Title: Oracle Reports Tips
1Oracle Reports Tips
- Created by College Information Systems
- Presented by Tara Welby
- Wednesday, April 14, 2004
- Create a Wizard Report
- Review components
- Customize a report
- Create a report from scratch
- Tips
- Developer Session
3How do I create a report with the Report Wizard?
- Style
- Matrix
- spreadsheet-like, very touchy!
- Use Discoverer instead
- Query (SQL or Build)
- Fields
- Totals
- Labels
- Template
- Finish
- Overwrites customizations!!
Use the Report Wizard to start the report, then
4Sample Report Report Wizard
5Ive got my data, but want to tweak the output.
Use the Live Previewer.
- WYSIWYG changes
- Good for
- Fonts
- Format mask
- Color
- Align
- Resize
- Conditional formatting (Right Click)
- Not good for deleting/adding
- Re-executes query
Use the Live Previewer to make minor formatting
6Sample Report - Live Previewer
7What makes up the layout? Check out the Layout
- Repeating Frames
- Frames
- Fields
- Boilerplate
- Section
- Header
- Main
- Trailer
- Edit Margin
8Sample Report Layout Model
9You can see all the objects in a report via the
Object Navigator.
- Find
- Property Palette (F4/Double-Click)
- Create/Delete
- Rename
- Move
- Copy
The Object Navigator is a useful report-wide view.
10Sample Report Object Navigator
11Wheres my query? The Data Model.
- Queries
- Columns
- Groups
- Parameters
- Data Links
- Parameters
- Master-Detail
- Can auto-join based on PK
- Computed Field
You can use the Data Model to enhance queries
build in the Wizard.
12Sample Report Data Model
13Create Report from Scratch
Creating a report from scratch provides a solid
foundation for modifying Wizard and SCT reports.
- Write query in SQLPlus/Toad first
- Tune
- Ensure getting correct data
- Write as much in SQL as possible (vs. tool)
- Single queries are more efficient
- More control
- Use Wizard to perform layout
- Save often and keep several versions
- Last step customize layout
- Use Obj Navigator to Select Frames
15SQL Tips
- You dont have to SELECT a COLUMN to use it in
the WHERE - IN vs. ORs
- OR ACCT_CODE '50536' OR ACCT_CODE'50605
- ACCT_CODE IN ('50536,'50605)
- Single, non-smart, Quotes
- Cutting and pasting from Word may cause issues
- Oracle SQL for Reporting (Version 8i )
- Group by Rollup, Cube
- Rank
- Statistical Functions
- Toad/Reports may not handle some obscure SQL
- Handles GROUP BY ROLLUP (x,y,z)
- Does not handle GROUP BY (X, Y) ROLLUP Z
16Advanced SQL Group by Rollup
17Advanced SQL Group by Cube
18Advanced SQL Hierarchies / Connect ByGood for
org chartsCan be slow - use with caution
- Oracle Pseudo Column
- / - Divider of Choice
- Level to Start With
- Ex Student Menu
- Child Parent
- Ex SubMenu Menu
19What if I want to make all my reports look
similar? Create a Template.
- Template Editor
- Create template similar to delivered
- Title
- Bridgewater State College Admissions Dept
- Page Numbers
- Date
- Help Manuals Quick Tour Report Builder
- Help Queue Cards
- Step by step instructions for common reports
- Oracle Documentation
- http//otn.oracle.com/documentation/index.html
- Report Builder Reference
- SQL Reference
- Oracle Metalink
- http//metalink.oracle.com
- Oracle Technology Network