Title: An Alternative to CERCLA:
1An Alternative to CERCLA The Urban River
Restoration Initiative Presented to the ACC
Waste Network Meeting by Jonathan P. Deason,
Ph.D., P.E. Environmental and Energy Management
Program The George Washington University March
14, 2001
- National Contaminated Sediment
Problem - Overview of Urban River Restoration Initiative
- Passaic River Restoration Initiative
- Explanation of Passaic River Problem
- Implementation of PRRI
3National Contaminated Sediment Problem
4National Contaminted Sediment Problem
- 1997 EPA National Sediment Quality Study
- 1,372 watersheds studied
- 96 watersheds have Areas of Probable Concern
- 1,200,000,000 CY contaminated sediment
- 0.6 dredged each year
- 160 years to clean up at current pace if all
discharges stopped - Some sites CERCLA some other authorities most
5The Urban River Restoration Initiative
6Overview of URRI
- Urban industrial river restoration program for
COE - Partnership with EPA and other federal, state
and local agencies - Comprehensive planning for environmental
restoration and economic revitalization of
distressed waterways - Appropriate levels of cost sharing
7Consistent With Recent Recommendations
- 1997 National Research Council report
Contaminated Marine Sediments in Ports and
Waterways Cleanup Strategies and
Technologies - EPA 1998 Contaminated Sediment Management
Strategy - 1998 IWR report on COE role in urban waterfront
development and restoration
8Synergistic With Other Programs
- Brownfields Redevelopment Initiative
- TMDL Initiative
- Environmental Justice Initiative
- NRD Watershed Initiative
9Utilizes Existing COE Authorities
- Planning Assistance to States
- Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration
- Ecosystem Restoration and Protection
- Streambank and Shore Protection
- Interagency Support
- Environmental Dredging
10Capitalizes on Recent Corps Guidance
- ER 1165-2-501, Civil Works Ecosystem
Restoration Policy (30 Sep 99) Ecosystem
Restoration is one of the primary missions of
the Civil Works Program - EP 1165-2-502, Ecosystem Restoration -
Supporting Policy Information (30 Sep 99)
Projects may be formulated to address only
ecosystem restoration objectives (or) may
address both ecosystem objectives plus other
11Recent Corps Guidance
- ER 1105-2-100, Civil Works Planning Guidance
Notebook (22 Apr 00) - The Corps of Engineers incorporated ecosystem
restoration as a project purpose within the
Civil Works program in response to the
increasing national emphasis on environmental
restoration and preservation. - The Corps objective is ecosystem restoration
planning is to contribute to national ecosystem
restoration (NER).
12CERCLA - URRI Comparison
13CERCLA - URRI Comparison (2)
14The Passaic River Environmental Restoration
15Passaic River Problems
- 935 square miles in NE NJ and SE NY
- Lower 23 miles very urbanized, highly
industrial, tidally influenced - Lower 6 miles designated as an NPL site
- Hundreds of chemical manufacturing plants,
petroleum refineries, and other large industrial
facilities along banks of lower Passaic - High concentrations of dioxins, PCBs, PAHs,
mercury, lead and other chemicals
16Passaic River Problems (2)
- Loss of tidal and freshwater wetland habitat
- Extensive impacts to birds and mammals
- Tributaries converted to storm sewers or filled
- Pathogenic microbial contamination, excessive
waterborne nutrients, non-point source
discharges - Large number of stakeholder groups including
municipalities, environmental organizations,
industries and other
17Passaic River Environmental Restoration
- Dual-track COE public works EPA CERCLA
processes - Public works reconnaissance, feasibility, ROD,
PED, construction - CERCLA PA/SI, RI/FS, ROD, RD/RA
18Passaic River Environmental Restoration
Initiative (2)
- Melding of processes at ROD stages
- Disposition of CERCLA liability IAW
recommendations in Chiefs report (project
authorization) - Benefits URRI will work, CERCLA will not
19Congressional Actions to Date
- House Resolution 2628 (April 11, 2000)
Passaic River, New Jersey Environmental
Restoration - FY 2001 Senate Energy and Water Development
Appropriations Report - FY 2001 Energy and Water Development
Appropriations Act
20Passaic River Environmental Restoration
21Passaic River Environmental Restoration
22Questions and Discussion