Title: Economics of Investment in U'S' Rail Freight Network
1Economics of Investment in U.S. Rail Freight
- Department of Applied Economics
- University of Minnesota
3I. Supply and Demand Conditions
4Railroad Production Process
5Operational Output
6Infrastructure Output
7Natural Monopoly
8Network Cost Subadditivity
9Operating Cost Subadditivity
10Railroad Cost Subadditivity
11Shipment Characteristics
- Frozen food - Saltillo to Baltimore 1753 mi
- Annual use200 tons, value 0.37/lb
- Transport Rail 3083 Truck 2477
- Total Logistic Rail 134/ton Truck 127/ton
- Wheat - Kansas City to Mexico City 1736 mi
- Annual use 10,500 tons, value 0.06/lb
- Transport Rail 3974 Truck 3888
- Total Logistic Rail 33/ton Truck
163/ton - Source Paul O. Roberts, World Bank
Presentation 2/10/99
12Shipper Characteristics
- Electric Utilities 21.2
- Intermodal 13.3
- Motor Vehicle 12.8
- Farm Products 7.4
- Food Products 7.2
- Lumber and Wood 4.4
- Pulp and Paper 4.3
132. Market Structure
14Railroad Consolidation 1980-2002
15Countervailing Effects
- Intra-modal Competition
- Inter-modal Competition
- Product/Geographic Competition
- Multi-market Contacts
- Ex ante Contract Negotiations
- Residual Regulation
163. Pricing Behavior
17Pricing Behavior
18Price-Cost Margins
Source AAR Costed Waybill File URCS Estimates
19Rail Traffic Trends
Source AAR Costed Waybill File URCS Estimates
204. Investment Behavior
21Investment Behavior
- Railroad solves ?p(y,k)y-c(y,k)
- Increases in capital (k) can
- Enhance Revenue
- Reduce Costs
- Deter Entry
- Sources of capital
- Internal cash
- External borrowing/investment
22Railroad Capital Spending1993-2002
23Capital vs. Net Cash1993-2002
244. Current and Future Performance
25Current Investment Trends
26Future Investment
- Market-Driven Evolution Continued investment
for the medium-term to minimize the costs of
existing operations. Uncertain longer-term
prospects. - Policy-Driven Evolution Increased public
investment in rail network capabilities and/or
revised public policies on highway usage. -
- Note The terms are from AASHTOs Freight-Rail
Bottom Line Report.