Title: WelCome to All of you
3Organized by
- Madeshi NGO Federation
- Ranibari, Lazimpat, Kathmandu
- Nepal
4Discussion Agenda
- Peace
- Democracy
- Development
5Focused Area
6Peace Focused area
- International Lobbing in favour of Terai/Madheshi
Issue with Terai Movement and their root cause - Social Security and Environment
8(Meaningful transformation of present peace
process to a conclusion, Conflict mitigation
and/or Inter-party conflict (among different
parties etc.)
Peace - Main Issues
9Peace - Main Issues
- Conflict in Terai/Madhesh
(Dialogue with Armed groups in Terai/Madesh to
reach in a meaningful resolution )
10Peace - Main Issues
- Law and order in Terai/Madhesh
Improve in present law and order situation to
ensure Social/personal security of people, Cross
Boarder Crime, Kidnapping, Crime and lobby system
in Industrial corridor
11Peace - Main Issues
- party sister organization
- Other-party relation
12Peace - Main Issues
- Professional /Vocational Alliances Relation
sangh (union) vs. party, Sangh (union) vs.
13Peace - Main Issues
Strike on small matters e.g. deficit of book,
highway bandh (strike) etc
14Peace - Main Issues
- Disaster Preparedness
- /Rescue Management
Politics in flood victims relief
15Peace - Main Issues
High way Hospital, Chure Conservation, Highway
rescue management
16Peace - Main Issues
Breaking law and order which has impact on
development, politics in tender etc (influence of
consumer base program, party base organization
17Peace - Main Issues
- Truth commission (satya Nirupan Ayog)
- Reconciliation (Mel-milap) Commission
Resettlement of conflict victim
18Discussion Agenda
- Peace
- Democracy
- Development
19Focused Area
20Democracy Focused area
- Strengthen Terai-Madhesh Issues on democracy
- State Restructuring
- Lobby and advocacy to form Act/policy in favour
of Terai/Madhesh
22Democracy - Main Issues
in all sector of state
23Democracy - Main Issues
- Proportional participation
women, Ethnic groups, marginalized and indigenous
group etc.
24Democracy - Main Issues
State restructuring, structure of court, facility
of public service commission/state
commission/local governance
25Democracy - Main Issues
- Empowerment of CA Members
For enhancing capacity to lobby and advocate in
constitution making process
26Democracy - Main Issues
- National Demographic Census
A national level population census should be
conducted before next election
27Democracy - Main Issues
- Population Based Constituency
Electoral constituency based on population
28Democracy - Main Issues
- Decentralization of Power
Power to province District and VDC/Municipality
29Democracy - Main Issues
ensuring rights for all (media, child, women,
displaced and marginalized group, Compensation
for madesh andolan victims, Compensation for
martyr of Terai/Madesh origin
30Democracy - Main Issues
- Participation in different law/act drafting
committees in CA
Active role and participation, Inter-party lobby
31Democracy - Main Issues
- Distribution of National Income
Should be divided among all states based on
population (hydro-power, SAPTA, Tourism, Herbal
Industry, Agro based farming)
32Democracy - Main Issues
- Compensation on flooding due to river from hill
Government should provide compensation to framers
of low-land area for the damage incurred due to
flood from hill origin rivers
33Democracy - Main Issues
- Financial Support to National parties from
Fund problem in political parties, crisis to
parties in election campaign system, government
should provide financial support for
34Democracy - Main Issues
- Definition of "IDENTITY" in law
It is essential to be clear on how law defines
the madeshi identity in new constitution.
35Discussion Agenda
- Peace
- Democracy
- Development
36Focused Area
37Development Focused area
- Policy on disaster preparedness
- Development and Social Change
- Direct Partnership with International Supporting
Agencies to support Terai-Madhesh people.
39Development - Main Issues
- Access on Natural Resources
Ownership of local people on local natural
resources (land, water, forest), Community
forestry, Partnership forestry, how it could be
used in favor of Terai/madeshi people
40Development - Main Issues
Gender, caste, ethnic, religion, minority groups
(e.g. Muslim, Christian, Sikha) and linguistic
41Development - Main Issues
- Allocation/Distribution of budget based on
National Income
Population proportionate budget
42Development - Main Issues
- Policy in favor of Terai/madhesh
health, education, agriculture, environment,
infrastructure, science and technology, media
43Development - Main Issues
long term and short term relief and
rehabilitation strategy for disasters e.g.
flooding, Cold wave (Fog/sitlahari), Fire-disaster
44Development - Main Issues
land, forest, wildlife, forest clearance
illegal timber smuggling
45Development - Main Issues
- Desertification of low-land area
Accumulation of sand on fertile land of Terai and
its consequences
46Development - Main Issues
- Protection and promotion of Cultural Heritage
Budha's birth place-Lumbini, Matihani, Jannki
temple-Janakpur, Gadhi mai-Bara etc.
47Development - Main Issues
- Development of Tourism sector in Terai-madesh
Identifying tourism places and its propaganda,
neighboring state tourism, development of hotels
and restaurants
48Development - Main Issues
- Infrastructure Development
Hulaki Road, District HQ Link road, Sewage
Drainage system development, Drinking water
system development
49Development - Main Issues
Development and use of state owned media (T.V.,
RSS, Gorkhapatra etc)
50Development - Main Issues
- Urbanization in rural areas
Some VDCs are developing their status as Urban
51Development - Main Issues
for mainstreaming youth to minimize political,
social conflict resolution and development
52Development - Main Issues
- Role of CAUCUS member in partnership
Advocacy and lobby with bilateral and collateral