Numerical Linear Algebra in the Streaming Model - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Numerical Linear Algebra in the Streaming Model


Numerical Linear Algebra in the Streaming Model. Ken Clarkson - IBM. David Woodruff - IBM. The Problems. Given n x d matrix A and n x d' matrix B, we want ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Numerical Linear Algebra in the Streaming Model

Numerical Linear Algebra in the Streaming Model
  • Ken Clarkson - IBM
  • David Woodruff - IBM

The Problems
  • Given n x d matrix A and n x d matrix B, we want
    estimators for
  • The matrix product AT B
  • The matrix X minimizing AX-B
  • A slightly generalized version of least-squares
  • Given integer k, the matrix Ak of rank k
    minimizing A-Ak
  • We consider the Frobenius matrix norm root of
    sum of squares

General Properties of Our Algorithms
  • 1 pass over matrix entries, given in any order
    (allow multiple updates)
  • Maintain compressed versions or sketches of
  • Do small work per entry to maintain the sketches
  • Output result using the sketches
  • Randomized approximation algorithms

Matrix Compression Methods
  • In a line of similar efforts
  • Element-wise sampling AM01, AHK06
  • Sketching / Random Projection maintain a small
    number of random linear combinations of rows or
    columns S06
  • Row / column sampling DK01, DKM04, DMM08
  • Usually more than 1 pass
  • Here sketching

  • Matrix Product
  • Regression
  • Low-rank approximation

Approximate Matrix Product
  • A and B have n rows, we want to estimate ATB
  • Let S be an n x m sign (Rademacher) matrix
  • Each entry is 1 or -1 with probability ½
  • m is small, to be specified
  • Entries are O(log 1/d)-wise independent
  • Sketches are STA and STB
  • Our estimate of ATB is ATSSTB/m
  • Easy to maintain sketches given updates
  • O(m) time per update, O(mc log(nc)) bits of space
    for STA and STB
  • Output ATSSTB/m using fast rectangular matrix

Expected Error and a Tail Estimate
  • Using linearity of expectation,
  • Moreover, for d, e gt 0, there is m O(log 1/ d)
    e-2 so that
  • PrATSSTB/m-ATB gt e A B d
  • (again C Si, j Ci, j21/2)
  • This tail estimate seems to be new
  • Follows from bounding O(log 1/d)-th moment of
  • Improves space of SarlÓs 1-pass algorithm by a
    log c factor

Matrix Product Lower Bound
  • Our algorithm is space-optimal for constant d
  • a new lower bound
  • Reduction from a communication game
  • Augmented Indexing, players Alice and Bob
  • Alice has random x 2 0,1s
  • Bob has random i 2 1, 2, , s
  • also xi1, , xs
  • Alice sends Bob one message
  • Bob should output xi with probability at least
  • Theorem MNSW Message must be ?(s) bits on

Lower Bound Proof
  • Set s (ce-2log cn)
  • Alice makes matrix U
  • Uses x1xs
  • Bob makes matrix U and B
  • Uses i and xi1, , xs
  • Alg input will be AUU and B
  • A and B are n x c/2
  • Alice
  • Runs streaming matrix product Alg on U
  • Sends Alg state to Bob
  • Bob continues Alg with A U U and B
  • ATB determines xi with probability at least 2/3
  • By choice of U, U, B
  • Solving Augmented Indexing
  • So space of Alg must be ?(s) ?(ce-2log cn) bits

Lower Bound Proof
  • U U(1) U(2) , U(log (cn)) 0s
  • U(k) is an (e-2) x c/2 submatrix with entries in
    -10k, 10k
  • U(k)i, j 10k if matched entry of x is 0, else
    U(k)i, j -10k
  • Bobs index i corresponds to U(k)i, j
  • U is such that A UU U(1) U(2) , U(k)
  • U is determined from xi1, , xs
  • ATB is i-th row of U(k)
  • A ¼ U(k) since the entries of A grow
  • e2A2 B2, the squared error, is small, so
    most entries of the approximation to ATB have the
    correct sign

Linear Regression
  • The problem minX AX-B
  • X minimizing this has X A-B, where A- is the
    pseudo-inverse of A
  • The algorithm is
  • Maintain STA and STB
  • Return X solving minX ST(AX-B)
  • Main claim if A has rank k, there is an
  • m O(ke-1log(1/d)) so that with probability
    at least 1- d, AX-B (1e)AX-B
  • That is, relative error for X is small
  • A new lower bound (omitted here) shows our space
    is optimal

Regression Analysis
  • Why should X be good?
  • First reduce to showing that A(X-X) is
  • Use normal equation ATAX ATB
  • Implies AX-B2 AX-B2 A(X-X)2

Regression Analysis Continued
  • Bound A(X-X)2 using several tools
  • Normal equation (STA)T(STA)X (STA)T(STB)
  • Our tail estimate for matrix product
  • Subspace JL for m O(ke-1log(1/d)), ST
    approximately preserves lengths of all vectors in
    a k-space
  • Overall, A(X-X)2 O(e)AX-B2
  • But AX-B2 AX-B2 A(X-X)2

Best Low-Rank Approximation
  • For any matrix A and integer k, there is a matrix
    Ak of rank k that is closest to A among all
    matrices of rank k.
  • LSI, PCA, recommendation systems, clustering
  • The sketch STA holds information about A
  • There is a rank k matrix Ak in the rowspace of
    STA so that A-Ak (1e)A-Ak

Low-Rank Approximation via Regression
  • Why is there such an Ak? Apply the regression
    results with A ! Ak, B ! A
  • The X minimizing ST(AkX-A) has
  • AkX-A (1 e)Ak X-A
  • But here X I, and X (ST Ak)- STA
  • So the matrix AkX Ak(STAk)-STA
  • Has rank k
  • Is in the rowspace of STA
  • Is within 1 e of the smallest distance of rank-k
  • Problem seems to require 2 passes

1 Pass Algorithm
  • Suppose R is a d x m sign matrix. By regression
    results transposed, the columnspace of AR
    contains a good rank-k approximation to A
  • X minimizing ARX-A has ARX-A (1
  • Apply regression results with A ! AR and B ! A
    and X minimizing ST(ARX-A)
  • So X(STAR)-STA has
  • ARX-A (1 e)ARX-A (1e)2A-Ak
  • Algorithm maintains AR and STA, and computes
  • Compute best rank-k approximation to ARX in the
    columnspace of AR (ARX has rank ke-2)

Concluding Remarks
  • Space bounds are tight for product, regression
  • Get 1-pass and O(ke-2(nde-2)log(nd)) space for
    low-rank approximation.
  • First sublinear 1-pass streaming algorithm with
    relative error
  • Show our space is almost optimal via new lower
    bound (omitted)
  • Total work is O(Nke-4), where N is the number of
    non-zero entries of A
  • In next talk, NDT give a faster algorithm for
    dense matrices
  • Improve the dependence on e
  • Look at tight bounds for multiple passes

A Lower Bound
binary string x
matrix A
index i and xi1, xi2,
k e-1 columns per block
k rows
-1000, -1000 -1000, 1000 1000, 1000

0, 0 0, 0 0, 0
10000, -10000 -10000, -10000 -10000, -10000
0, 0 0, 0 0, 0
0 0
10, -10 -10, 10 -10,-10
-100, -100 100, 100 100, 100
n-k rows
Error now dominated by block of interest Bob
also inserts a k x k identity submatrix into
block of interest
Lower Bound Details
Block of interest
k e-1 columns
k rows
n-k rows

Bob inserts k x k identity submatrix, scaled by
large value P Show any rank-k approximation must
err on all of shaded region So good rank-k
approximation likely has correct sign on Bobs
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