Title: Graphical Interference Management System
New Version 3.4
- Presented byAttila Matas BR SSD/SPR
2What Can You Do With GIMS ?
Geostationary satellites
- View diagrams already notified
- Manage databases
- Create your own diagrams
- Handle GXT files
- Gain interpolation
- Interactive PFD analysis
3View Diagrams (I)
Gain towards geostationary orbit
Antenna Gain Contours Service Areas
4Antenna Gain Contours
AG/GSO Diagram
Service Area defined as a close contour
Since version 3.0 in MS Access format
- Read-Only
- Automatic connection after GIMS setup
- Created from GIMS
- DB Management from Database Window (No more
CONTADM) - Create, Backup, Diagram transfer
Your Databases
6Database Manager Window Shows databases
currently open
Context menu or DB Admin menu to get to
database management functionalities
7Browsing Databases
File Open
Click, click
8View Diagrams (II)
- Usual windows-type interaction
- Cut/copy/paste
- Drag and drop
- Line style / colors
- Undo/redo
- Map characteristics
- Projections
- Display borders
- GIMS-type interaction
- Click for selecting elements
- Double-click to get the properties (e.g.
Contours gain)
9Cut/Copy/Paste Undo/Redo
Color Line Style
Get a picture of the diagram
Map characteristics
10View Diagrams (III)
- List of countries covered by contour(s) or under
a point - Copy picture then paste to other documents (MS
Word) - Overlapping diagrams
- To view several footprints on one window
11List of countries covered by contours
12Overlapping Mode
13Create Your Own Diagrams
Drawing on Paper
Menu Entry
Simple diagrams e.g. global beams
Personal DB
Elliptical beams
GXT File
14What Cant You Do With GIMS ?
- Design your antenna !
- View GIMS as a SpaceCap equivalent for graphical
data. - Change the contour shape interactively.
Enter key elements
Select diagram type
Complex diagrams (map recognition)
Simple diagrams
16GXT Files
FormatInfo format_ver1 GeoMain admJ sat_name
JCSAT-2 long_nom154.0000 n_diag1 COHeader bea
m_idDCH emi_rcpE polar_discC reasonC n_bore1
n_cont9 B1 gain0.00 p119.030835.1593 C1 ga
in-2.00 n_point54 P1119.821431.1617 P2119.424
031.1030 P3118.975131.0469
Textual representation( Format Attachment 2 to
CR 58 ) Electronic Notification
17GXT Processing
Validation Options
18Graphical Interference Management System
- Gain tool interpolates gain at any location on
the earth - Contour generation using interpolation (nice with
3db ellipse) - PFD examination produces list of affected
countries - Appendix 30, Article 21
19Get the gain by clicking on the map Result in
status bar
Calculate Gain at given coordinates Generate a
contour of a given gain
20PFD Tool Click on map to get PFD
Access to input data dialog box
PFD contour List of affected countries
Data required for PFD analysis e.g. maximum
gain, power
21Programming With GIMS Data
- Gain interpolation
- Browse REFDB
- Version 3.0
- Diagram data parsing
- Browse personal DBs
- Import/Export GXT files
- Save data into personal DBs
22Help !
- On-line help
- Frequently asked questions
- Tutorials
- Data capture
- GXT validation
Links to documentation from README
23!!!! NEW !!!! in - GIMS 3.4
- You should install this version to profit from
the GIMS reference database incremental update
that have been started as of IFIC
2504/07.10.2003. - Â
- To make sure the reference database may be
updated, you should install it locally. This
option is proposed during the GIMS installation
24How does it work? (1)
- As you may already have experienced, even if you
work with a local copy of REFDB it is
automatically updated with the latest data found
either on SRS or IFIC CD-ROMs. The same ease of
use will be provided with the incremental update
database. - Once REFDB is configured to be local, the
incremental update procedure is started
automatically whenever you open REFDB and an IFIC
CD-ROM is in the CD reader. GIMS checks whether
an incremental update database is available and
whether there are new update actions to be
25How does it work? (2)
- The incremental update database gets bigger on
every IFIC CD because it contains all updates to
be performed in between two releases of the SRS
CD-ROM. This way you can just use the latest IFIC
CD available to make your REFDB copy up-to-date.
After a new SRS CD release, the incremental
update database is cleared and will be filled
again until the next SRS CD. - Troubleshooting
- I get error messages like Out of memory or No
valid reference databases were found in the
master folder" - You may get these messages when you do not work
with a local copy of REFDB and an IFIC CD with an
incremental database in the master folder has
been detected. To correct the problem, change the
REFDB settings so that you work with a local copy
26GIMSAttila MATASmatas_at_itu.intBR SSD/SPR
27GIMSQuestions ?