Title: Riverside Unified School District Program Improvement Year 1
1Riverside Unified School District Program
Improvement - Year 1
- Local Education Agency (LEA)
- Plan Addenda
- Board of Education Report
- Gladys Walker, Deputy Superintendent
Instructional Services - Renee Hill, Director Program Quality
- December 10, 2007
2Presentation Outline
- Thanks to all who supported development of
the plan and addenda. - Background on No Child Left Behind
- Information about Local Education Agency (LEA)
Program Improvement designation - Local Education Agency Title1 and Title 3 Addenda
- Data collection
- Action planning
- Request for addenda approval
3No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) Background
- NCLB Act of 2001
- Reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary
Education Act (ESEA) - Federal law affecting education K-12
- Signed into law by President George Bush
- Reauthorization currently underway
4No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) Background
- At its beginning, NCLB promoted Four Pillars
- Parental Choice
- Greater Local Funding Flexibility
- Practices Based on Scientific Research
- Increased Accountability
5No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) Pillar 1 of 4
- Parental School Choice
- Student transfers
- District-paid bus transportation
- Supplemental tutoring services
6No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) Pillar 2 of 4
- Local Control and Flexibility
- States and local education agencies (LEAs)
granted limited flexibility in some of their
federal grant programs.
7No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) Pillar 3 of 4
- Research-based Practices
- Programs and teaching methods must be
research-based in order to use federal funds.
8No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) Pillar 4 of 4
- Accountability
- Individual State Accountability Systems
- Standards-based
- Annual assessment
- Assessment results disaggregated
- Academic achievement awards
- School/District sanctions
Disaggregated means for all ethnic and education
program subgroups, e.g. Anglo, Hispanic, low
income, English learner, special education, etc.
9No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) State versus
Federal Accountability
- State Accountability
- Academic Performance Index (API)
- Federal Accountability
- Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP)
10What is the difference between AYP and API?
11What is the difference between AYP and API?
AYP Language Arts and Math Only
API Language Arts, Math, Science, History
The top two rungs of the ladder only.
Points for traveling up all rungs of the ladder
(each proficiency level).
Below Basic
Far Below Basic
12No Child Left Behind (NCLB)RUSD Adequate Yearly
Progress (AYP) Targets
- RUSD has 46 targets, including
- participation rates,
- district Academic Performance Index (API),
- graduation rate, and
- percent proficient in language arts and
13Presentation Outline
- Background on No Child Left Behind
- Information about Local Education Agency (LEA)
Program Improvement designation - Local Education Agency Title I and Title III
Addenda - Data collection
- Action planning
- Request for addenda approval
14No Child Left Behind (NCLB)Language arts targets
increase through 2014
These are district goals. Schools have different
percentages. K-8 is slightly higher. High
school is slightly lower.
15No Child Left Behind (NCLB)Math targets increase
through 2014
16No Child Left Behind (NCLB)How Close Were We?
- We met 44 of the 46 goals, exceeding some by as
much as 100. - We missed two language arts goals one goal by 8
percentage points and one by 0.6 of a percentage
17No Child Left BehindWhat is the Impact of
Missing 2 of the 46 Goals?
- As a result of missing our language arts goals
for two consecutive years, the district has been
designated - Local Educational Agency (LEA) Program
Improvement PI Year 1.
18NCLB Sanctions forLEA Program Improvement -Year 1
- Notify all parents in the district of program
improvement status complete - Contract with an external entity complete
- Complete state mandated surveys complete
- Identify district priorities complete
- Create district PI action plan and develop
addenda to existing plans which address
priorities complete - Secure Board approval of LEA addenda December
10 - Implement/monitor PI Action Plan in progress
19NCLB Mandates LEA Program Improvement -Year 1
- Local Education Agency (LEA)
- Title I Addendum and
- Title III Addendum
- Overview
20Presentation Outline
- Background on No Child Left Behind
- Information about Local Education Agency (LEA)
Program Improvement designation - Local Education Agency Title I and Title III
Addenda - Data collection
- Action planning
- Request for addenda approval
21Data Collection
- State-Mandated Survey Data
- Every school completed the Academic Program
Survey - 10 Teams completed District Assistance Survey (8
parts), English Learner Self-Study, and Special
Education Survey - Assessment Data WestEd analyzed CST, API, AYP,
other data, and WestEd ten point rubric - Observation Data WestEd/RUSD staff visited 570
classrooms and interviewed several district
staff, principals, and teachers
22WestEd Data Collection Identified Four Barriers
to Student Achievement
- Student engagement measured at 55.
- API growth not keeping pace with state growth.
- Strategic interventions are limited as noted on
school surveys. - Lesson formative assessment measured at 22 and
use of district benchmark data is inconsistent.
23Presentation Outline
- Background on No Child Left Behind
- Information about Local Education Agency (LEA)
Program Improvement designation - Local Education Agency Title I and Title III
Addenda - Data collection
- Action planning
- Request for addenda approval
24Action Planning
- WestEd acknowledged some actions already
underway since July 2007 or earlier - K-8 teachers and administrators attended language
arts training (SB472 and AB430). - Teachers supported by a language arts coach and
an English language development coach. - Instructional monitoring was refined and
implemented. - Strategic intervention during language arts class
time was expected.
25Action Planning
- Sixteen actions offered by WestEd with a
recommendation to select 2 to 4. - Principals and instruction staff selected three
areas (discussed below). - The three actions were discussed by Cabinet
- Instruction staff and some principals identified
specific action steps. - Action steps comprise the addendum to the Title I
Plan and to the Title III Plan.
26Action 1 Increase student engagement and
academic rigor by
- Reaffirming commitment to district-wide
agreements - Ensuring a district model of student engagement
- Communicate the model
- Include all proficiency levels
- Provide professional development
- Monitor implementation
27Action 2 Ensure interventions for strategic
level students by
- Using state assessments (CST, CELDT, CAHSEE) and
district benchmarks to identify students needing
strategic level intervention - Specifying curriculum for strategic interventions
including special education resource program - Adding additional time (K-6) or classes (7-12) to
address needs - Monitoring implementation
28Action 3 Use formative assessment and district
benchmarks to improve learning by
- Ensuring that lesson objectives are clear and
assessed within each lesson - Utilizing data analysis protocols
- Refine and communicate the protocol
- Provide professional development
- Monitor implementation
29Presentation Outline
- Background on No Child Left Behind
- Information about Local Education Agency (LEA)
Program Improvement designation - Local Education Agency Title I and Title III
Addenda - Data collection
- Action planning
- Request for addenda approval
30Local Education Agency Plan Addenda Approval
31API is a growth model
A 1000
1.25 API points
P 875
1.75 API points
B 700
Every one percent of students moving from BB to B
contributes 2 API points
BB 500
Every one percent of students moving from FBB to
BB contributes 3 API points
FBB 200
32How does Riverside Unified compare to other
- 25 districts are listed in Riverside County
- 16 are currently in program improvement
33How does Riverside Unified compare to other
- 25 districts are listed in Riverside County
- 16 are currently in program improvement
- 2 are at risk of program improvement
- 7 are neither program improvement nor at risk
Not PI or at risk Corona-Norco Desert Center (1
school) Menifee (elementary only) Murietta CSDR
(not Title 1) Temecula RCOE (alternative
programs and 1 charter)
PI Risk Beaumont Nuview
34RUSD math performance has been increasing
and all subgroups (Asian, Anglo, Hispanic,
low income, African-American, English learner and
special education)
35RUSD language arts performance has also been
and all subgroups (Asian, Anglo, Hispanic,
African-American, low income, English learner and
special education)
36Language arts growth has not met the goal for all
NCLB goals