Title: 2nd Quarter Time Traveler Assignments:
12nd Quarter Time Traveler Assignments
November 30th - Authentic Product due to Mrs.
Duerr December 6th - Functional
Document due to Mrs. Duerr December
11th - Persuasive Essay, PowerPoint, and
Construct Map due to Mr. Puhr
December 13th - Portfolio due to Mr. Puhr
2Persuasive Essay Writing Prompt Why and how
would you convince a person to move to your
civilization? or Why and how would you convince
a person to stay away from your civilization?
- Must include an introductory paragraph
(thesis statement, name of civilization, time
period, location, etc.) and concluding
paragraph - The essay must address all four
themes - Research must be documented on a Works
Cited page (Bibliography in MLA format) - The
persuasive essay will be presented to and
assessed by your classmates
3Construct Map Construct one or more maps that
will help persuade your audience. - Maps
must be authentic, dated, and reflect the
development of your civilization as compared to
the known world at the time of the essay. -
The map should focus on the theme of geography
and show the physical features (mountains,
deserts, bodies of water, etc) and human
features (trade/migration routes, cities) of the
civilization. - Maps must include a legend or
key (what symbols represent, scale in miles or
kilometers, elevation, etc).
4PowerPoint Presentation - PowerPoint slides
will accompany your persuasive essay
presentation. - The slides should compliment
your essay presentation and will address all
four themes. - There will be an introductory
slide and a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 5
slides addressing each theme (9 to 21
slides). - Save your presentation by last name,
first name at W\Completed\Puhr, Patrick\Block 3
or Block 4 (as appropriate). THIS IS MANDATORY
5Portfolio due to Mr. Puhr December 13th
Table of Contents 1st Quarter
Tab - Standards - Syllabus - Assessment
Opportunities - Time Traveler Information
Packet - Observational Essay - Public
Announcement (If too large, include a photo) -
Public Announcement Perspective Essay - News
Article - Evidence of Research (Bibliography in
MLA Format) 2nd Quarter Tab - Photos
of Authentic Product - Functional Document (If
too large, include a photo) - Persuasive
Essay - Construct Map (If too large, include a
photo) - Persuasive PowerPoint slides (6 slides
per page) - Evidence of Research (Cumulative
bibliography in MLA Format)