Title: Konfiguracje wysokiej niezawodnosci
1Konfiguracje wysokiej niezawodnosci
- Wysoka niezawodnosc - ochrona systemu (protect
the system) - HA - Klastry wysokiej
niezawodnosci - Ochrona organizacji (protect the organization)
- rozdzial geograficzny
- Fizyczne uszkodzenie sprzetu komputerowego
- Uszkodzenie laczy komunikacyjnych
- Utrata zasilania
3Zródla bledów i koszty ich poprawy
- informacji (dodatkowe bity kod Hamminga)
- czasu (powtórzenie dzialania - niepodzielne
transakcje wady przejsciowe lub nieciagle) - fizyczna
- aktywne zwielokrotnienie
- zasoby rezerwowe
5Klastry komputerów 1 High Availability
- Redundancja na poziomie komputera
6Klastry komputerów 2
- Redundancja na poziomie komputerów i macierzy
7Klastry komputerów 3
8Typowa struktura HAC
9Macierz odlegla
10HAC z macierza odlegla i komputerem rezerwowym
11Dwa niezalezne klastry(drugi oczekuje na awarie)
12Podwójny klaster (fault tolerant)
13Systemy oprogramowania
14Porównanie MC/ServiceGuard firmy HP i HACMP
Cluster Solution firmy IBM
16Przyklad MC/Service Guard
- Simple operator commands
- Move packages to alternate nodes
- Perform hardware or software upgrades,
maintenance - Move packages back
Backward compatibility - Operating System -
17MC/ServiceGuard HA Clusters
- Fast application failover
- LAN failure protection
- Survives multiple node failures
- No idle systems
- Workload balancing features
- Rolling Upgrades
- Online Reconfiguration
New Functionality
- Rotating standby
- Automatic failback
- 16-node support
- Tape Sharing
- EMS integration
18MC/ServiceGuard and Built-in Workload Balancing
- Balance workload after a node failure
- Minimize impact on remaining nodes
19PRM with MC/ServiceGuard Load Balancing
- Dynamic allocation of processing procedures
- Load balancing for normal and post-failure
If Node 1 fails
20Full-range Disaster Tolerant Solutions
Flexibility, Functionality
Continental Clusters
Metro Cluster
- Separate clusters
- "Push-button"automated failover
- Same planet!!
- Data sites at unlimited distance!
Campus Cluster
- Single cluster
- Automaticfailover
- Same city
- Data sites up to 50KM apart
Local Cluster
- Single cluster
- Automaticfailover
- Same site
- Systems up to 10KM apart
- Single cluster
- Automaticfailover
- Same data center
21Campus Clusters fast, flexible HA local
disaster protection
- Builds on MC/SG capabilities
- Single cluster,multiple sites
- Continuous
- site-to-site data mirroring
- Based on Fibre Channel for speed up to 10 km
10 km
10 km
HA Disk Array or EMC
HA Disk Array or EMC
22High Availability and Disaster Recovery(
przyklad )
- Highly redundant network with no single point of
23High Availability and Disaster Recovery(
przyklad )
Building 1
Building 2
Campus Network
2x Serial, 1x Private Ethernet
Appl. Server 1
Appl. Server 2
Distance 10 km
Fibre Channel
Tape Library
Fibre Channel Raid 1
Fibre Channel Raid 2
- Can scale to very large configurations quickly
25HP MetroCluster with EMC SRDF Automated,
City-wide Fail-Over
- Enables rapid, automatic site recovery without
human intervention - Effective between systems in a network loop up to
100km - Provides very high cluster performance
- Backed by collaborative implementation, training
and support services from HP - Winner of coveted OSA Crossroads Award 1999 for
Disaster Tolerant HA Solution
26World-Wide Data Protection with NEW HP
Continental Clusters
- Highest levels of availability disaster
tolerance - Reduces downtime from days to minutes
- Locate data centers at economically and/or
strategically best locations - Transparent to applications and data
- Push button or automatic (phase 2) failover
across 1000s of km - Supports numerous wide area data replication
tools for complete data protection - Comprehensive Support Services and Business
Recovery Services for planning, design, and
27HP MC/LockManager for Oracle Parallel Server
- Same protection functionality for applications as
MC/SG - Additional protection for Oracle database
- Parallel database environment for increased
availability and scalability - Horizontal scalability
- Aggregate processing power for database of all
nodes - Traditionally deployed for DW and Decision
Support - Moving into OLTP processing
- HP and ORACLE Cooperation
- Sizing and benchmarks
- IntegratedSupport Services
28Dolaczenie systemu archiwizacji ( przyklad )
29ClusterView Plus for Cluster Monitoring
- When integrated with OpenView IT/Operations, you
can manage entire cluster - Integration with Glance Plus PerfView
- Single point to monitor clusters
- Visual, map-based interface
- Monitor both HP-UX and NT systems in cluster
- ClusterView for Windows NT available
30Srodki zabezpieczen danych
- Macierze dyskowe RAID
- automatyczne biblioteki tasmowe
- urzadzenia do zapisu optycznego na dyskach CD.