Life Group Training - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Life Group Training


Prayer Room connections. Fellowship One 'Contacts' (action forms for assignments) ... Increase request quantity or size. Approach about being an apprentice ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Life Group Training

Life Group Training
  • Topic Discipleship Apprenticeship
  • Passing the Baton!
  • Prepared 11/9/05
  • Presented 11/13/05

Be Intentional
  • Intentional Shepherding
  • Intentional Discipleship
  • Intentional Apprenticing
  • Intentional Leadership Development

Church Support (Value of Training)
  • Most strategic person in life-change process is
    the small group leader
  • Priority of church leadership it to help small
    group leaders succeed through support and
  • Huddles - gatherings with leaders for
    encouragement and accountability
  • Skills training - how to training
  • Vision casting - purpose and goals
  • Oversight from coaches
  • 1 Coach to 3 Leaders

Part1 Values - Leaders Goals
  • Ultimate Goal of Leader - Promote Life Change
  • Growth in Christ-like character, loving one
    another, giving of self and resources
  • Also, must help Groups Grow and eventually
    birth new groups
  • By recruiting an apprentice, attending training,
    and planning for the birth

Leaders Responsibilities
  • Build a Leadership Team
  • Recruit an Apprentice
  • Connect People to Community
  • Invite, model, be real and open, have fun
  • Develop the Members of Your Group
  • Disciple, pray, care for, serve, assist and help
  • Multiply the Ministry
  • Develop apprentice, plan, pray and vision-cast

  • Discipleship
  • Apprenticeship
  • Pass the Baton Commissioning

Part1 Disciples
  • Ultimate purpose for small groups is to move
    people toward greater relationship with Christ
    and transform them into His image.
  • What is a Disciple?
  • In simplest form, a disciple is an apprentice to

Part1 Disciples Look Like?
  • Participating member of a local body
  • Maturing in
  • Grace- saved, baptized, sharing Christ
  • Growth - active pursuit of life change
  • Group - participates in community
  • Gifts - seeking to discover, develop and deploy
    their God-given gifts in serving
  • Good Stewardship - submitted to Gods lordship
    and give generously and cheerfully

Part1 Disciples Look Like?
  • Pursue Christ-honoring relationships at home,
    work, and within the church
  • Committed to pursuing the biblical pattern of
    reconciliation when conflict arises
  • Support the leadership of the church and are
    biblically submissive to it
  • Affirm and uphold the fundamental truths of
    Scripture as identified in the Statement of
    Faith, and refrain from promoting other doctrines
    in a dissenting fashion

Mandate Great Commission
  • Go Make Disciples, Teach To Obey
  • Matt 2819-20
  • Directives Go-Make-Teach
  • Go - Proactive \ Intentional
  • Make - Work \ Time \ Plan and Process
  • Teach - Instruction \ Modeling \ Accountability
  • Results Disciples
  • 2 Tim 22 - Teach them to Teach others

Mandate Examples
  • Moses and Joshua
  • Elijah and Elisha
  • Jesus and Disciples
  • Paul and Timothy

Steps of Discipleship
Stages of Growth (1 John 2)
  • Child (Be Changed)
  • Newly saved, Under developed
  • Needs the foundational truths and adoption (a
    family - LG)
  • Young Man (Being Changed)
  • Knows the Bible and Basics
  • Begun to war with strongholds of sin
  • Needs accountability, mentoring, and experience
  • Father (Bringing Change)
  • Reproducing and nurturing
  • Intimate relationship with God and Word, and free
    from major strongholds
  • Needs support and opportunity

Methods and Providers
Qualified Sponsor completed course and
approved to sponsor
Relationship of Discipleship and Leadership
  • Leadership is just the natural progression of
    becoming a disciple.
  • We pull leaders from the pool of mature
  • Thus leadership development naturally includes
    the basic discipleship components.
  • The two cannot really be isolated.

Vision Sponsorship
  • We believe that discipleship has as much to do
    with the relationship as it does the curriculum
  • We believe that more is caught than taught
  • Modeling is key to discipleship\maturity
  • Everyone should have spiritual fathers they can
    relate to and fall back on
  • Thus - we want to assign each disciple a sponsor

Vision Pass it on
  • 2 Timothy 22 Model
  • Paul instructs Timothy to find and teach others
    the Christian life and principles that will in
    turn teach others
  • A disciple, by definition, disciples others
  • Once discipled and grounded, we expect people to
    disciple another

Vision Life Groups
  • We see Life Groups as spiritual families where
    new borns are
  • Birthed or adopted
  • Fed and cared for
  • Taught and trained
  • Challenged and experienced
  • Released to ministry
  • Discipleship is core to this process, and done
    primarily by these groups.
  • These groups are the ideal landing spot for
    those being discipled

Program Ownership
  • Owner Connections Ministry
  • Prayer Room connections
  • Fellowship One
  • Contacts (action forms for assignments)
  • Records updates (saved, discipled, sponsored)
  • Ultimate responsibility management
  • Program\Curriculum
  • Qualified Sponsor list management
  • Primary Provider Life Groups
  • Majority of discipleship takes place

Program Materials
  • Knowing God
  • Multiplication Ministries resource
  • 4 weeks long, covers foundational items in very
    simple but effective format
  • EVERYONE starts here ! (so they can lead
  • Arrival Kit
  • Touch Ministries resource
  • 11 weeks long, in context of small group
  • One to One Discipling
  • Multiplication Ministries resource
  • 9 lessons long, basic Christian theology compiled
    from Campus Crusade, Navigators, MacAuthur, etc.

Programs Flow
1. Prayer Room or Discovered
2. Connections (F1 entry, contact created,
3. Life Group or Qualified Sponsor
4. Connect with disciple and complete course
5. Notify Connections (F1 update)
  • Discipleship is core to our ministry and mission
    as a church
  • We must be organized and intentional
  • Those who complete discipleship and sponsor
    others are Bringing Change
  • We want a church full of disciples
  • Ultimately we want discipleship to be organic
    (happens naturally without mgt.)

Leaders Role in Initiation
One Time
Group 1
Group X
Disciple - Foundation - Basic
In first group the Leader needs to model and
train discipleship, then move on to
apprenticeship of the next leader.
Thereafter, the group members should be able to
provide discipleship to newcomers and allow
leader to apprentice mainly.
Action - Start Discipleship
  • Cast the vision for your group and gather
    interests in discipleship
  • Find a woman to lead the ladies
  • Form 2 groups (mens and womens)
  • Start with 2-4 weeks in the Foundations course
    (meet when, where the group can)
  • Can do as a group and cover the Leader portion
    and Lesson 1 on Wk 1, and then Weeks 2-4 on the
    second meeting
  • Move on to Basics course (Arrival Kit preferably)
  • Can do as a group, covering 2 weeks at a time
    (every other wk)
  • Commission the finishers to grab someone else and
    do the same, following the guides in the
    materials and only covering 1 lesson per time
  • Let us know if you need a review and verbal walk

Values - Multiplication Goals
  • Success of leadership is ultimately seen in the
    viability of the daughter groups
  • Not just birthing, but birthing a healthy group
    that produces life change
  • Ultimately birthing new groups

Values - Why Apprenticeship
  • Groups do not exist for themselves
  • Resist selfish focus and include others
  • Everyone needs community and life change
  • THUS
  • Must have a strategy for growth and reproduction
  • Apprenticeship fosters new leaders and supports
    this strategy

Apprenticeship - WHY?
  • Ministry depends on leadership
  • Quality and effectiveness depends on the quality
    of the leader
  • Churchs responsibility to identify and develop
  • Jesus modeled with the disciples
  • Paul exhorted Timothy to do the same (2 Tim 22)
  • Eph. 412 Concept of mobilization - Equip the
    saints for the work of the ministry
  • Small group leader duty and privilege

Apprenticeship Checklist
  • Purpose
  • To provide a simple path toward leadership
  • To provide tracking form for completion
  • To help prospective apprentices count the cost

Note Checklist still in development, but a good
Apprenticeship Checklist
  • Section
  • Discipleship
  • Commitment to Leadership
  • Apprenticeship
  • Review

Part3 Apprentice Needs
  • Understand the job description and developmental
  • Understand time commitments and development plan
  • Assurance that training will be provided
  • Understanding of the vision and values of small
    group ministry

Apprenticing Process
  • Jesus and the show how model
  • I do, you watch
  • I do, you help
  • You do, I help
  • You do, I watch
  • You do, someone else watches
  • The last step assures continuity and is most
    often forgotten
  • Process is not complete until you train another

Apprentice Process
  • Identify potential leaders
  • Invite for special tasks
  • Increase request quantity or size
  • Approach about being an apprentice
  • Review Checklist Willow Creek book
  • Gain commitment or start process and gain later
  • When committed - track items, review progress,
    encourage, plan next steps
  • Include them in ministry
  • Expand their role in LG
  • Form a birthing team (them, apprentice,
    worship, etc)

Part3 4 Responsibilities of Apprentice
  • Love
  • Love and support your leader and people
  • Learn
  • Watch, note, discuss, read, train
  • Lead
  • Stepped experience
  • Look
  • For your apprentice(s)

Worship Leader Apprenticing
  • Gabriel Velasco Coordinating
  • Assisting new worship leaders
  • Validating experienced ones
  • Placement assistance

Action - Start Apprenticeship
  • Identify your likely leaders
  • Start including them in parts of the meeting and
  • Approach about apprenticing
  • Share with them the Apprentice Checklist
  • Gain commitment and associated paperwork
  • Review with your coach and get approval for
  • Formally finalize any outstanding items
  • Submit paperwork and schedule a review
  • Form a team and start planning

The Relay Race
  • 2 Tim 22
  • We all run
  • The handoff is the key

Commissioning - Pass the Baton
  • We are counting on you
  • You control the quality of this ministry and our
    body in the future
  • Find good leaders, apprentice well
  • Make a good, clean hand-off
  • Help them be successful

Online Forms for Life Groups
  • Forms used for Life Group purposes will be stored
    on the web at
  • Included Items
  • Responsibility sign-ups, Contact information,
    Meeting Agenda Template, Leader Checklist,
    Reports, Evaluations, Apprentice Checklist,
    Training Materials
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