Title: Marta Gavil
1Gas and Metalliciy in Dwarf Galaxies
- Marta Gavilán Bouzas
- Mercedes Mollá Lorente
Estallidos IV, Granada 2-04-07
2What are we looking for?
- We are looking for some signs to know if dwarf
galaxies lose some of their gas or not.
How do we looking for it?
- Our aim is to have a large amount of model
results (in an autoconsistent way) to obtain the
maximum number of clues. - We analized gas content, metallicity and
photometry and compare them with observations.
3A short review
- Galactic Chemical Evolution Model
- Grid of models
4Galactic Chemical Evolution Model
- The free parameters are
- the collapse time Tcol
- the efficiency in forming molecular clouds em
- the efficiency in transform the clouds into
stars eh - The SFR is a RESULT not an INPUT
- There are no STAR BURSTS the star forming
process is continuous, but not constant
5Grid of Models
- Mass interval Six values
- From 8 106 M to 3 109M
- Collapse time Four values
- From 8 Gyr to 60 Gyr
- Star Formation Parameters Four values
- S, M, L, XL
TOTAL GRID 96 Models
- Lower Tcol and Higher em and eh è e 0.9
- Higher Tcol and Lower em and eh è e 0.1
Efficiency0.88 Efficiency0.40 Efficiency0.17
7Effective Yield
p 0.0034
The gas fraction estimation
8Oxygen Effective Yield
f Mgas/f Yo
6 0.0017
25 0.001
35 0.0009
Mgasf Yo
2 0.0017
4 0.0013
8 0.0008
9Oxygen Abundance
Ln(1/m) Tot
Kherig and col 2007
11Other observations
M(HI) Observations M(HI) Observations
Kong 2004 3.28 108M
Cox et al 2001 1.0 108M
Larsen et al 2000 5.88 108M
Mas-Hesse Kunth 99 3.4 108M
MB Observations MB Observations
Kong 2004 -17.23
Gil de Paz et al 2003 -16.52
Cairós et al 2001 -16.31
Cox et al 2001 -16.53
Larsen et al 2000 -17.49
What's happening?
Our Model
5.2 107M lt M(HI) lt 1.0 108M
Our Model
-18.7 lt MB lt-16.7
- Our models present an effective yield without gas
outflow according with most observations. - The models with high efficiency give too much
high abundances. It is possible that they do not
match with any observations. - In the case of IIZw70 we reproduce the SFR and
the (O/H) value with no star burst . - but the gas content needs additional