Title: Serving by Gods Mercy
1Serving by Gods Mercy? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
- Hosea 66 For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and
acknowledgment of God rather than burnt
offerings. ? ? ? ? ? ( ? ? ? ? ) , ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? , ? ? ? ? ?
2What were conditions of Gods servants?
- Old (Abraham)
- Insecure (Jacob)
- Unattractive (Leah)
- Abused (Joseph)
- Stuttered (Moses)
- Poor (Gideon)
- Codependent (Samson)
3What were conditions of Gods servants?
- Immoral (Rahab)
- Had an affair and all kinds of family problems
(David) - Suicidal (Elijah)
- Depressed (Jeremiah)
- Reluctant (Jonah)
- A widow (Naomi)
4What were conditions of Gods servants?
- Insignificant (John the Baptist)
- Impulsive and hot-tempered (Peter)
- Several failed marriages (the Samaritan woman)
- Unpopular (Zacchaeus)
- Doubts (Thomas)
- Poor health (Paul)
- Timid (Timothy)
5What is the mercy of God?
- God is full of mercy (James 511 Ephesians 24
James 317) - Mercy of God saved us (Titus 35 1 Peter 13)
- Mercy triumphs over judgment (James 213)
6How do we serve the merciful God?
- Receive His mercy (Hebrews 416 1 Peter 210)
- Understand that God desires mercy not sacrifice
(Matthew 913 127) - Know that God has mercy on whom he wants to have
mercy (Romans 915-16,18)
7How do we serve the merciful God?
- Wait for the mercy (Jude 121)
- Present our bodies a living sacrifice by the
mercies of God (Romans 121, NKJV)
8How did God show mercies to the family at
- Martha Serving Believing (John 122 1127)
- Mary Listening Anointing (Mat. 267 Mark
143 Luke 1039 John 123) - Lazarus Death Resurrection (John 1114,43-44)
9Gods Mercy is still available to you today
- In His very nature, God is compassionate. We
shall see that mercy is not something He does,
but mercy is His character unveiled.
10Gods Mercy is still available to you today
- Instead if giving man the consequences he
rightfully deserves, God awakens man to recognize
His goodness.
11Gods Mercy is still available to you today
- We will acknowledge that His mercy really is
fulfilling His divine purpose.
12Gods Mercy is still available to you today
- What a privilege that we are invited to
participate in serving Him as living models for
expressing and extolling the wondrous mercy of