Title: Predictors of customer perceived software quality
1Predictors of customer perceived software quality
- Paul Luo Li (ISRI CMU)
- Audris Mockus (Avaya Research)
- Ping Zhang (Avaya Research)
2Need to View Quality from the Customers
We translate these advanced technologies into
value for our customers -IBM (9 on the
Fortune 500)
Our strategy is to offer products, services and
solutions that are high tech, low cost and
deliver the best customer experience. -HP (11
on the Fortune 500)
We deliver unparalleled value to our customers.
Only by serving our customers well do we justify
our existence as a business -Avaya (401 on the
Fortune 500)
3What Would be Ideal
- Predict customer perceived quality
- Using customer characteristics
- For each customer
Key idea Focus on the customer
4Possible Applications of Predictions
- How do I plan deployment to meet the quality
expectations of the customer? - How do I target improvement efforts?
- How do I allocate the right resources to deal
with customer problems
- Predict customer experience for each customer
- Identify possible causes of problems
- Predict customer interactions
5Solutions for Software Producers
- How do I plan deployment to meet the quality
expectations of the customer? - How do I target improvement efforts?
- How do I allocate the right resources to deal
with customer problems
- Predict customer experience for each customer
- Identify possible causes of problems
- Predict customer interactions
6To Improve Customer Perceived Quality
- How do I plan deployment to meet the quality
expectations of the customer? - How do I target improvement efforts?
- How do I allocate the right resources to deal
with customer problems
- Predict customer experience for each customer
- Identify possible causes of problems
- Predict customer interactions
7Gaps in Current Research
- Prior work examined
- Software defect prediction for a single customer
(Musa et al. 1987, Lyu et al. 1996) - Software defect prediction for modules or
features (Jones et al. 1999, Khoshgoftaar et al.
Is not scalable
8Not Focused on Customers
- Prior work examined
- Software defect prediction for a single customer
(Musa et al. 1987, Lyu et al. 1996) - Software defect prediction for modules or
features (Jones et al. 1999, Khoshgoftaar et al.
Tell us nothing about a specific customer
9Does not Capture other Aspects of Customer
Perceived Quality
- Prior work examined
- Software defect prediction for a single customer
(Musa et al. 1987, Lyu et al. 1996) - Software defect prediction for modules or
features (Jones et al. 1999, Khoshgoftaar et al.
Does not predict other aspects of customer
perceived quality that are not code related.
10Research Contributions
- Predict software defects for each customer in a
cost effective manner - Predict other aspects of customer perceived
quality for each customer - Empirically validate deployment, usage, software,
and hardware predictors
11Rest of This Talk
- The setting
- Customer interactions (outputs)
- Customer characteristics (inputs)
- Results
- Conclusion
12Empirical Results from a Real World Software
- Avaya telephone call processing software system
- 7 million lines of C/C
- Fixed release schedule
- Process improvement efforts
- Tens of thousands of customers
- 90 of Fortune 500 companies use it
- Professional support organization
13Data Used are Commonly Available
- Customer issue tracking system
- Trouble ticket database
- The equipment database
- Change management
- Sablime database
Data sources available at other organizations
e.g. IBM and HP
Data collected as a part of everyday operations
14At Other Organizations
- Customer issue tracking system
- Trouble ticket database
- The equipment database
- Change management
- Sablime database
Data sources available at other organizations
e.g. IBM and HP
Data collected as a part of everyday operations
15Customer Interactions (Outputs)
- We assume customer interaction customer
perceived quality - Five customer interaction (Chulani et al. 2001,
Buckley and Chillarege 1995) within 3 month of
deployment - Software defects high impact problem
- System outages high impact problem
- Technician dispatches
- Calls
- Automated alarms
Important for Avaya and likely for other
organizations as well
16Examine Customer Installations
Number of deployments
Months after general availability
17Capture Characteristics of Each Installation
Customer 1 Deployed first month, a Large system,
Linux Customer 2 Deployed first month, a Small
system, Windows Customer 3 Deployed first
month, a Large system, Proprietary Os Customer
4 Deployed first month, a Small system,
Linux Customer 5 Deployed first month, a Large
system, Linux
Number of deployments
Months after general availability
18Analyze Using Statistical Analysis
Customer 1 Deployed first month, a Large system,
Linux Customer 2 Deployed first month, a Small
system, Windows Customer 3 Deployed first
month, a Large system, Proprietary Os Customer
4 Deployed first month, a Small system,
Linux Customer 5 Deployed first month, a Large
system, Linux
Number of deployments
Months after general availability
19Category of Predictors (Kinds of Inputs)
- We examine
- Deployment issues
- Usage patterns
- Software platform
- Hardware configurations
- Prior work examines
- Software product
- Development process
Common sense issues, but lack empirical validation
20Category of Predictors (Kinds of Inputs)
- We examine
- Deployment issues
- Usage patterns
- Software platform
- Hardware configurations
- Prior work examines
- Software product
- Development process
Key idea From the customers perspective, they
are not good predictors (i.e. do not vary for a
single release)
21Specific Predictors (Inputs)
- Total deployment time
- deployment issues
- Operating system
- software platform, hardware configurations
- System size
- hardware configurations, software platform, usage
patterns - Ports
- usage pattern, hardware configurations
- Software upgrades
- deployment issue
- Predict for each customer (outputs)
- Software defects
- System outages
- Technician dispatches
- Calls
- Automated alarms
- Using Logistic regression and Linear regression
- Using predictors (inputs)
- Total deployment time
- Operating system
- System size
- Ports
- Software upgrades
- For a real world software system
23Example Field Defect Predictions
25Nuisance Variables
26All Predictors are Important
27The Most Important Predictor
- Total deployment time (deployment issue)
- Systems deployed half way into our observational
period are 13 to 25 times less likely to
experience a software defect
28May Enable Deployment Adjustments
- Total deployment time (deployment issue)
- Systems deployed half way into our observational
period are 13 to 25 times less likely to
experience a software defect - May be due to software patching, better tools,
more experienced technicians
29Another Important Predictor
- Total deployment time (deployment issue)
- Operating system (software platform, hardware
configurations) - Systems running on the proprietary OS are 3 times
less likely to experience a software defect
compared with systems on running the open OS
(Linux) - Systems running on the commercial OS (Windows)
are 3 times more likely to experience a software
defect compared with systems running on the open
OS (Linux)
30May Allow for Targeted Improvement or Improved
- Total deployment time (deployment issue)
- Operating system (software platform, hardware
configurations) - May be due to familiarity with the operating
system - May be due to operating system complexity
31More Results in Paper
- The complete results and analyses for field
defects - Predictions for other customer interactions
32Validation of Results and Method
- We accounted for data reporting differences
- Included indicator variables in the models to
identify populations (e.g. US or international
customers) - We independently validated the data collection
process - Independently extracted data and performed
analyses - We interviewed personnel to validate findings
- Programmers
- Field technicians
33Summary Identified Predictors of Customer
Perceived Quality
- We identified and quantified characteristics,
like time of deployment, that can affect customer
perceived quality by more than an order of
34Summary Modeled Customer Interactions
- We identified and quantified characteristics ,
like time of deployment, that can affect customer
perceived quality by more than an order of
magnitude - We created models that can predict various
customer interactions and found that predictors
have consistent effect across interactions
35Summary Deployment is Important for High
- We identified and quantified characteristics ,
like time of deployment, that can affect customer
perceived quality by more than an order of
magnitude - We created models that can predict various
customer interactions and found that predictors
have consistent effect across interactions - We learned that controlled deployment may be the
key for high reliability systems
36Improve Customers Experiences
- You can target improvement efforts
- You can allocate the right resources to deal with
customer reported problems - You can adjust deployment to meet the quality
expectations of your customers
37Predictors of customer perceived software quality
- Paul Luo Li (paul.li_at_cs.cmu.edu)
- Audris Mockus (Avaya Research)
- Ping Zhang (Avaya Research)
38Predicted Number of Calls Match Actual Number of
Calls for the next release
Predictions are made here