Title: ObjectOriented Building Models
1Object-Oriented Building Models
- Kaj A. Jørgensen
- Aalborg University, Department of Production
3Computerbaserede bygningsmodeller
Jørn Utzon skaber sin kunstneriske form 1957
Jørn Utzon skræller en appelsin
Jørn Utzon får geometrien af formen bestemt
Forudsætningen for et rationelt byggeri
Samtidig begynder det danske montagebyggeri
4Computeren som regnemaskine
Computeren muliggør præcis geometri af frie former
Det er 3D - men ren geometri
Målsætning og produktionsgrundlag
Forudsætningen for et præcist byggeri
5Den parametriske komponent
Komponenten er designet og programmeret hos
Arkitekten tager den ind i sit projekt og
tilpasser den
Arkitektens elektroniske bygningsmodel består
således af objekter så den kan gøres til
genstand for simulering af forskellig art
Den tilpassede komponent danner grundlag for
producentens fremstilling, styklister, tilbud mv.
Det er 3D med Intelligens
6Bygningsmodel Sorthøjparken Aalborg
7Fundamentals of Building models
- Analytic models versus synthetic models
- The object concept
- Attributes
8Modelling two approaches
- Analytic modelling
- modelling by abstraction
- Synthetic modelling
- realisation of artefacts
9Modelling two kinds of models
10Synthetic Modelling is the Foundation
11Synthetic Building Models
- Modelling is performed as a synthetic model
- The physical building is constructed from a
synthetic model - Various representations are necessary
- on different levels of abstraction
- on different levels of detail
- Several domains must be included in the
representation - building
- actors and resources
- activities
- etc.
- The building should be modelled for the complete
life cycle
12The Object Concept
- In the real world
- objects are living and communicating organisms
- objects have properties
- factual properties
- operational properties - behaviour
- In data models
- software objects are representations of real
world objects - software objects are described by attributes
- analytic view classes of objects - members of
classes - synthetic view types of objects - objects are
instances of types - two design levels the type level and the object
level - abstraction mechanisms classification and
composition can be applied
13Building Modelling
- Building CAD tools generally contain
- Models of physical objects and products is the
foundation - Walls, columns, beams, openings, etc.
- Libraries of objects and products
- Windows, doors, furniture, lamps, etc.
- An analytic view of the building is often used
- A number of problems are related to this, e.g.
- What are rooms?
- Is a complete front wall one or many objects?
- How can functional requirements be described?
- A number of other tools must be used also - model
14Building Objects e.g. wall-element
- Models are built from objects
- Object properties are specified
- Geometry
- Materials
- Prices
- Generic model component
- Attributes and structures of sub-components
- Relationships
- Modelling matrix
16Information Modelling Generic Model Component
- Model component
- Living organism - communicating
- Content
- attributes
- factual - state
- operational - behaviour
- structures of sub-components
- references
- collections
- Encapsulation - attributes can be
- visible for other systems
- hidden from other system
17Data Modelling Fundamentals, cont.
- References
- A reference contains the address value of another
object - Symbol in type diagrams arrow
- A reference can be used to represent an oriented
relationship between two objects - examples window ? wall floor ?
roombuilding ? building complex
18Data Modelling Fundamentals, cont.
- Collections
- Oriented relationship between two object types
examples wall ---gtgt window, room ---gtgt wall - Symbol in type diagrams double-headed arrow
- Anchor type and body type
- Identified by a special attribute in the anchor
type - One-to-many relationships
- Internal organisation - information structure
- static structure - array
- dynamic/linked structures standard structures
lists, trees, networks
Object types
19Dynamic Data Structures - Linked Representations
- Characteristics - Efficiency
- Insert and remove operations
- Retrieval operations most efficient search
trees - Standard structures
- List structures
- Single-linked
- Double-linked
- Tree structures
- Binary trees
- Multi-way trees
- Networks
20Model Detailing Attributes X Structure
Identification of attributes
Identificationof structure
21Instantiation from Model Component Types
- Component types
- Primary content of information models
- Identification - definition - specification
- Attributes - name, data type, constraints
- Relationship types
- reference types
- collection types
- can be defined by special attributes
- Components
- Generated from types
- Indefinite number of instances
22Abstraction Mechanisms
- Composition Aggregation versus Separation
- Classification Generalisation versus
23Building Models and Abstraction Mechanisms
- Application of two abstraction mechanisms
- Classification
- Composition
- Composition
- Aggregation/separation, consists-of / part-of
relationships - Ex building ground floor wall paint
- Classification
- Generalisation/specialisation, is-a relationships
- Ex Buildings classified by materials
- wooden, steel, concrete, brick, etc.
24Composition System and Environment/Surrounding
25Composition Hierarchy
26Composition of buildings
- Hierarchy Example 1
- Building
- B1
- B2
- Building section
- BS1
- BS2
- Storey
- S1
- S2
- Room
- R1
- R2
- Furniture
- ...
27Composition of buildings
- Hierarchy Example 2
- ...
- Storey
- S1
- S2
- Room
- R1
- ...
- Building component
- BC1
- BC2
- Building component
- BC21
- ...
Building elements
28Composition of buildings
- Hierarchy Example 3
- Storey
- S1
- S2
- Building component
- BC1
- BC2
- Building component
- BC21
- BC22
- Building component
- BC221
- BC222
- ...
29Building Models and Classification
- Classification of building objects
- Selection of attributes
- Possibly values/value ranges
- Taxonomy structure, hierarchy
- types/classes of objects
- Taxonomies of object types
- Built for easy selection of objects
- Dynamic creation of taxonomies
- Criteria provided by the user
30Computer-Based Models Based On Information Models
31Classification Example Taxonomy of Components
32Composition Example Taxonomy and References
Type 2
Type 1
Type 3
33Composition Example Taxonomy and Collections
Type 2
Type 1
Type 3
34Building Model Design Tools Libraries of Object
35Representation of Models
- Fundamental system concepts
- Abstraction mechanisms
- Composition
- Classification
- Object-orientation
- Objects with properties and behaviour
- OO modelling is modelling in multiple dimensions
- Taxonomies of models are the foundation
- Objects and relationships are selected from
taxonomies - Objects have pre-defined sets of properties
- Model components are interrelated software
objects - Building models representing e.g. walls, floors,
roofs, windows, doors
36Representation on Multiple Abstraction Levels is
- Proposed logical abstraction levels above the
physical level - Purpose, the overall purpose or need for the
building - Use, the user processes
- Function, the functionalities/features of the
building - Form, the architectural characteristics
- Structure, the structural characteristics
- Components, the building contents
- Performance, the building performance
- Dual view
- Requirements
- Fulfilment
37Building Model LifecycleModel Data Exchange
- STEP and IFC
- The IFC Data Model
- IFC and Applications
- IFC Model Servers
38Bygningsmodellers anvendelse i den totale
39Bygningsmodellens anvendelse i bygningens
- Bygningsmodellering
- Anvendelse af modeller af bygningsobjekter
- Udvikling/anvendelse af produktmodeller
- Analyser og simuleringer
- Visualiseringer,
- Analyser af statiske, termiske og akustiske
forhold - Produktionsstyring
- Indkøb, leverandørstyring, logistik
- Økonomistyring, kalkulationer, budgetter,
omkostninger, mv. - Drift og vedligeholdelse
- Håndtering af ændringer
40Use of Standards - STEP and IFC
- ISO STEP (ISO 10303)
- STandard for Exchange of Product model data
- International Alliance for Interoperability (IAI)
- Industrial Foundation Classes (IFC)
- partly based on STEP
- oriented towards the building sector
- Standardised technical platform
- Implementation and use of STEP and IFC
- A very important development in the SW industry
has been carried out - Building models can be exchanged based on IFC
- Focus on cooperation, integration, and
41Industrial Foundation Classes (IFC)
- Standardised format for product data exchange
- Object-oriented data model for representation of
building models - Generalised representation large variety of
models - Building components and structures
- Actors and resources
- Activities
- Data model elements developed during iterative
process - IFC is oriented towards representation of
physical entities - The data model is developed from the analytical
approach - Models on higher abstraction levels are not
represented - Parameterisation and versioning are not
42Industrial Foundation Classes
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47IFC Relatively Physical and Analytic Oriented
48IFC From a Metadata Point of View
- IFC does not claim to be a metamodel proposal
- IFC is a conceptual model
- Express language, graphical and verbal
- IFC integrates separate models of building
components, operations, activities, actors, etc. - Classification has resulted in a hierarchy of
concepts - Entity types
- Relationship types
- The IFC model has a substantial amount of
semantic data - The validity of the model is well proven
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50Product Models and The Building Model
51Building Model and Separate Construction Model
Building Model for the building life cycle
Operations,equipment, etc.
Construction Model
52Building Model and Construction Models
- Project organisation
- Project composition network of activities and
operations - The building is the basis additional
decomposition necessary - Additional objects related to production, not
incl. in the building - Production equipment
- Each operation
- Input set of objects
- Output one or more objects
- Attributes use of resources, constraints, etc.
- The building model must be updated
- Material consumption, elapsed time, cost, etc.
53Building Construction Tasks/Operations
- Relationships between building components and
Building components
Building component
Building components as well as operations and
relationships should be defined in the building
54Building Model and Construction Model
Construction Model
- Building Model
- Storey
- S2
- Building component
- BC1
- BC2
- Building component
- BC21
- BC22
- Building comp.
- BC221
- BC222
- ...
Extra Parts
CX1CX2CX3 CX4...
EX1 EX2 EX3 EX4...
RX1 RX2RX3 RX4...
55Selected references
- My own papers
- www.iprod.auc.dk/kaj/documents/common/SystemConce
pts.pdf - www.iprod.auc.dk/kaj/documents/common/Bygningsmod
eller.pdf - www.iprod.auc.dk/kaj/documents/papers/Exchange.pd
f - www.iprod.auc.dk/kaj/documents/papers/ProductFami
lyModellingForConstruction.pdf - IAI International Alliance for Interoperability
- www.iai-international.org
- BLIS Project
- www.blis-project.org
- www.blis-project.org/sable
56The end