Title: Northern Plains and Mountains Regional Logic Model
1Northern Plains and Mountains Regional Logic
Initiative 1 Program Monitoring, analysis, and
interpretation of water resource data for
watershed management and education
- Occur when a societal and /or environmental
condition - Is improved due to a participants action taken
in the previous column - (long term)
- Better use of monitoring
- dollars, cost share, and
- leveraging.
- Better techniques for
- identification of water quality
- problems and impacts
- Long-term improvement of
- decisionmaking policy based
- on monitoring data
Monitoring Assessment of Best Monitoring Techniqu
es Produce guidance for project managers on how
to conduct project specific, out-based monitoring
programs that Demonstrate improvements in water
quality WQ Monitoring Certification
Occurs when there is a change in knowledge or
the participants actually learn (short term)
Increased knowledge of water quality
monitoring techniques Increased
understanding of water management practices
and decision making factors Improved
understanding of data management and
interpretation techniques
What we invest Faculty, Staff Students
Infrastructure, Equipment-eg. web
development, training, etc. Federal, state and
private funds Time, Effort Knowledge
Coordination Volunteers Partners, Collaborators
Assessment The collection of
stakeholder opinions
EXTERNAL FACTORS / BARRIERS - A brief discussion
of what variables have an effect on the program
or project, including those which cannot be
changed by managers of the program, or project.
For example, a education of young researchers
will depend on number students enrolled in a
particular program.
ASSUMPTIONS - These are the premises based on
theory, research, evaluation knowledge etc. that
support the relationships of the elements shown
above, and upon which the success of the
portfolio, program, or project rests. For
example, offering a water quality monitoring
certification will facilitate behavior change in