Title: The Resource Description Framework
1The Resource Description Framework
- And its application to thegateway.org
For the IIAP Jon Jablonski, jonjab_at_u.washington.e
du Research Assistant The Information
School University of Washington. May 18, 2001
2Current work on theGateway
- Designing RDF based record structures
- Converting old data to RDF
- Establishing standards for expressing Dublin Core
- A consortial effort to provide a directory to
quality educational materials on the web.
4Behind the scenes
- Content providers and consortium members catalog
and embed metadata - Register URIs with GEM
- Harvester crawls the metadata, builds database.
- GEM1 data is html meta tags.
- Descriptors based on Dublin Core GEM
qualifiers - www.geminfo.org/Workbench/Metadata
5What is RDF?
- An evolving XML application.
- A model for representing metadata
- A syntax for encoding and transporting this
metadata. - A real-life beginning of the semantic web
6So what does it look like?
- ltrdfDescription
- rdfabout "http//someplace.edu"gt
- ltinterest_levelgt
- Really Interesting
- lt/interest_levelgt
- lt/rdfDescriptiongt
And that is the entire model.
7Dublin Core in RDF
- ltrdfDescription rdfabout"http//some_URIgt
- ltdctitlegtExpressing Dublin Core with
RDFlt/dctitlegt - ltdccreatorgt Eric Miller lt/dccreatorgt
ltdcsubjectgt Dublin Core RDF XML lt/dcsubjectgt - ltdcpublishergt Dublin Core Metadata Initiative
lt/dcpublishergt - ltdccontributorgtDublin Core Data Model Working
Group lt/dccontributorgt - ltdcdategt 1999-07-01 lt/dcdategt
- ltdcformatgt text/html lt/dcformatgt ltdclanguagegt
en lt/dclanguagegt lt/rdfDescriptiongt
8Well, there are complications
ltrdfDescription rdfabout "http//some_uri"gt
ltdccreatorgt ltrdfDescriptiongt
ltgemperson value"Jon Jab" /gt ltgememail
value"jonjab_at_u.wash.edu" /gt
lt/rdfDescriptiongt lt/dccreatorgt lt/rdfDescript
9Same approach for Statements about Statements
- ltdcrelationgt
- ltgemisChildOfgt
- ltrdfvaluegt
- http//www.nytimes.com/learning/
- lt/rdfvaluegt
- ltrdfslabelgt
- Lesson Plan Archive
- lt/rdfslabelgt
- lt/gemisChildOfgt
- lt/dcrelationgt
10Schemas define classes and properties.
- Written in RDF
- Describes the relationships between properties
and their resources. - Analogous to ERDs.
- Can be used to control vocabulary.
- Core Classes
- rdfsResource
- rdfProperty
- rdfsClass
- Core Properties
- rdftype
- rdfssubClassOf
- rdfssubPropertyOf
- rdfsseeAlso
- rdfsisDefinedBy
11Schemas declare standard compliance.
- ltrdfsClass rdfID "LanguageScheme"gt
- ltrdfslabelgtLanguage Encoding Schemeslt/rdfslabel
gt - ltrdfscommentgtA set of language encoding schemes
and/or formats.lt/rdfscommentgt - ltrdfsisDefinedBy rdfresource "" /gt
- lt/rdfsClassgt
- ltrdfsClass rdfID "RFC1766"gt
- ltrdfslabelgtRFC1766lt/rdfslabelgt
- ltrdfscommentgtInternet RFC 1766 'Tags for the
identification of Language' specifies a two
letter code taken from ISO 639, followed
optionally by a two letter country code taken
from ISO 3166.lt/rdfscommentgt - ltrdftype rdfresource "LanguageScheme" /gt
- ltrdfsseeAlso rdfresource "http//www.ietf.org
/rfc/rfc1766.txt" /gt - ltrdfsisDefinedBy rdfresource "" /gt
- lt/rdfsClassgt
- ltdclanguagegt
- ltdcqRFC1766gt
- ltrdfvaluegtENlt/rdfvaluegt
- ltrdfslabelgtEnglishlt/rdfslabelgt
12Schemas are also namespaces
- lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"ISO-8859-1" ?gt
- ltrdfRDF xmlnsrdf"http//www.w3.org/1999/02/22-r
df-syntax-ns" xmlnsrdfs"http//www.w3.org/2000/
01/rdf-schema" xmlnsdc"http//purl.org/dc/eleme
nts/1.1/" xmlnsdcq"http//dublincore.org/2000/03
/13/dcq" xmlnsdctype"http//dublincore.org/2000
/03/13/dctype" xmlnsgemq"http//gemstar.ischool
.wasington.edu/2.0/gemq"gt - ltrdfDescription rdfabout""gt
- ltdctitlegtThe GEM Element Set v2.0lt/dctitlegt
- ltdcpublishergtThe GEM Consortiumlt/dcpublishergt
- ltdcdescriptiongtThe GEM metadata vocabulary is
a simple vocabulary intended to facilitate
discovery of educational resources.lt/dcdescriptio
ngt - ltdclanguagegtEnglishlt/dclanguagegt
- ltdcdategt2001-03-16lt/dcdategt
- lt/rdfDescriptiongt
13Controlled language values in RDF wordlists
- ltrdfDescription rdfabout"s3"gt
- ltgemERIC
- rdfabout"http//
thesauri/eric?Secondary_Education"gt - ltrdfvaluegtSecondary Educationlt/rdfvaluegt
- lt/gemERICgt
- lt/rdfDescriptiongt
Thesaurus is one type of word list stored in
rdf ltrdfDescription about"http//raven.ischool.
ltns2SCOPEgtschedules or plans of procedure under
which a series of intended activities is directed
toward desired results (note use a more specific
term if possbile)lt/ns2SCOPEgt ltns2RT
auri/eric?program_administration" /gt ltns2RT
auri/eric?program_attitudes" /gt ltns2RT
auri/eric?program_budgeting" /gt ltns2RT
auri/eric?program content" /gt
- rdf parser from w3.orghttp//www.w3.org/RDF/Imple
mentations/SiRPAC/ - RDF Model and Syntax Specificationhttp//www.w3.o
rg/TR/REC-rdf-syntax/ - RDF Schema Specification 1.0http//www.w3.org/TR/
2000/CR-rdf-schema-20000327/ - RDF homepagehttp//www.w3c.org/RDF
- Expressing Qualified Dublin Core in
ts/dcqual/qual21.3.1/qual21-3-1.html - The Gateway to Educational Materialshttp//www.th
egateway.org/ - GEMinfo (about the Gateway)http//www.geminfo.org