Title: Patchy Colloids, Proteins and Network Forming Liquids:
1Patchy Colloids, Proteins and Network Forming
Liquids Analogies and new insights from
computer simulations Lyon - CECAM - June 26-28
Francesco Sciortino
Dynamics in patchy colloids and network forming
liquids gels and strong glass-forming liquids
- The fate of the liquid state. Gels and phase
separation essential features (Sticky colloids
- Proteins, network-forming liquids) - Models of patchy particles. Why to revisit
them ? - Thermodynamic and dynamic behavior of new patchy
colloids . - Clues in understanding dynamics in network
forming liquids (Silica, water.) - Essential ingredients of strong behavior (A.
Angell scheme) in glass-forming liquids.
Liquid-Gas Spinodal
Glass line (D-gt0)
Binary Mixture LJ particles Equilibrium
homogeoues arrested states only for large
packing fraction
4The general (spherical) case(for hard core
complemented by attraction)
5Nmax4 phase diagram - Isodiffusivity lines
6The PMW model
J. Kolafa and I. Nezbeda, Mol. Phys. 161 87 (1987)
Hard-Sphere 4 sites (2H, 2LP) Tetrahedral
arrangement H-LP interact via a SW Potential,
of range l0.15 s.
(energy scale)
(length scale)
Bonding is properly defined --- Lowest energy
state is well defined
7The PMS ModelFord, Auerbach, Monson,
J.Chem.Phys, 8415,121 (2004)
Silicon Four sites (tetrahedral)
SW interaction between Si sites and O sites
Oxygen Two sites 145.8 o
sOO1.6 s l1-3 /2s
8Equilibrium phase diagram (PMW)
Pagan and Gunton JCP (2005)
10Equilibrium Phase Diagram PSM
11Critical Point of PMW
GC simulation BOX SIZE6s TC0.1095 fC0.153
12Critical point PSM
Critical Point of PMS
GC simulation BOX SIZE9s TC0.075 fC0.0445
13Potential Energy for the PMW
Optimal density !
14PMW energy
Potential Energy -- Approaching the ground state
Progressive increase in packing prevents
approach to the GS
15E-Egs vs. 1/T
16Potential Energy along isotherms
Optimal density Hints of a LL CP
17S(q) in the phase-separation region
18S(q) in the network region
19PMS -Potential Energy
20PMS E vs 1/T
21PMSStructure (r-space)
22Structure (q-space)
23E vs n
24Summary of static data
Phase Separation Region
Packing Region
Optimal Network Region - Arrhenius Approach
to Ground State
Region of phase separation
Packing Region
25R2 vs t
26Diffusion Coefficient
27D along isotherms
Diffusion Anomalies
28Isodiffusivities .
Isodiffusivities (PMW) .
29Si dynamic in PSM
30(No Transcript)
31Comparing different potentials
Bonded-triples angle
32How to compare these (and other) models for
tetra-coordinated liquids ? Focus ONLY on the
of 4-coordinated particles (other particles are
bond-mediators) () Length scale ----
nn-distance among 4-coordinated particles
(l44) Scaled Density (l44 )3/V Energy scale
---- Tc
33Comparing E(n) at low T
34Comparing isodiffusivity lines
35Analogies with other network-forming potentials
ST2 (Poole)
Slower on compression
Faster on compression
BKS silica (Saika-Voivod)
36Water Phase Diagram
F 0.34
- Directional interaction and limited valency are
essential ingredients for offering a new final
fate to the liquid state and in particular to
arrested states at low f - The resulting low T liquid state is (along
isochores) a strong liquid. Directional bonding
is essential for being strong. - Gels and strong liquids are two faces of the same
38Graphic SummaryTwo glass lines ?
Fragile Liquids - Colloidal Glasses
Strong liquids - Gels Arrest line
Cristiano De Michele (PMW,PMS) Simone Gabrielli
(PMW) Piero Tartaglia Emanuela Zaccarelli
41Gelation as a result of phase separation
(interrupted by the glass transition)
42Density anomalies
Density Anomalies (and possible 2nd CP)
43(No Transcript)
44(No Transcript)
45D vs (1-pb)
46D vs (1-pb) --- (MC)
D f04 (Stanley-Teixeira)
47Foffi aging
G. Foffi, E. Zaccarelli, S. V. Buldyrev, F.
Sciortino, P. Tartaglia Aging in short range
attractive colloids A numerical study J. Chem.
Phys. 120, 1824, 2004