CPE 626 The SystemC Language - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CPE 626 The SystemC Language


din = 0; wait(); // count up, value = 1. load = false; wait(); // count up, ... signed and unsigned fixed point numbers. User defined constructs. Milenkovic. 9 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: Aleksandar84
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Tags: cpe | systemc | din | language | numbers


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: CPE 626 The SystemC Language

CPE 626 The SystemC Language
  • Aleksandar Milenkovic
  • E-mail milenka_at_ece.uah.edu
  • Web http//www.ece.uah.edu/milenka

  • Writing testbenches
  • SystemC types
  • Arrays
  • Resolved Logic Vector
  • Clocks

Test Benches
  • Creating test benches
  • one process to generate stimulus, the other one
    to test results
  • stimulus are generated in the main program,
    another process test the results
  • generated and testing are both done in the main
  • Typical approach

Example Counter
// Filename count.h include "systemc.h" SC_MODU
LE(count) sc_inltboolgt load sc_inltintgt din s
c_inltboolgt clock // input ports sc_outltintgt dout
// output port int count_val // internal
data st. void count_up() SC_CTOR(count)
SC_METHOD(count_up) // Method proc. //
Sensitive to Rising edge clock
sensitive_pos ltlt clock
// Filename count.cpp include "count.h" void
countcount_up() if (load) count_val
din else // Read/Write of local
storage count_val count_val 1 //
Write to Output port dout count_val
Example Testbench for Counter
// count_stim.cc include "count_stim.h" void
count_stimstimgen() while (true) load
true // load 0 din 0 wait() //
count up, value 1 load false wait()
// count up, value 2 wait() // count up,
value 3 wait() // count up, value 4
wait() // count up, value 5 wait() //
count up, value 6 wait() // count up,
value 7
include "systemc.h" SC_MODULE(count_stim)
sc_outltboolgt load sc_outltintgt din // input
port sc_inltboolgt clock // input port
sc_inltintgt dout void stimgen()
SC_CTOR(count_stim) SC_THREAD(stimgen) sen
sitive_pos (clock)
Example Main
include "count.h" include "count_stim.h" includ
e "display.h" int sc_main(int argc, char
argv) sc_signalltboolgt LOAD
sc_signalltintgt DIN, DOUT // clock sc_clock
CLOCK("clock", 20) int sim_time 0 if
(argc2) sim_time atoi(argv1) if
(sim_time0) sim_time 1000
count u_count ("count") u_count.load(LOAD)
u_count.din(DIN) u_count.dout(DOUT)
u_count.clock(CLOCK) count_stim
u_count_stim("count_stim") u_count_stim.load(LO
AD) u_count_stim.din(DIN)
u_count_stim.dout(DOUT) u_count_stim.clock(CLOC
K) display u_display("display")
u_display.dout(DOUT) sc_initialize()
sc_start(sim_time) return(0)
SystemC Types
  • SystemC programs may use any C type along with
    any of the built-in ones for modeling systems
  • long, int, char, short, float, double
  • SystemC Built-in Types
  • sc_bit (0, 1), sc_logic (0, 1, X, Z)
  • Two- and four-valued single bit

SystemC Types
  • SystemC Built-in Types
  • sc_intltngt, sc_unintltngt
  • 1 to 64-bit signed and unsigned integers
  • sc_bigintltngt, sc_biguintltngt
  • arbitrary (fixed) width signed and unsigned
  • sc_bv, sc_lv
  • arbitrary width two- and four-valued vectors
  • sc_fixed, sc_ufixed
  • signed and unsigned fixed point numbers
  • User defined constructs

Ports, ReadingWriting ports
sc_inltporttypegt // input port of type
porttype sc_outltporttypegt // output port of type
porttype sc_inoutltporttypegt // inout port of type
porttype may be any of the types discussed
  • ReadWriting ports
  • Use read() or write() methods, or
  • Use assignment operator

sc_inltsc_logicgt a32 // creates ports a0 to
a31 // of type sc_logic sc_signalltsc_logicgt
i16 // creates signals i0 to // i15 of
type sc_logic
Resolved Logic Vector
  • More than one driver is driving a signal

Resolved logic vector port
sc_in_rvltngt x //input resolved logic vector n
bits wide sc_out_rvltngt y// output resolved logic
vector n bits wide sc_inout_rvltngt z // inout
resolved logic vector n bits wide
Resolved Vector Signals
  • Used to connect resolved logic vector ports

Resolved logic vector signal
sc_signal_rvltngt sig3 // resolved logic vector
signal // n bits wide
  • Create clock object named clock1
  • clock period is 20 time units
  • duty cycle is 50
  • first edge will occur at 2 time units
  • first value will be true

sc_clock clock1("clock1", 20, 0.5, 2, true)
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