Title: OttawaCarleton District School Board
1- Ottawa-Carleton District School Board
- Community Use of Schools User Fee Review
- January 2008
2Todays Meeting
- Introduction Background
- Cost of Community-based Use of School Facilities
- Findings
- Discussion
- Next Steps
- OCDSB is committed to community-based use (CU) of
its schools - Province is subsidizing the cost of CU for
community-based users (770k) - Current CU user fees plus provincial grant are
not sufficient to cover cost of CU - As a result OCDSB is making a significant, and
potentially unsustainable, contribution to cover
this revenue shortfall - OCDSB is seeking community input on how to
address the revenue shortfall
4Consultation Process
5Terminology and Background
- Community Use of Schools is the use of indoor
school facilities for non-day program purposes. - Users classified as
- Community-based
- Schools, School Councils District
- Continuing Education
6Community Use Hours
- In 2006/7 there were almost 271,000 hours of
community use of individual indoor facilities,
such as classrooms, cafeterias, gyms and
auditoriums. - There is also use of outdoor sports fields and
baseball diamonds, which are not part of this
7(No Transcript)
8- Costing the Community Use of Schools
9Incremental Cost of Community Use
- Facility-related CUS costs are the additional
expenses, over and above OCDSBs cost of
operating schools to educate day-time students. - Comprised of custodial, utility and maintenance
costs. - Non-facility related CUS costs, e.g. permit
administration office, are in addition to the
facility costs.
10How Usage Impacts Facility-Related Costs
- Community use increases OCDSBs facility
operating costs in two stages. - Stage I
- At Stage I the school is made ready for
community use. - ( warm, common spaces lit, custodial staff
present) - Stage I costs are incurred on behalf of all of
the community users in the school. - Stage II
- In Stage II users come into the school and use
specific facilities, e.g. gym, classroom - Stage II costs are incurred solely to provide
service to the user of the specific facility.
11- In 2005 OCDSB initiated a study to identify the
incremental cost of community use. - Study examined how OCDSB facility operation costs
are affected by community use. For example - custodial costs, electricity, water, heating,
lighting, cleaning supplies, equipment
maintenance - Study looked at cost impact by type of facility
and by time of use. - 2005 study has been updated to reflect expected
costs for 2008/9.
12- Cost of Community-based Users in Schools
- The following information displays impact to the
OCDSB from in-school use by community-based
users. It excludes District use outside of
regular day programming.
13Example of Stage I Costs
- (Elementary School, School Year)
14Example of Stage II Costs
- (Single Gymnasium, School Year)
15Determining the Overall Cost
Overall Cost is a share of Stage I costs plus the
Stage II costs for the specific facility
District-wide ratio of Stage I hours to Stage II
hours is 90 for M-F evening and 75 and 65
respectively for Saturday and Sunday.
16Overall Cost Example
Single Gym, Saturday, School Year
9,733/12,795 0.7607 Rounded to 0.76
17Projected Overall Incremental Cost
18- Projected 2008/9 Revenue Shortfall
- Inside Facilities
192008/9 Revenue Gap Community-based Users
(Inside Facilities)
20Hourly Usage Costs and Rental Fees Single
21Revenue Shortfall by User Category (Before
Provincial Grant)
22- Knowledge of current relative cost and revenue
contributions is helpful when thinking about
alternatives to the status quo.
23 24What did the CUS User Fee Review Find?
- Annually there are some 135,000 hours of
community-based use of District inside school
facilities. - For 2008/09 this use is expected to cost over
3.1 million in additional custodial and
facility operating costs. - User fees contribute 1.3 million of cost
recovery. - Provincial grant contributes 0.77 million of
cost recovery. - Leaving the remaining 1 million to be diverted
from District facility management funds. - The provincial grant is benefiting individuals
belonging to youth, community-based and municipal
user groups. - Gap between revenue and cost is much higher on
weekends than M-F weeknights. - The more community use the more OCDSB has to
25- Discussion and Next Steps
26Managing the Recovery of the Costs of Community
- What questions or issues has the presentation
raised for you? - Are there steps OCDSB should take to manage the
1 million cost under-recovery other the user fee
increases? - What factors should OCDSB consider when assessing
options for managing the 1 million cost
under-recovery? - Other?
27Next Steps
- User Fee Focus Group
- Communicate current situation to your
communities/members - Request their feedback on how the 1 million
revenue shortfall might be managed. - Provide OCDSB staff with feedback by February
1st preferably in writing. - OCDSB
- Hold public meetings on January 23 and 24
- All
- Next User Fee Focus Group Meeting February
13th, 400 to 600pm
28Additional Information
- Costing Methodology
- Martin Kane, RMI Group Ph 905-848-0925
- martin_at_rmi-consultants.com
- Other Questions
- Jane Gorman, OCDSB Ph 613-596-8781
- jane_gorman_at_ocdsb.edu.on.ca
29Thank you!