt m can be uniquely
    represented as
  • (a mod m1, a mod m2, a mod mn)
  • We can use this representation for large integers
    and distribute the arithmetic operations to the
  • Then, we recover the solution by solving the
    system of congruences.

What is Fermats little theorem?
  • If p is prime and a is an integer not divisible
    by p, then
  • ap1 ? 1 (mod p)
  • Furthermore, for every integer a, we have
  • ap ? a (mod p)
  • Note that ap1 ? 1 (mod p) does not imply that p
    is prime.
  • When bn1 ? 1 (mod n) and n is not prime, we say
    that it is pseudoprime to the base b
  • If n does not satisfy bn1 ? 1 (mod n) then it is
    composite. We can use several bases to weed out
    composites when looking from primes.

What is the RSA encryption?
  • I have a publicly known encryption key.
  • You can use it to send me an encrypted message,
    but cannot decrypt messages others send me.
  • I keep the decryption key secret!
  • In 1976 Rivest, Shamir, Adleman introduced the
    RSA system based on the product of two large
  • Given two encryption keys modulus npq (where p
    anq q are large primes) and exponent e relatively
    prime to (p1)(q1),
  • you encode an integer M (representing several
    characters) as
  • CMe mod n (use fast modular exponentiation p
  • I have p, q and d, the inverse of e modulo
    (p1)(q1). I decode your message as MCd mod pq
  • To compute d, you would need to factor n. Too

Assigned Homework
  • Next quiz will cover 2.22.7 (two lectures)
  • Caesars cipher and its variations
  • Exercises 13, 17, 37b page 167
  • Exercises 40 page 168
  • Exercises 1a, 3a page 179
  • Exercises 27, 31 page 180
  • Exercises 7, 15, 19, 37 page 194-195

Assigned Project
  • P3 Constructive Solid Geometry in 2D
  • Due Feb 14 before class through your PPP
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