Title: TTL Logic and Design Considerations
1TTL Logic and Design Considerations
2The Basics
Device Prefixes
74 series - commercial
54 series - military specification
- Operates over wider temperature range
- Operates over wider voltage range
3The Basics
Will a 54LSxx perform better than a 74LSxx?
Not Necessarily. In many cases the74 series
component performs betterthan the 54 series
4The Basics
Noise Margin
5.0 V
5.0 V
noise margin
2.4 V
2.0 V
0.8 V
0.4 V
0.0 V
0.0 V
5Unused TTL Inputs
6Unused TTL Inputs
- Unconnected input acts like logical high
- Can pick up noise
7Unused TTL Inputs
Will this work?
8Unused TTL Inputs
- OK but two inputs must be driven
- This will affect fanout
9Unused TTL Inputs
Resistor provides current protection in case of
power spikes
note On gates requiring a logical low
input connect directly to ground
10Unused TTL Inputs
What do you do with unused gates?
11Unused TTL Inputs
Connection not necessary if gate not used
12TTL Design Considerations
1. Never leave unused inputs unconnected
13TTL Design Considerations
- 1. Never leave unused inputs unconnected
- 2. Install decoupling capacitors
- 0.1m F or 0.01m F for each IC
- 25m F to 100m F for power supply
14TTL Design Considerations
- 1. Never leave unused inputs unconnected
- 2. Install decoupling capacitors
- 0.1m F or 0.01m F for each IC
- 25m F to 100m F for power supply
- 3. Never exceed an outputs drive capability
15TTL Design Considerations
- 1. Never leave unused inputs unconnected
- 2. Install decoupling capacitors
- 0.1m F or 0.01m F for each IC
- 25m F to 100m F for power supply
- 3. Never exceed an outputs drive capability
- 4. Never connect standard outputs together
16TTL Design Considerations
- 1. Never leave unused inputs unconnected
- 2. Install decoupling capacitors
- 0.1m F or 0.01m F for each IC
- 25m F to 100m F for power supply
- 3. Never exceed an outputs drive capability
- 4. Never connect standard outputs together
- 5. Always design for worst case
17CMOS Logic and Design Considerations
18CMOS Basics
- CMOS stands for Complementary Metal-Oxide
Semiconductors - Utilizes MOS transistors
- MOS transistors come in two varieties
19CMOS Inverter
Note CMOS requires no resistors for current
limiting. This makes CMOS attractive for
high levels of integration
20Logic Levels and Noise Margin
5.0 V
5.0 V
4.9 V
noise margin
3.5 V
1.5 V
noise margin
0.1 V
0.0 V
0.0 V
Note Typical values for VCC of 5 V
(varies for different VCC)
21CMOS Handling
- CMOS is extremely static sensitive
- Some protection built into ICs
- Handle as follows
- Touch source of GND before handling
- Transport in conductive foam
- Be especially careful on DRY days
22CMOS Subfamilies
- 4000 series - first successful series
- HC series - high speed CMOS faster,
more sink/source VCC 2 - 6 V - HCT series - high-speed CMOS, TTL
compatible same as HC with TTL inputs
VCC 5 V - AC series - advanced CMOS faster, more
sink/source than HC VCC 2 - 6 V - ACT series - advanced CMOS same as AC
with TTL inputs VCC 5 V
23Unused CMOS Inputs
24CMOS Design Considerations
1. Tie unused inputs to VCC or GND directly
NEVER LEAVE UNCONNECTED 2. Install decoupling
capacitors 0.1 uF or 0.01 uF for
each IC 25 uF to 100 uF for power
supply 3. Never exceed an outputs drive
capability 4. Never connect standard outputs
together 5. Always design for worst case
25CMOS/TTL Interfacing
26 (Vcc - V OL(min) ) Rp
nIIL(CMOS) ) where n is the number of
CMOS inputs being driven other specs found
in the components datasheet
27CMOS/TTL Interfacing
- Can connect directly if current drive
capability is high enough - When in doubt use CMOS buffer
28(No Transcript)
29CMOS Output Configurations
Note Similar to TTL except MOSFET
transistors instead of bipolar (BJT)