Title: Toronto Emergency Operations Centre
1Toronto Emergency Operations Centre
Provincial Level Networks EMO A.R.E.S. in
conjunction with Ontario A.R.E.S. operates a
series of networks utilizing a wide range of
telecommunications equipment and technology and
through objective planning of these resources
deliver an auxiliary communications system in the
interest of Public Safety and Service. Note
All nets are listed in eastern time.
2Toronto Emergency Operations Centre
Daily HF Networks 1000 hrs Communications
Ontario Net 7.153 MHz. The Communications
Ontario Net, Comsont for short, was established
in 1978 as an Emergency Preparedness Net which
regularly interfaces with the Ontario Phone Net.
1600 hrs Ontario Phone Net (NTS) 3.742 MHz.
Winter Schedule The Ontario Phone Net is a
formal traffic net, affiliated with the National
Traffic System. In emergencies, NTS is geared to
go into continuous operation in accordance with
the needs and the extent of the particular
3Toronto Emergency Operations Centre
Sunday HF Nets 1300 hrs Ontario A.R.E.S. 40
Metre Net 7.153 MHz The purpose of this net is
to establish and maintain an HF network of ARES
stations and groups representative of all areas
and districts in the Province that will provide
information and support to ARES individuals and
groups, as well as be a training net for stations
to prepare for the potential of a communications
exercise or event requiring the support of the
Amateur Radio Emergency Service. 1700 hrs
Ontario A.R.E.S. 80 Metre Net 3.742 MHz Winter
Schedule The purpose of this net is to
establish and maintain an HF network of ARES
stations and groups representative of all areas
and districts in the Province that will provide
information and support to ARES individuals and
groups, as well as be a training net for stations
to prepare for the potential of a communications
exercise or event requiring the support of the
Amateur Radio Emergency Service.
4Toronto Emergency Operations Centre
Internet Radio Linking Project Network Wednesday
Sunday 2000 hrs Ontario A.R.E.S. IRLP
Net Vancouver reflector 9005 The purpose of
these nets are to provide a network for ARES
personnel to share information on local events
and exercises.
5Toronto Emergency Operations Centre
Provincial Emergency Communications (Procom)
Network Linked repeater network The Procom
Network has been in development for the past 5
years to supplement HF emergency communications
during poor band conditions. The Procom Net
meets every Thursday evening at 800 pm (2000
hrs) using the Escarpment Repeater Association
linked repeater system which is also linked to
the Southern Ontario Repeater Team (SORT)
repeater system. We incorporate IRLP via the
Crossroads Reflector node 9206. In the event
of a declared emergency this network would be
used to pass emergency traffic between Provincial
and Municipal Emergency Operations Centres as
well as local ARES Groups, providing coverage of
all Ontario Districts. The primary HF emergency
traffic frequencies are 7.153Mhz. and 3.742Mhz.
Note The Procom Net operates under the
direction of Emergency Management
Ontario www.emoares.org
6Toronto Emergency Operations Centre
7Toronto Emergency Operations Centre
Escarpment Repeater Association -VE3WIK 443.675
(131.8Hz) Carlisle -VA3WAJ 442.425 (107.2 Hz)
Niagara -VE3SED 442.200 (131.8 Hz), 53.370
(131.8Hz) Baden -VE3SNM 442.850 (136.5 Hz)
Ballantrae -VE3MBR 147.105 (156.7), 444.425
(156.7) Goring -VE3RXR 145.310 MHz (156.7 Hz)
Little Current YYZ Network -VE3YYZ 443.050
(103.5 Hz) Toronto -VE3PLF 444.725, 224.800
(107.2) Fonthill -VE3MXR 444.975 (103.5)
8Toronto Emergency Operations Centre
Southern Ontario Repeater Team -VE3TTT 147.180
(114.8 Hz), 442.300 (114.8), -VE3SUE 444.400
(114.8 Hz) London -VE3TCB 146.940 (123.0 Hz)
Ipperwash -VE3SRT 442.050 (123.0 Hz) Greenway
-VE3OBC 146.910 (123.0) Goderich -VE3WWD
443.075 (123.0) Whitechurch -VE3RGB 146.760
MHz (123.0 Hz) Grand Bend Crossroads Indiana
IRLP Reflector IRLP is used to provide coverage
for the balance of Ontario as expansion of the
network continues Regular Net Channel
9206 Emergency Tactical Channel 9207
9Toronto Emergency Operations Centre
Toronto Local Area Network Daily morning 1100
Chat Net 145.130 (103.5 pl) except Sunday
147.270 (no pl) Daily Formal Traffic Net 1800
Sun, Mon, Wed, Fri 145.130 (103.5 pl) Tues
146.460 (simplex) Thurs 446.025 (simplex) Sat
442.375 (103.5 pl) Other Nets Sunday
2030 UHF Simplex Net 446.025 Sunday
2100 6 Meter Simplex Net 52.490 Saturday
2030 6 Meter Repeater Net 53.030 (103.5
pl) Saturday 2100 6 Meter Repeater Net
53.390 (no pl) http//ares.meskes.ca