Title: Shape and Electrostatics in Lead Discovery
1Shape and Electrostatics in Lead Discovery
- Matthew Stahl, Robert Tolbert, Anthony Nicholls
- OpenEye Scientific Software
2Common Search Tools
- Electrostatic complementarity
- 2D Similarity
- Pharmacophores
- Shape complementarity
- 2D Similarity
- Pharmacophore
- Surface
- Volume
3Definition of Shape
Two entities (molecules) have the same shape if
their volumes exactly correspond.
4What is ROCS?
- Database search tool
- Shape
- Pharmacophores
- Uses
- Scaffold jumping
- HTS rescue
- Patent busting
5Virtual Screening Pipeline
Multi-conformer database
Shape hits
Chemistry hits
6Rocs Algorithm
- Align query molecule
- Convert query to gaussian representation
- Align database molecule
- Convert database molecule to gaussian
representation - Solid-body optimization of gaussian overlaps from
4-fold degenerate positions - Calculate similarity measure based on overlap
Grant Pickup, J. Phys. Chem, 993503-3510 1995
7Similarity Measures
8Color Score
INTERACTION donor donor attractive gaussian
weight1.0 radius1.0
Mills Dean, JCAMD 10607-622, 1996
9It Works!
- How many 'hits' has ROCS helped to identify?
- 15-20, 4 classes, 15-20, 1, 1, 1, 50-75
- How many Targets attempted?
- 5, 4, 3, 1, numerous
- What are typical hit rates?
- 1-2, 6-15, 5-10, 2-5
- How many hits have made it into chemistry
- 0, 1-2, 3, 1, 1, 1
- How many HTS programs have been cancelled?
- gt1?
Got another ROCS success story. Screened a
million molecules, selected 12 that were
commercially available. Found two were already
in our in-house collection. One of them was a
hit missed by the first round of HTS - single
digit uM. Made my afternoon.
- ROCS is not a replacement for HTS
- Shape matching is an excellent method for idea
generation - ROCS has proven to be an effective technology