Title: About robots and spaceship!
1About robots and spaceship!
2On Mars, far far away, there was a big and
successful society of robots from the best kind
there is. They was so smart and they knew to
become stronger from every thing! except from one
3A big black spaceship, was land on mars once a
month and attacked the planet! It made a lot of
damage, in property and life.
4One day, all the robots decided to getting
together to find idea-what to do with this
horrible spaceship? And then one of the young
robots saidin the next time this spaceship will
come here, one of us will stick to it special
machines that ring strongly and then will know
about her visits!
5All the robots agreed this is a great idea and
clap their hands. but then, a old robot stood up
and said this is a wonderful idea, but, who
going to stick those machines on the spaceship?
Everybody was silent in this moment and then he
kept talk you see? Its not enough to say, you
need to implement too!
6The end!