Title: IDK0040 V
1IDK0040 Võrgurakendused Iharjutus 05Forms
2HTML Forms and Input
- A form is an area that can contain form elements.
- Form elements are elements that allow the user to
enter information (like text fields, textarea
fields, drop-down menus, radio buttons,
checkboxes, etc.) in a form. - A form is defined with the ltformgt tag.
- ltformgt
- ltinputgt
- ltinputgt
- lt/formgt
3Text Fields
- ltformgt
- First name ltinput type"text" name"firstname"gt
- ltbrgt
- Last name ltinput type"text" name"lastname"gt
- lt/formgt
- type"password"
4Radio Buttons
- ltformgt
- ltinput type"radio" name"sex" value"m"gt Male
ltbrgt ltinput type"radio" name"sex" value"f"gt
Female - lt/formgt
- ltinput type"checkbox" name"bike"gt I have a bike
- ltbrgt
- ltinput type"checkbox" name"car"gt I have a car
6Drop-Down Box
ltformgt ltselect name"cars"gt ltoption
value"volvo"gtVolvo ltoption value"saab"gtSaab
ltoption value"fiat"gtFiat ltoption
value"audi"gtAudi lt/selectgt lt/formgt
7Drop-Down Box
ltformgt ltselect name"cars"gt ltoption
value"volvo"gtVolvo ltoption value"saab"gtSaab
ltoption value"fiat" selected"selected"gtFiat lto
ption value"audi"gtAudi lt/selectgt lt/formgt
8Drop-down box with subelements
- ltselectgt
- ltoptgroup label"Europe"gt
- ltoption value"ee"gtEstonialt/optiongt
- ltoption value"sw"gtSwedenlt/optiongt
- lt/optgroupgt
- ltoptgroup label"Asia"gt
- ltoption value"jp"gtJapanlt/optiongt
- ltoption value"ch"gtChinalt/optiongt
- lt/optgroupgt
- lt/selectgt
- lttextarea rows"10" cols"30"gt
- The cat was playing in the garden.
- lt/textareagt
10File upload
- lthtmlgt
- ltbodygt
- ltformgt
- File to upload ltinput type"file"/gt
- lt/formgt
- lt/bodygt
- lt/htmlgt
- lthtmlgt
- ltbodygt
- ltformgt
- A ltinput type"text" value"1" name"a"/gt,
- B ltinput type"text" value"2" name"b"/gt
- ltinput type"button" value"Sum up"/gt
- ltinput type"reset" value"Reset form"/gt
- lt/formgt
- lt/bodygt
- lt/htmlgt
12Hidden control
- ltinput typehiddengt - used to transfer some
hidden information to/from server as controls
could be referenced by javascript etc.
- ltfieldsetgt
- ltlegendgtHealth informationlt/legendgt
- Height ltinput type"text" size"3"gt
- Weight ltinput type"text" size"3"gt
- lt/fieldsetgt
14Identifying controls
- Controls can be identified/referred
- Name
- ID
- ltinput typetext nameagt
- ltinput typetext idagt
15The Form's Action Attribute and the Submit Button
- When the user clicks on the "Submit" button,
the content of the form is sent to another file.
The form's action attribute defines the name of
the file to send the content to. The file defined
in the action attribute usually does something
with the received input.
16The Form's Action Attribute and the Submit Button
- ltform name"input" action"act.php" method"get"gt
- Username ltinput type"text" name"user"gt
- ltinput type"submit" value"Submit"gt
- lt/formgt
- If you type some characters in the text field
above, and click the "Submit" button, you will
send your input to a page called "act.php".
lthtmlgt ltheadgtlt/headgt ltbodygt ltform
action"MAILTOkalkin_at_solo.ee" method"post"
enctype"text/plain"gt lth3gtThis form sends an
e-mail.lt/h3gt Nameltinput type"text" name"name"
value"your name" size"20"gt ltbrgt Mailltinput
type"text" nameemail" valueyour email"
size"20"gt ltbrgt Commentltinput type"text"
name"comment" valueyour comment" size"40"gtltbr
/gt ltinput type"submit" value"Send"gt lt/formgt lt/bo
dygt lt/htmlgt