Title: Project Manager
1Project Manager Project Plan
2Project Management A Profession
- Project Management Institute
- Over 100,000 members worldwide
- As a profession
- Developed body of knowledge
- Guidelines and standards for members
- Journals and trade publications
- Organizations becoming more project oriented
3Roles of a Project Manager
- Communicator
- Facilitator
- Decision maker
- Motivator
4Project Communication
5Project Managers Responsibilities
- Obtain Resources
- Overcome Obstacles
- Provide Leadership
- Achieve these through
- Negotiation
- Conflict Resolution
- Persuasion
6Selecting a Project Manager
- Credibility
- Political and Interpersonal Skills
- Motivation and Organization
- Ethical
7Pure Project Organization
8Functional Project Organization
9Matrix Project Organization
10Mixed Project Organization
Project 2
Project 1
11Project Master Plan Introduction
- Overview
- Objectives
- General Approach
12Project Master Plan Resources
- Schedule
- Personnel
- Resource Requirements
13Project Master Plan Wrap-up
- Evaluation Methods
- Potential Problems
- Contractual Details
14Starting the Planning Process
- First Step Define Objectives
- Other Preliminary Concerns
- Launch Meeting
15Hierarchical Planning Process
- Complete list of all required tasks
- Steps
- List Main Objectives
- List all tasks needed to achieve objectives
Level 1 Activities - List all tasks needed to achieve Level 1
Activities Level 2 Activities - Continue breakdown to lowest level of detail
16Project Action Plan
- All project activities
- Resources required
- Precedents
- Duration
- Person(s) responsible
- Milestones Identified
17Work Breakdown Structure
- Hierarchy to divide project into separate jobs
- Top level overall project
- Multiple levels depending on complexity of
project - Bottom level individual tasks
18Multidisciplinary Teams
- Concurrent Engineering
- Working in parallel
- Useful structure for design projects
- Team has representatives from different areas
- Design
- Manufacturing
- Finance
- Marketing
- Sales