Title: Problem 1: Safety and environmental studies
1Kaunas University of Technology
Contact Person Prof. Jonas Gylys, E-mail
Address jonas.gylys_at_ktu.Lt
Problem 1 Safety and environmental studies
Title Power plant conceptual studies safety
Goal - to study behavior of vacuum vessel and
containment at accidental conditions. Partners-
Helsinki University of Technology (Finland)
Recent publications Gintaras emulis, Arvydas
Adomavicius and Rainer Salomaa , Loss of Flow
Accident Analysis of a Water-Cooled Fussion
Reactor, Advances in Heat Transfer Engineering,
Begell House, New York (2003) 637-644.
2Problem 2 Fusion reactor blanket studies Heat
Title Usage of Two-Phase systems (foam flows,
gravitational liquid films, dispersed liquid
droplets) for cooling of heated surfaces
Goals - to study the heat and mass transfer
processes during the contact of two-phase flows
with the heated surfaces - to
achieve high heat transfer efficiency using
reduced coolant mass flow and low energy
consumption. Recent publications 1. Gylys
J., Jakubcionis M., Miliauskas G., Sinkunas S.,
Dependence of tube bundle heat transfer on foam
flow parameters // In. International Symposium
on Transient Convective Heat and Mass Transfer in
Single and Two-Phase Flows.- Editors J.Padet,
F.Arinc. ISBN 1-56700-204-2. International
Centre For Heat And Mass Transfer, New York,
Wallingford (UK) Begell House Inc., 2003, pp.
623-632. 2. Sinkunas S., Fluid mechanics and
heat transfer in film flow down a horizontal
cylinder // 3rd European Thermal Sciences
Conference 2000. ISBN 88-467-0305-7. Pisa
Edizioni ETS, 2000, vol. 1, pp. 265-268. 3.
Miliauskas G. , Regularities of unsteady
radiative-conductive heat transfer in evaporating
semitransparent liquid droplet // Int. J. Heat
Mass Transfer. ISSN 0017-9310. 2001, vol. 44, no
4, p. 785-798.
3Problem 3 Title Ultrasonic material
characterization and non-destructive evaluation
in extreme conditions,including nuclear
applications Performer Ultrasound institute,
Kaunas University of Technology Director
prof. R. KAZYS, rkazys_at_ktu.lt Personel - Eight
doctors (PhD), including 2 professors, 7 PhD
students and 3 engineers -
Five level III (highest) experts in ultrasonic
testing according to European norm
EN473. Experimental technique -
Multi-channel ultrasonic data acquisition and
analysis system SUMIAD -
Ultrasonic data evaluation system MASERA -
Ultrasonic 3D data acquisition system with
4-channel precise scanner
- Ultrasonic data processing system CIVA -
Experimental set-up for high-temperature tests.
4- Experience
- -development of ultrasonic on-line visualization
systems operating in high temperature liquid
metal alloy environment for accelerator driven
systems (MYRRHA) - -ultrasonic non-destructive evaluation of fuel
channels of RBMK type reactors - -development of ultrasonic techniques for
characterization of high temperature materials - Research background
- 1. R. Kays, A. Voleiis, R. literis, L.
Maeika, R. Van Nieuwenhove, P. Kupschus, H. Ait
Abderrahim. Ultrasonic transducers for high
temperature applications in accelerator driven
reactors. In// Proceedings of the World Congress
on Ultrasonics, Paris, 7-10 September 2003, p.
33-36. - 2. R. Kays, L. Maeika, E. Jasiuniene, R.
literis, P. Kupschus, R. Van Nieuwenhove, H. Ait
Abderrahim. Ultrasonic imaging techniques for the
visualisation in hot metals. In// Proceedings of
the World Congress on Ultrasonics WCU-2003,
Paris, 7-10 September 2003, p. 1391-1394. - 3. R. Kays, A. Voleis, L. Maeika, R.
literis, R. Van Nieuwenhove, P. Kupschus and
H.Ait Abderrahim. Investigation of ultrasonic
properties of a liquid metal used as a coolant in
accelerator driven reactors. 2002 IEEE
International Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings,
ISSN 1051-0117, Munich, 2002, p.794-797. -