Title: Richard K' Lyons, Dean BerkeleyHaas School of Business
1Richard K. Lyons, DeanBerkeley-Haas School of
The Americas Competitiveness Forum III Financing
in Time of Crisis
2Business creation after crises
- Business Creation and Destruction
- Example Window Mechanism
- Why does the Window close?
- Recurrent Crises
- Current Crisis
- Lessons on Resource Reallocation
4Business Creation and Destruction
Source US Census Bureau
5Business Creation and Destruction
.com burst
Source US Census Bureau
6Business Creation and Destruction
- Fact entry gt exit in booms,
- entry exit in crises.
- First Best Efficient Reallocation or Cleansing
Effect. - Entry-Exit Behavior Window Mechanism
7Example Window Mechanism
- Entry-Exit from investment point of view.
Example IPOs open window in US
Source Jay Ritter and Tim Loughran 2008, Thomson
8Example Window Mechanism
- Entry-Exit from investment point of view.
Example IPOs open window in US
Source Jay Ritter and Tim Loughran 2008, Thomson
9Example Window Mechanism
- Investors invest massively in certain periods, in
others they dont (WINDOW CLOSED). - Why?
- Market confidence
- Access to financing
- Proper institutional framework
- Herding (?)
10Why does the Window close?
- Restructuring deterred by (Caballero and Hammour
2000) - Underdeveloped Institutions Many emerging
economies. - Recurrent crises.
11Recurrent Crises
Source IMF, World Economic Outlook 2009
12Recurrent Crises
Source IMF, World Economic Outlook 2009
13Recurrent Crises
Bench Median
Source IMF, World Economic Outlook 2009
14Recurrent Crises
- Large liquidations, but not always efficient
reallocation - Underdeveloped institutions hinder efficient
reallocation (CH 2000) - Some countries reallocate efficiently
- Benchmark France, Norway, Canada, US, Australia,
UK, Netherlands, Singapore, Germany and Japan,
Spain, Israel . - Why?
15Reallocation of Resources
Source World Bank, World Development Indicators
16Reallocation of Resources
Source World Bank, World Development Indicators
17Reallocation of Resources
- Latin American countries are separated from
benchmarks trend - Costly start a business, specially after crises
- In Latin America, Is the window likely to stay
closed after the crisis?
18Current Crisis
Source IMF, World Economic Outlook 2009
19Current Crisis Causes
- Negative surprise in distress of financial
system. - Concentration of aggregate risk in highly
leveraged (systemically important) financial
institutions. - Policy response too slow in addressing the
consequences of the previous bullet points.
20Lessons facilitating liquidation and fostering
- The challenge is to ensure that reallocation
(investment and labor mobility) be fast and
productive. How?
23Reallocation of Resources
Source World Bank, World Development Indicators
24(No Transcript)