Title: System Configuration
1S1 Welcome and Introduction S2 Introduction to
Safety Information Exchange S3 Operational
Concepts S4 System Overview S5 SAFER
Networking S6 Microsoft Windows NT S7 Standard
Procedures S8 System Configuration S9 Change and
Problem Tracking S10 SAFER Versions S11 Using
OpCon S12 Laboratory Exercises S13 Wrap-up
Session 8 System Configuration
2Session Plan
- Describe 2 Safer v2 Configuration Files
- Describe Safer v2 Configuration categories
- General
- Email
- Directories
- Database
- Describe Additional MCMIS-SAFER Gateway
configuration parameters.
3Session Objectives
- You will
- Understand the use of the Safer v2 configuration
data file - Understand how to create or modify the Safer v2
configuration settings
4SAFER Configuration Concept
Safers operational configuration is established
at Startup via Parameters passed to it via the
Services Manager GUI application
The startup parameter (I.e., Safer_v22)
identifies a collection of configuration
parameters (Database, Email, EDI, etc.) that
controls Safers operation. By configuring
multiple collections, the nature of Safers
operation can be changed from one execution to
the next without programming changes.
5Startup Parameter Details
The Startup Parameter provides a link to 2
collections of configuration parameters located
in 2 files - win.ini file A Windows NT system
file located in the Windows System directory
(usually C\Winnt). Provides general
configuration information - mbx.ini (or any user
specified name) A Safer specific file, whose
file path is specified by one of the startup
parameters (Mailbox INI File). It contains Email
and LSI configuration settings Each file
contains one or more sections, each of which
contain one or more configuration parameters. -
sections are designated by Section Name -
configuration parameters within each section are
designated by Parameter Name value For
example SAFER_V22 Database User
Homer Directory C\Program
6Startup Parameter Details (continued)
- There must be a section in BOTH the win.ini
winmbx.ini files that matches the startup
parameter specified in the Services Manager GUI
in order for Safer to start properly - Quotes () are not required in the Parameter
Name but are required in the value if the value
contains embedded spaces - Except where noted, character case is irrelevant
in Parameter Name and value
7Win.ini Parameters
- Configuration
- SAFER Workers
- Mailbox INI File
8Win.ini Parameters (continued)
- InMapDir
- OutMapDir
- InboundMap
- OutboundMap
- ViewDefFile
- TransIdPrefix
- NextTransaction
- MapRetry
- My_Tp_Id
- My_Tp_Id_Qual
9Win.ini Parameters (continued)
- Server Identification
- HostFirstName
- HostMiddleName
- HostLastName
- HostOrgName
10Win.ini Parameters (continued)
- Security Logging
- Security Log File
- Federal Enforcement Group
- Non-Federal Enforcement Group
- OIG Logging
- IOTLog
- EDITransLog
11Win.ini Parameters (continued)
- Database
- Database Username
- Database Password
- Database Name
12Win.ini Parameters (continued)
- Directories
- IotRootDir
- CVIS File Directory
- Inspection Report Location
- Error Inspection Report Location
- SaveInputFilesDir
13MBX.ini Parameters
- General
- Input Mailboxes
- Mailbox Timers
- Max Pop Messages
- Mailbox Timers
- Central Post Office
- Send Mailbox Mailbox
- Send Password
- Error Post Office
- Error Send Mailbox
- Error Send Password
14MBX.ini Parameters (continued)
For each mailbox (input or subscription) 4
parameters must be specified Data Input mailbox
Parameter Name Subscription Mailbox Parameter
Name Post Office Input Post Office Subscription
Post Office Mailbox Input Mailbox Subscription
Mailbox Password Input Password Subscription
Password Interval Polling Interval Timer
Interval Each group of 4 parameters is further
specified by appending a number to the above
parameter names. The numbers range from 1 to the
specified number of that type of mailbox
supported. Note the Mailbox Password
parameters are case sensitive For Input
Mailboxes, the Polling Interval is the rate (in
milliseconds) that the mailbox is checked for
mail. For subscription Mailboxes, the interval
in which the mailbox is checked can be specified
as either 1) an integer representing a polling
interval in units of minutes 2) local time of
day (24 hour) specified as HHMMSS
15MBX.ini Parameters (continued)
Input Mailboxes Example If 3 Input mailboxes
are required, a sample set of parameters and
values might be SAFER_V22 Input Post Office
1 Psafer4.safersys.org Input Mailbox 1
request Input Password 1 pickle Input Interval
1 300 Input Post Office 2 snapper.safersys.org
Input Mailbox 2 backup Input Password 2
carrot Input Interval 2 200 Input Post Office 3
Psafer5.volpe.gov Input Mailbox 3
fillup Input Password 3 apple Input Interval 3
350 only one instance of a specific section
name can appear in the file
16MBX.ini Parameters (continued)
Subscription Mailboxes Example If 3
Subscription mailboxes are required, a sample set
of parameters and values might be SAFER_V22
Subscription Post Office 1 MDCVIEW.state.us Su
bscription Mailbox 1 safer01 Subscription
Password 1 pickle Timer Interval 1
60 Subscription Post Office 2
VACVIEW.stat.e.us Subscription Mailbox 2
saferx23 Subscription Password 2 carrot Timer
Interval 2 010000 Subscription Post Office 3
KYCVIEW.mail.state.us Subscription Mailbox 3
saferIRP Subscription Password 3 apple Timer
Interval 3 123000 only one instance of a
specific section name can appear in the file
17MBX.ini Parameters (continued)
- LSI Parameters
- There are 2 LSI parameters - the number of LSI
directories to monitor (NUMLSIDIRS) and each
directory path (LSIDIRPATHn). The number of LSI
directory path parameters defined must be equal
to the value of the NUMLSIDIRS parameter. - Example
- NumLSIDirs 3
- LSIDirPath1 c\safer\LSI\dir1
- LSIDirPath2 e\mcmis\data
- LSIDirPath3 c\safer\LSI\IRPdata
- only one instance of a specific section name
can appear in the file
18MCMIS SAFER GATEWAY win.ini Parameters
The MCMIS Safer Gateway (MSG) requires all of the
following Safer parameters as well as the
following Personality Profile Time Interval