Title: Coalition on Drift Minimization
1CoAAA Convention
Robert E. Wolf Extension Specialist Application
2NAAA Membership
- Programs designed to help your application
business - Strong presence in WDC (fuel tax)
- Media representation
- Education and Safety Training
- S.A.F.E.
- Leadership Training
- Pilot Mentoring
- Support Aerial Research
- Magazine
- Meeting and Trade Show
3NAAA Convention
- Reno, NV - Dec. 4-7, 2005
- Trade Show, ASAE Papers, Workshops
- Mock Drift Trial, Banquets, CP breakfast
pp 25-29
4Operation S.A.F.E.
- Self-Regulating Application and Flight Efficiency
- Comprehensive program of education,
- Professional analysis of application, and
- Commitment to the principles outlined by the NAAA
Board of Directors which includes - Demonstration of responsibility to minimize the
potential for adverse health and environmental
effects from applying crop protection chemicals. - Professional Applicator Analysis Clinic
- S.A.F.E. Flyin Workshop
- Swath/Pattern and droplet analysis open to all
licensed operators or agricultural aviators - Receive S.A.F.E. Emblem current NAAA member
- Emblem given when aircraft, pilot, and the
operator meet S.A.F.E. guidelines
Now -Recertification credits
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Composite Results VMD 404 (300-500) VD (0.1)
237 (gt200) VD (0.9) 592 (lt600) GPA 2.650
Area Coverage 6.4
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The application triangle
Off-site protection
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12Spray Droplet Management!
- Need knowledge of the product being used.
- Herbicide, Fungicide, Insecticide
- Systemic
- Contact
- Uniform coverage.
- What is the target?
- Soil
- Grass
- Broadleaf (smooth, hairy, waxy)
- Leaf orientation time of day
- Penetration into canopy
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14Canopy Density- Timing a factor!
- Light more visible soil surface than vegetative
plant surface. Plant height from 12 14 inches
(VE to V6). - Medium some soil surface still visible. Plant
height from 15 22 inches (R1 to R2). - Heavy no soil surface visible. Plant height at
least 23 inches (R3-R8).
Light to Medium Canopy
Light Canopy
Heavy Canopy
15When does it infect?
- Biggest threat is in reproductive phase R1 R6
- Initial treatment is often at R1-R3 then every
1421 days
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17Efficacy and Drift Mitigation
- Droplet Spectrum (Range - big to small)
- Size of the Spray Droplets - Microns
- Volume Median Diameter (VMD)
Volume in droplets less than 200 microns in
18Drop Size
One micron (?m) 1/25,000 inch
19Definition of Drift
- Movement of spray particles and vapors
off-target causing less effective control and
possible injury to susceptible vegetation,
wildlife, and people. - Adapted from National Coalition on Drift
Minimization 1997 as adopted from the AAPCO
Pesticide Drift Enforcement Policy - March 1991
20Types of Drift
- Vapor Drift - associated with volatilization
(gas, fumes) - Particle Drift - movement of spray particles
during or after the spray application
21Factors Affecting Drift
- Spray Characteristics
- chemical
- formulation
- drop size
- evaporation
- Equipment Application
- nozzle type
- nozzle size
- deflection angle
- nozzle pressure
- height of release
- Weather
- air movement (direction and velocity)
- temperature and humidity
- air stability/inversions
- topography
221/2 of spray volume smaller droplets
1/2 of spray volume larger droplets
23Important Droplet Statistics
VMD (50)
Operational Area
VD0.9 (90)
VD0.1 (10)
24EPA Requested Changes Coming!?!?
- Guidance to Chemical Manufacturers
- Match the crop protection product to the target
- Adhere to label guidelines based on an industry
standard - ASAE S-572
- Buffer Zones or No Spray Zones
- Maximize Efficacy
- Minimize Drift
25ASAE S-572 Droplet Size Standard
Source Crop Life July 2002
27CP Website link
28CP Website
30CP Website
31CP Website
- CD Demo of droplet size determination
32USDA Aerial Nozzle Atomization Models
The models are implemented in Microsoft Excel
computer spreadsheets and are available for
download at http//apmru.usda.gov/downloads/downl
33USDA Aerial Nozzle Atomization Models
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35Evaluate Scenarios
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37CP Swivel
- Quick change angle device
- 15 degree increments
- Flexibility to increase the angle of attack
- Influence the droplet spectrum
38Cessna 188 (CP11TT-4008 _at_40 PSI, 35 nozzles, 115
39Cessna 188 (CP11TT-4020 _at_40 PSI, 35 nozzles, 115
41JARBA - Jones Aerial Rotating Boom Assembly
- Smart drop technology
- In-flight automatic flexibility and control
- Nozzle angle (0-90)
- Boom length (outer 50)
- Farmscan Airlink Variable Rate Controller
- Liquid and Dry systems
- Auto drop controller based on desired VMD
- Nozzle calculator
- Inputs VMD, Nozzle size, MPH,
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44JARBA Goodland Demo
45Research Update
- Aerial and ground canopy penetration
- Electrostatic efficacy and canopy penetration
- Pulse Width Modulation efficacy- ground
- Variable Rate Application - ground
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47Materials and Methods
- Soybean circle, Ingalls, KS
- August 30, 2004 (800-1000 AM)
- Design 2 x 5 (10 treatments with 3 reps each)
- Products completely randomized
- All treatments parallel to the wind
- Soybeans were 36-46 inches tall
- R6 growth stage and 90 canopy fill
- Application Conditions
- 58-70F temperature
- 77 average relative humidity
- Wind speed
- Range 5-11 mph
- Average 8.8 mph
- Direction range 170 - 210 degrees
48Materials and Methods
- AT 401W (Ingalls Aerial)
- Walters Engine Conversion
- Drop booms
- CP-09 nozzles w/30 deflection
- 3 GPA (35 nozzles)
- 2/3 - .078 and 1/3 - .125
- 1 GPA (33 nozzles) .062
- 29 psi
- Average speed 129 mph GPS measured
- Medium droplets USDA Worksheets
- Aircraft Operation S.A.F.E. calibrated
- Application Height 10-12 feet
49Materials and Methods
- 4 deposition aids
- Preference
- Preference Placement
- Interlock Preference
- Interlock Rivet
- Water used as a check
- Spray mixes containing 50 gal
- NIS (Crop Oil Concentrate) _at_ 3 ounces/acre
- Tap water
- Required amount of product or combination of
products per label - Application volumes
- 3 GPA
- 1 GPA
50Collection Procedure for canopy
- 1 pass
- 7 collectors evenly spaced across the swath width
- 3 kromekote papers on each collector
- placed in top, middle, and bottom of canopy 21
papers - 4 papers in non canopy area
51Aerial Canopy Results
52Aerial Canopy Results
53Average Coverage Across Canopy Position at 3 GPA
sum of top, middle, and bottom averaged
54Aerial Canopy Results
55Field Comparisons for Drift Reducing/Deposition
Aid Tank Mixes
56Materials and Methods
- AT 502A (Hawkeye Flying Service)
- Drop booms
- CP-09 nozzles w/5 deflection
- Combination of .078 and .125 orifice settings
- 40 psi
- 150 mph ground speed by radar
- Cessna 188 Ag Husky (Rucker Flying Service)
- Ag Tips
- CP-03 w/30 degree deflection
- Combination of .078 and .125 orifice settings
- 26 psi
- 115 mph ground speed by radar
- Aircraft calibrated for 3 GPA
57Participants in the Study
- United Suppliers
- Helena Chemical
- Garrco
- Loveland
- Wilber-Ellis
- Rosens
- Precision Labs
- SanAg
- 41-A
- Formula One
- AMS 20/10
- Border EG 250
- Control
- Inplace
- Garrco Exp-3
- Border XTRA 8L
- HM2005-C
- HM0226
- Liberate
- Target LC
- HM2052
- HM 0230
- Valid
- Double Down
- 20 21. water
58Collection Procedure for drift
59Final Rank Horizontal _at_ 4.2 mph - AT
60Final Rank Horizontal _at_ 4.2 MPH - Cessna
61Final Rank Vertical _at_ 4.2 MPH - AT
62Final Rank Vertical _at_ 4.2 MPH - Cessna
63 A.C.E. (Application Controller Extension)
-Controller -Meter -Valve
64- Variable Rate
- Based on Satellite Imagery and Prescription Maps
- Taken from Shape, mid/mif and dxf files with flow
information - Choose colors for varying rates
- Companies can provide imagery In-Time
65- Variable Rate Components
- Satloc M3 with AirTrac Software
- Controller System
- Optional Hydraulic or Electric Systems
- Imagery
- Satellite, Aerial or Ground-Based
- Prescription Maps based from Shape, Mid/Mif or
dxf files
66Map Created with varying rates
67Prescription Map and As Applied Map
68Variable Rate Application
- Speed variations from 2-20 MPH
- Application rates of 5-40 GPA
- Variable area pre orifice
- Variable area spray orifice
- Optimize spray droplet size
- Maintain efficacy and minimize drift.
69For more information contact