Course Overview Principles of Operating Systems - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Course Overview Principles of Operating Systems


the next step after connecting computers via networks are distributed systems ... dynamic approach (rendezvous arranged via matchmaker port) Distributed Systems 18 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Course Overview Principles of Operating Systems

Course OverviewPrinciples of Operating Systems
  • Introduction
  • Computer System Structures
  • Operating System Structures
  • Processes
  • Process Synchronization
  • Deadlocks
  • CPU Scheduling
  • Memory Management
  • Virtual Memory
  • File Management
  • Security
  • Networking
  • Distributed Systems
  • Case Studies
  • Conclusions

Chapter Overview Distributed Systems
  • Motivation
  • Objectives
  • Distributed System Structures
  • Network Operating Systems
  • Distributed OS
  • Remote Services
  • Distributed Processing
  • Task Distribution
  • Process Migration
  • Distributed File Systems
  • Naming and Transparency
  • Remote File Access
  • Stateful/Stateless Service
  • File Replication
  • Distributed Communication
  • Message Passing
  • Remote Procedure Call
  • Shared Memory
  • Distributed Coordination
  • Event Ordering
  • Mutual Exclusion
  • Atomicity
  • Distributed Deadlock
  • Important Concepts and Terms
  • Chapter Summary

  • the next step after connecting computers via
    networks are distributed systems
  • resources are transparently available throughout
    the system
  • users dont need to be aware of the system
  • environment independent of the local machine
  • the location and execution of processes is
  • load balancing
  • process migration

  • be aware of benefits and potential problems of
    distributed systems
  • understand location independence and location
  • understand mechanisms for distributing data and
  • know extensions of previous concepts to
    distributed systems

Characteristics of Modern Operating Systems
  • (review OS Structures chapter)
  • microkernel architecture
  • multithreading
  • symmetric multiprocessing
  • distributed operating systems
  • object-oriented design

Distributed Operating Systems
  • all resources within the distributed system are
    available to all processes if they have the right
  • users and processes dont need to be aware of the
    exact location of resources
  • the execution of tasks can be distributed over
    several nodes
  • transparent to the task, user and programmer
  • there is one single file system encompassing all
    files on all nodes
  • transparent to the user

Distributed Systems Diagram
Distributed OS
Users and User Programs
Server Processes
File System
Operating System
David Jones
Distributed System Structures
  • Network Operating Systems
  • Distributed Operating Systems
  • Remote Services

Network Operating Systems
  • users are aware of the individual machines in the
  • resources are accessible via login or explicit
    transfer of data
  • remote login, ftp, etc.

Distributed Operating Systems
  • users are unaware of the underlying machines and
  • in practice, users still have knowledge about
    particular machines
  • remote resources are accessible in the same way
    as local resources
  • practical limitations
  • physical access (printer, removable media)
  • movement of data and processes is under the
    control of the distributed OS

Distributed Processing
  • Task Distribution
  • Data Migration
  • Computation Migration
  • Process Migration

Task Distribution
  • allocation of tasks to nodes
  • static at compile or load time
  • dynamical at run time
  • separation of a task into subtasks
  • usually by or with the help of the programmer

Data Migration
  • movement of data within a distributed system
  • transfer of whole files
  • whenever access to a file is requested, the whole
    file is transferred to the node
  • all future accesses in that session are local
  • transfer of necessary parts
  • only those parts of a file that are actually
    needed are transferred
  • similar to demand paging
  • used in many modern systems
  • Sun NFS, Andrews, MS SMB protocol

Computation Migration
  • the computation (task, process, thread) is moved
    to the location of the data
  • large quantities of data
  • time to transfer data vs. time to execute remote
  • remote procedure call
  • a predefined procedure is invoked on a remote
  • message passing
  • a message with a request for an action is sent to
    the remote system
  • the remote system creates a process to execute
    the requested task, and returns a message with
    the result

Process Migration
  • extension to computation migration
  • a process may be executed at a site different
    from the one where it was initiated
  • reasons for process migration
  • load balancing
  • computation speedup
  • specialized hardware
  • specialized software
  • access to data
  • OS decides the allocation of processes
  • practical limitations (specialized hardware and

Remote Services
  • (see the chapter on processes)
  • remote procedure calls (RPC)
  • threads

Remote Procedure Calls
  • usually implemented on top of a message-based
    communication scheme
  • far less reliable than local procedure calls
  • precautions must be taken for failures
  • binding problems
  • local systems can integrate the procedure call
    into the executable
  • this is not possible for remote calls
  • fixed port number at compile time
  • dynamic approach (rendezvous arranged via
    matchmaker port)

  • often used in combination with remote procedure
  • threads execute RPCs on the receiving system
  • lower overhead than full processes
  • a server spawns a new thread for incoming
  • all threads can continue concurrently
  • threads dont block each other
  • example Distributed Computing Environment (DCE)

Distributed Computing Environment (DCE)
  • threads package for standardizing network
    functionality and protocols
  • system calls for various purposes
  • thread management
  • synchronization
  • condition variables
  • scheduling
  • interoperability
  • available for most Unix systems, Windows NT

Distributed File Systems
  • Naming and Transparency
  • Remote File Access
  • Stateful/Stateless Service
  • File Replication
  • Example Sun NFS

Distributed File System
  • multi-user file system where files may reside on
    various nodes in a distributed system
  • transfer time over the network as additional
  • at 10 MBit/s, the transfer of a 1 MByte file will
    take about 1 second (under good conditions)

Naming and Transparency
  • naming
  • mapping between logical file names as seen by the
    user, and the physical location of the blocks
    that constitute a file
  • location transparency
  • the actual location of the file does not have to
    be known by the user
  • a file may reside on a local system or on a
    central file server
  • files may be cached or replicated for performance
  • location independence
  • the file may be moved, but its name doesnt have
    to be changed

Naming Schemes
  • specification of host and path
  • hostlocal-path/file-name
  • not location transparent nor location independent
  • mounting of remote directories
  • remote directories can be attached to local
  • can become cumbersome to maintain
  • location transparent, but not location
  • example Sun NFS
  • global name space
  • total integration of the individual file systems
  • location transparent, location independent
  • example Andrews, Sprite, Locus

Remote File Access
  • remote service
  • on top of a remote procedure call mechanism
  • extension of system calls
  • frequently caching is used to improve performance

Stateful/Stateless Service
  • stateful file service
  • connection between client and server is
    maintained for the duration of a session
  • the server has information on the status of the
  • frequently better performance
  • stateless file service
  • each request is self-contained
  • the server keeps no information on the status or
    previous activities of the client
  • less complex

File Replication
  • several copies of files are kept on different
  • performance
  • better access times
  • redundancy
  • loss or corruption of a file is not a big problem
  • consistency
  • different instances must be kept identical

  • widely used distributed file system
  • interconnected workstations are viewed as
    independent nodes with independent file systems
  • files can be shared between any pair of nodes
  • not restricted to servers
  • implemented by mounting directories into local
    file systems
  • the mounted directory looks like a part of the
    local file system
  • remote procedure calls enable remote file

NFS Diagram
file system calls
VFS Interface
Unix file system
other file systems
NFS client
RPC Mech.
Operating System
Hardware Platform
Communication in Distributed Systems
  • Message Passing
  • Remote Procedure Call
  • Shared Memory
  • impractical for distributed systems

Message Passing
  • a request for a service is sent from the local
    system to the remote system
  • the request is sent in the form of a message
  • the receiving process accepts the message and
    performs the desired service
  • the result is also returned as a message
  • reliability
  • acknowledgments may be used to indicate the
    receipt f a message
  • synchronous (blocking) or asynchronous

Remote Procedure Call
  • often built on top of message passing
  • frequently implemented as synchronous calls
  • parameter passing
  • call by value is much easier to implement than
    call by reference
  • parameter representation
  • translation between programming languages or
    operating systems may be required

RPC Diagram
Client Application
Server Application
local calls
local calls
Application Logic (Client Side)
Application Logic (Client Side)
Local Stub
Local Stub
RPC Mech.
RPC Mech.
Operating System
Operating System
Hardware Platform
Hardware Platform
Distributed Coordination
  • Event Ordering
  • Mutual Exclusion
  • Atomicity
  • Distributed Deadlock

Distributed Coordination
  • synchronization of processes across distributed
  • no common memory
  • no common clock
  • extension of methods discussed in the chapters on
    process synchronization and deadlocks
  • not all methods can be extended easily

Event Ordering
  • straightforward in a single system
  • it is always possible to determine if on event
    happens before, at the same time, or after
    another event
  • often expressed by the happened-before relation
  • defines a total ordering of the events
  • timestamps can be used in distributed systems to
    determine a global ordering of events

Event Ordering Diagram
Mutual Exclusion
  • critical sections which may be used by at most
    one process at a time
  • processes are distributed over several nodes
  • approaches
  • centralized
  • fully distributed
  • token passing

Centralized Approach
  • one process coordinates the entry to the critical
  • processes wishing to enter the critical section
    send a request message to the coordinator
  • one process gets permission through a reply
    message from the coordinator, enters the critical
    section, and sends a release message to the
  • coordinator is critical
  • if it fails, a new coordinator must be determined

Fully Distributed Approach
  • far more complicated than the centralized
  • based on event ordering with timestamps
  • a process that wants to enter its critical
    section sends a request (including the timestamp)
    to all other processes
  • it waits until it receives a reply message from
    all processes before entering the critical
  • if a process is in its critical section, it wont
    send a reply message until it has left the
    critical section

Token Passing
  • processes are arranged in a logical ring
  • one single token is passed around the distributed
  • the holder of the token is allowed to enter the
    critical section
  • precautions must be taken for lost tokens

Distributed Atomicity
  • atomic transaction
  • a set of operations that is either fully
    executed, or not at all
  • in a distributed system, the operations grouped
    into one atomic transaction may be executed on
    different nodes/sites
  • transaction coordinator
  • local coordinator guarantees atomicity at one
  • two-phase commit (2PC) protocol

Two-Phase Commit Protocol
  • makes sure that all sites involved either commit
    to a common transaction, or abort
  • Phase 1
  • after the execution of the transaction, the
    transaction manager at the initiating site
    queries all the others if they are willing to
    commit their portions of the transaction
  • Phase 2
  • if all answer positively within a given time, the
    transaction is committed otherwise it must be
  • the outcome is reported to all sites, and they
    finalize the commit or abort

Failure Handling in 2PC
  • participating site
  • the affected site must either redo, undo, or
    contact the coordinator about the fate of the
  • coordinator
  • if a participating site has a commit (abort) on
    record, the transaction must be committed
  • it may be impossible to determine if and what
    kind of decision has been made, and the sites
    must wait for the coordinator to recover
  • network
  • for one link, it is similar to the failure of a
  • for several links, the network may be partitioned
  • if coordinator and all participating sites are in
    the same partition, the protocol can continue
  • otherwise it is similar to site failure

Distributed Deadlock
  • extensions of the methods and algorithms
    discussed in the chapter on deadlocks
  • deadlock prevention and avoidance
  • resource ordering
  • bankers algorithm
  • prioritized preemption
  • deadlock detection
  • (simple case one instance per resource type)
  • centralized
  • fully distributed

Deadlock Prevention
  • resource-ordering
  • can be enhanced by defining a global ordering on
    the resources in the distributed system
  • distributed bankers algorithm
  • one process performs the role of the banker
  • all requests for resources must go through the
  • the banker can become the bottleneck
  • prioritized preemption
  • each process has a unique priority number
  • cycles in the resource allocation graph are
    prevented by preempting processes with lower

Centralized Deadlock Detection
  • each site maintains a local wait-for graph
  • it must be shown that the union of all the graphs
    contains no cycle
  • one coordinator maintains the unified graph
  • time delays may lead to false cycles
  • can be avoided by using time stamps

Distributed Deadlock Detection
  • partial graphs are maintained at every site
  • if a deadlock exists, it will lead to a cycle in
    at least one of the partial graphs
  • based on local wait-for graphs enhanced by a node
    for external processes
  • an arc to that node exists if a process waits for
    an external item
  • a cycle involving that external node indicates
    the possibility of a deadlock
  • can be verified by a distributed deadlock
    detection algorithm involving message exchanges
    with affected sites

Important Concepts and Terms
  • asynchronous
  • atomic transactions
  • client/server model
  • communication
  • coordination
  • distributed deadlock
  • distributed file system
  • distributed operating system
  • event ordering
  • kernel
  • location independence
  • location transparency
  • message passing
  • microkernel
  • mutual exclusion
  • naming
  • network file system
  • network operating system
  • processes
  • remote procedure call
  • resources
  • server, services
  • synchronous
  • tasks

Chapter Summary
  • distributed systems extend the functionality of
    computers connected through networks
  • location independence and location transparency
    are important aspects of distributed systems
  • distribution of data and computation can achieve
    better resource utilization and performance
  • many aspects of distributed systems are more
    complex than for local systems
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