Title: Konstantinos Dimopoulos
1Vector Fields and the
Curvature Perturbation in the Universe
Konstantinos Dimopoulos
Lancaster University
2Hot Big Bang and Cosmic Inflation
- On large scales Universe Uniform
- Structure smooth over 100 Mpc Universe m Fractal
3Hot Big Bang and Cosmic Inflation
- Cosmological Principle The Universe is
Homogeneous and Isotropic
- Incompatible with Finite Age
- Horizon Problem Uniformity over causally
disconnected regions
- The CMB appears correlated
- on superhorizon scales
- (in thermal equilibrium at
- preferred reference frame)
- Cosmic Inflation Brief period of superluminal
expansion of space
- Inflation produces correlations over superhorizon
distances by expanding an initially causally
connected region to size larger than the
observable Universe
4Hot Big Bang and Cosmic Inflation
- Inflation imposes the Cosmological Principle
- C. Principle no galaxies!
- Quantum fluctuations (virtual particles) of light
fields exit the Horizon
5The Inflationary Paradigm
- The Universe undergoes inflation when dominated
by the potential density of a scalar field
(called the inflaton field)
A flat direction is required
6Solving the Flatness Problem
- Flatness Problem
- The Universe appears to
- be spatially flat despite the fact that
flatness is unstable
- Inflation enlarges the radius
- of curvature to scales much larger than the
7The end of Inflation
Reheating must occur before BBN
8Particle Production during Inflation
- Semi-classical method for scalar fieds
- Vacuum boundary condition
9Particle Production during Inflation
Hawking temperature
10Particle Production during Inflation
? Scale invariance
11The Inflaton Hypothesis
- The field responsible for the curvature
perturbation is the same field which drives the
dynamics of inflation
Tight constraint ? Fine tuning
12The Curvaton Hypothesis
- The curvaton is a light field
- Realistic candidates include RH-sneutrino,
orthogonal axion, MSSM flat direction
Curvaton not ad hoc
During inflation the curvatons conribution to
the density is negligible
13The curvaton mechanism
- After unfreezing the curvaton oscillates around
its VEV
- Coherent curvaton oscillations correspond to
pressureless matter which dominates the Universe
imposing its own curvature perturbation
14Scalar vs Vector Fields
- Scalar fields employed to address many open
issues inflationary paradigm, dark energy
(quintessence) baryogenesis (Affleck-Dine)
- Scalar fields are ubiquitous in theories beyond
the standard model such as Supersymmetry (scalar
parteners) or string theory (moduli)
- However, no scalar field has ever been observed
- Designing models using unobserved scalar fields
undermines their predictability and
falsifiability, despite the recent precision data
- The latest theoretical developments (string
landscape) offer too much freedom for
- Can we do Cosmology without scalar fields?
, Dark Matter
, Dark Energy (?CDM)
- Inflationary expansion without scalar fields is
also possible
- However, to date, no mechanism for the generation
of the curvature/density perturbation without a
scalar field exists
15Why not Vector Fields?
- Inflation homogenizes Vector Fields
- To affect / generate the curvature perturbation a
Vector Field needs to (nearly) dominate the
- Homogeneous Vector Field in general anisotropic
- Basic Problem the generatation of a large-scale
anisotropy is in conflict with CMB observations
- However, An oscillating massive vector field can
avoid excessive large-scale anisotropy
- Also, some weak large-scale anisotropy might be
present in the CMB (Axis of Evil)
16Massive Abelian Vector Field
- To retain isotropy the vector field must not
drive inflation
Vector Inflation Golovnev et al. (2008) uses
100s of vector fields
17Vector Curvaton
- Vector field can be curvaton if safe domination
of Universe is possible
Pressureless and Isotropic
- Vector field domination can occur without
introducing significant anisotropy. The curvature
perturbation is imposed at domination
18Particle Production of Vector Fields
- Breakdown of conformality of massless vector
field is necessary
Conformal Invariance vector field does not
couple to metric (virtual particles not pulled
outside Horizon during inflation)
19Particle Production of Vector Fields
- Cases AB vector curvaton subdominant
statistical anisotropy only
20Non-minimally coupled Vector Curvaton
21Non-minimally coupled Vector Curvaton
- The vector curvaton can be the cause of
statistical anisotropy
saturates observational bound
22Statistical Anisotropy and non-Gaussianity
- Non Gaussianity in vector curvaton scenario
- Non-Gaussianity correlated with statistical
Smoking gun
- A vector field can contribute to the curvature
- In this case, the vector field undergoes rapid
harmonic oscillations during which it acts as a
pressureless isotropic fluid
- Hence, when the oscillating vector field
dominates, it introduces negligible anisotropy
(Axis of Evil?)
- If particle production is isotropic then the
vector curvaton can alone generate the curvature
perturbation in the Universe
- If particle production is anisotropic then the
vector curvaton can give rise to statistical
anisotropy, potentially observable by Planck
- Correlation of statistical anisotropy and
non-Gaussianity in the CMB is the smoking gun for
the vector curvaton scenario
- The challenge is to obtain candidates in theories
beyond the standard model, which can play the
role of the vector curvaton
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Journal of High Energy Physics 07 (2008) 119
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