Title: The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
1The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
- Named after Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859)
a universal scholar, renowned for his scientific
explorations of South America and his support of
young scholars - Present Humboldt Foundation established in 1953
- Financed by the Federal Ministry for Foreign
Affairs, by the Federal Ministry for Education
and Research and by the Federal Ministry for
Economic Cooperation and Development - Has sponsored more than 20,000 scientists and
scholars from over 130 countries
2Mission Statement
- The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation sponsors
highly qualified post-doctorate German and
non-German scientists and scholars - The Humboldt Foundation in a nutshell
- sponsorship of individual excellence
- no quotas for countries or fields of research
- individual selection of project and academic host
- long-term research stays in Germany
- cooperations between researchers from around the
world - lasting networks of between scientists and
scholars in Germany and in other countries - lifelong contact with the Humboldt Foundation
through follow-up programme
3Humboldt guest-researchers
Humboldt- Research fellows (18.000)
Awardees (3.000)
Lynen (2.000)
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5Humboldt Research Fellowshipsby discipline
1998 - 2002 total number 2.531
6Follow-up sponsorship
Sponsorship outside Germany
- Equipment- and book donations
- Short term visits by scholars from Germany
- Long term stays by scholars from Germany
- Partnerships between institutes
- Colloquia abroad
- Humboldt-Kollegs
- Humboldt-Clubs und Humboldt-Associations
7Georg Forster Research Fellowships
Selected developing and threshold countries
Research projects con- tributing to
further development in the fellows countries
Age limit 45 years
Application and sponsorship comparable to
Humboldt Research Fellowship
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- Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung
- Jean-Paul-Str. 12
- D-53173 Bonn
- Phone. 49-228-833-0
- Fax 49-228-833-199
- E-mail select_at_avh.de