Title: Monitoring the Tobacco Industry: Sources and Resources
1Monitoring the Tobacco Industry Sources and
- Promoting effective tobacco control policies in
Latin America and the Caribbean - Roswell Park Cancer Institutes Pre-Conference
Workshop - Mexico City, October 13, 2009
- Stella Aguinaga Bialous, RN, MScN, DrPH, FAAN
- Tobacco Policy International
- stella_at_bialous.com
2Why consider the industry tactics?
- The tobacco industry plays a key role in the
tobacco epidemic we need to know the industry
in order to develop effective and feasible
tobacco control policies - Industry voluntary or self-regulatory measures
have not been proven to be effective tobacco
control measures.
3Tobacco industry main goals
- Growth and profit
- Protect marketing freedoms
- Protect the industry and the smoker
- Maintain and enhance social acceptability of
tobacco use - Improve public image through good corporate
citizens action - Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
4WHO, FCTC and Monitoring the industry
- Monitoring the industry and sharing information
about industrys strategies to derail tobacco
control. - Resolution 54.18 of the 54th World Health
Assembly (May 2001) - WHO FCTC be alert to any efforts by the tobacco
industry to undermine or subvert tobacco control
efforts and the need to be informed of activities
of the tobacco industry that have a negative
impact on tobacco control efforts
5FCTC and Monitoring the industry
- WHO FCTC Article 5.3
- In setting and implementing their public health
policies with respect to tobacco control, Parties
shall act to protect these policies from
commercial and other vested interests of the
tobacco industry in accordance with national
6- FCTC and Monitoring the industry
- WHO FCTC 20.4 (c)
- "cooperate with competent international
organizations to progressively establish and
maintain a global system to regularly collect and
disseminate information on tobacco production,
manufacture and the activities of the tobacco
industry which have an impact on the Convention
or national tobacco control activities."
7Guidelines for WHO FCTC Implementation Tobacco
industry monitoring as a cross-cutting issues
- Article 5.3 Article 8 Article 11 Article 13
- http//www.who.int/fctc/guidelines/en/
- 4 working groups draft guidelines
- Articles 9 10, 12, 14 and 17 18 (COP IV)
- VERY important to look for unlikely industry
- Restaurant associations, economic studies and
smokefree policies - Tobacco growers groups and WHO FCTC
- Advertisement restrictions and advertisement
organizations, merchants associations
9- Monitoring of the tobacco industry
- industry documents
- Transparency in tobacco control
- Ad hoc (UN) inter-agency task force on tobacco
control - Tobacco industry allies
- supply and sale chain
- allies, third parties and front groups
- Funding of scientists and researchers
- Strategies used by the tobacco industry
- Education, environment
- Lobbying and political campaign contributions
- Corporate social responsibility movement and
10Corporate Social Responsibility
- Response to
- Declining public image
- Litigation
- Regulation
- Main issue of trust and responsibility
- Reasonable expectations
- Ultimate goal still growth and profit
11Surveillance Sources of information
- Published research and reports
- WHO reports (HQ and regions)
- NGO Reports (e.g. FCA, SEATCA)
- Peer-reviewed journals
- Internet
- News sites
- Tobacco industry corporate sites
- Tobacco trade sites
- Tobacco industry internal documents
- Network!!!!!
12Examples of publications from NGOs and others
13August 2006 http//coop.dcd.uscourts.gov/99-2496
14Tobacco industry research, papers and reports at
UCSF http//library.ucsf.edu/tobacco/docsbiblio.ht
15Legacy Tobacco Documents Library
- Document websites being updated
- Limited number of recent documents
- Learning curve to search
- Very important to be aware of limitations and
context - Lack of a document only
- means lack of a document
- often not conclusive
16Example Tobacco Companies sites
17Industry Sites
- Let the industry work for you!
- Find the latest news on industry websites press
or news pages - Find CSR information
- e.g. http//www.bat.com/
18Using the internet for tobacco industry
surveillance Some considerations
- What do you need to know?
- What are your current resources?
- How/where do you find more?
- Are you well connected (e.g high speed)?
- What do you do if youre not?