Title: Traffic characterization and analysis
1Traffic characterization and analysis
- Nicolas Larrieu, Philippe Owezarski
- Toulouse, France
- nlarrieu, owe_at_laas.fr
- Introduction to Internet monitoring
- Needs, principles and applications
- State of the art on active and passive technics
- Internet traffic characterisitics and related
performance problems - Traffic mutation P2P impact
- Treats for the Internet oscillations, LRD
- How to use monitoring results?
- Application to traffic engineering a new
congestion control mechanism
3Part 1
- Introduction to Internet monitoring
- Needs, principles and applications
- State of the art on active and passive technics
- Internet traffic characterisitics and related
performance problems - Traffic mutation P2P impact
- Treats for the Internet oscillations, LRD
- How to use monitoring results?
- Application to traffic engineering a new
congestion control mechanism
- Deals with both monitoring results and effects on
network design, research and management - Topic under the spotlight
- Definition science of measurements
- To apply to networks in general, to the Internet
in particular
5Monitoring and networks
- Explosion of the Internet (in size)
- New services
- QoS
- Increasing complexity of the Internet
- No more control of the global Internet
6Monitoring and networks
- Defeat statement
- For instance on QoS aspects
- Bad knowledge of the traffic
- Because of the current Internet complexity, its
evolution requires a good knowledge of the
real traffic - Real traffic exists and is full of
7Example of a provisioning problem
8What to use for network monitoring?
- Administration / operation tools based on SNMP
- Topology of networks / configuration
- Some statistics measurements
- Granularity is too coarse min 5 s (but can be
1 hour, 1 day, 1 week or whatever) - Measured parameters are more or less the amount
of traffic sent and received
9Some examples of SNMP results (1)
RAP ? RENATER interconnection
Per hour trace
Input traffic
Output traffic
10Some examples of SNMP results (2)
Per Month trace
Per Week trace
Input traffic
Output traffic
11Problems for monitoring networks
- Impossible to monitor traffic dynamics (second
order values as variability auto-covariance for
instance) - Impossible to monitor traffic QoS (user point of
view goodput) - Impossible to get a (formal) traffic model
12Example on network provisioning
- Common beliefs tell us traffic is Poisson
- EXl
- VXl
- Provisioning should be 2l
- Actually, provisioning has to be at least 13
(i.e. 3l) - RENATER 13
- Sprint 13
- WorldCom 15
- ATT 110
13Questions on the example
- How explaining this over-provisioning requirement
? - How to predict the traffic that will be supported
by a new network to design ?
14Part 2
- Introduction to Internet monitoring
- Needs, principles and applications
- State of the art on active and passive technics
- Internet traffic characterisitics and related
performance problems - Traffic mutation P2P impact
- Treats for the Internet oscillations, LRD
- How to use monitoring results?
- Application to traffic engineering a new
congestion control mechanism
15Active measurements
- Principles
- Consists in sending packets on a network and
observing results (Delay, RTT, Throughput, etc.) - User point of view
- Best solution to evaluate the service you can get
from the network youre connected to - Drawbacks
- Probe packets change the state of the network
- ?IETF IPPM WG is working on the definition of
probing scenarios minimizing the effects on the
network state
16Some active measurement tools
- Ping
- Traceroute
- RIPE equipments
- Etc.
- Importance of clock synchronization most of the
time GPS is required
17Passive measurements
- Principles
- Capture packets (or headers)
- Not intrusive at all
- Carrier / ISP point of view
- Best solution for a carrier to measure traffic
- Drawbacks
- Sampling issues
- Difficult to get a user point of view
- Technical limits (speed of components, capacity)
18On line vs. Off line measurements
- On line
- Packets are analyzed in real-time
- Analysis on very long periods
- But complexity of analysis is quite limited
- Off line
- Packets are stored on hard drives / SAN for later
analysis - Possibilities of analysis are endless
- Possibility of correlating several traces
- But amount of stored data is really huge (small
periods only)
19Some passive measurement tools
- Tcpdump
- Tcptrace
- CISCOs Netflow
- DAG cards
- Etc.
20Part 3
- Introduction to Internet monitoring
- Needs, principles and applications
- State of the art on active and passive technics
- Internet traffic characterisitics and related
performance problems - Traffic mutation P2P impact
- Treats for the Internet oscillations, LRD
- How to use monitoring results?
- Application to traffic engineering a new
congestion control mechanism
21Current Internet traffic
- New applications with various and changing
requirements in terms of QoS appear - New P2P applications make traffic characteristics
22Internet traffic evolution (May 2000)
23Internet traffic evolution (August 2000)
24Internet traffic evolution (May 2003)
Throughput (kbits/s)
25TCP flow size
Number of packets per flow
26TCP flow size vs. total bandwidth
? Mice vs. elephants
Number of packets per flow
27Impact of P2P on traffic
- Thousands of mice
- A large number of elephants
- ? Change flow size distribution
28Flow size distribution
29Traffic oscillation issues
30Illustration LRD and losses
31Illustration LRD and losses
32Illustration LRD and losses
33Illustration LRD and losses
34Illustration LRD and losses
35Wavelett analysis of the traffic
36Log-log scale variance diagram
- 2 different power laws
- 2 different rating for scale invariance
- High scales
- H 0.5
- LRD characteristics
37Oscillations persistence characterization
H 0.741
38Traffic characteristics bibliography
- Actual Internet traffic has self-similarity and
long range dependancy properties - Due to
- Heavy-tailed distribution of flow size
- TCP-like congestion control mechanism
- Routers
- Human and application behaviors
40Illustration of self-similarity
- Worst case with a highly self-similar traffic
- EX l
- VX ? O(l2)
- Example
- If EX 100 Mbps ? Provisioning for a reliable
network with low delays is in the order of 10
Gbps - Reach the technological limits of networks with
an average traffic of few hundreds of Mbps
41Conclusion on traffic evolution
- Actual Internet traffic is not Poisson
- Well, it is probably not self-similar at all
scales? - But it is really LRD (and this is a major issue!)
42Part 4
- Introduction to Internet monitoring
- Needs, principles and applications
- State of the art on active and passive technics
- Internet traffic characterisitics and related
performance problems - Traffic mutation P2P impact
- Treats for the Internet oscillations, LRD
- How to use monitoring results?
- Application to traffic engineering a new
congestion control mechanism
43Measurement Based
- Monitoring/measurements become the corner stone
of research in networking - Many topics are addressed
- New protocols and architectures for
- Traffic characterization and modeling
- Multi-domains QoS guaranty
- Service and network utilization optimization
- Network or VPN or CoS provisioning
- QoS routing
- Network security, etc.
- Techniques and mechanisms for
- Pricing, etc.
44Multiple causes for Internet oscillations
- TCP like congestion control mechanisms (Slow
Start and Congestion Avoidance mechanisms /
Closed control loop) - Increase of transmitted file size
- Increase of network capacities (and
over-provisioning) - ? Increase of oscillations
- Amplitude
- Range
traffic oscillations limit network
performance High variability paper of
Willinger (IEEE ToN 96)
45Smoothing flow behavior
- Disturbances are mainly due to elephants
- We need to increase elephant flows regularity
- ? We are going to use the TFRC mechanism to
transmit elephant flows - TFRC proposes a smooth sending rate with very
soft increases and decreases
46TFRC impact on flow QoS throughput analysis
47TFRC impact on flow QoS LRD analysis
Real traffic
Simulated traffic
- Monitoring give us very important information on
traffic characteristics and related performance
problems - Traffic engineering can be really improve with
monitoring results - Lots of network research fields can be
investigated and improved - QoS, security, pricing, networking
49Thank you for your attentionAny questions?
Contact nlarrieu_at_laas.fr