Title: AAPG 2006 Perupetro Session Petrolifera Petroleum Limited Presentation
1 AAPG 2006Perupetro SessionPetrolifera
Petroleum LimitedPresentation
2Petrolifera The Company
- Public oil and gas company operating in South
America - IPO completed November 8, 2005, with TSX listing
under the symbol PDP - 35 Owned by Connacher Oil and Gas Limited
- A Canadian oil and gas exploration company with
interests in oil sands and conventional oil and
gas projects - Two main focus areas
- Low risk, low cost (well cost US650,000)
exploration/exploitation opportunities - Petrolifera has established production in the
Neuquen Basin at - Puesto Morales/Rinconada
- 95,000 acres(4 townships)
- 100 owned and operated
4Petroliferas Argentina Land Holdings
- Puesto Morales
- P. Morales Oil Field
- P. Morales N. Oil (new) Gas Field
- La Ramona Norte Oil Gas Field (new)
- Rinconada
- Rinconada Oil Field (abandoned)
- Geologically Attractive
- On the prolific
- eastern shelf
- On trend with thegiant Medanito Field
- Block had seen no exploration for approximately
30 years before 2003
5Puesto Morales Drilled Wells 2005/06
2005/06 Oil Wells
RN.PM.x-1003 - Sierras Blancas up to 6,000
bbl/d on 2 choke
- Punta Rosada up to 2,400 bbl/d on
2 choke RN.PM.x-1002 - Sierras
Blancas up to 2,340 bbl/d on ¾
choke RN.PM.x-1004 - Sierras Blancas up to
940 bbl/d on ½ choke RN.PM.a-1010 -
Sierras Blancas up to 1,700 bbl/d on ¾
choke - Punta Rosada
up to 2,500 bbl/d on ¾
choke RN.PM.a-1011 - Sierras Blancas up to
700 bbl/d on ¾ choke
- Punta Rosada up to 2,500 bbl/d on
¾choke RN.PM.x-1005 - Quintuco 118 bopd, 96
bbl frac water Production 1/1/2005 _at_
80 bopd Current Production _at_ 3,500
bopd (restricted by facilities)
approx. Exit Rate 2006 est. _at_ gt10,000 bopd