The ELearning Lifecycle and its Services: The Web Services Approach - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The ELearning Lifecycle and its Services: The Web Services Approach


Such packages enable Learning Management System to connect directly to a SCORM manifest. ... as Java application, C application, Javascript code, etc. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The ELearning Lifecycle and its Services: The Web Services Approach

The E-Learning Lifecycle and its Services The
Web Services Approach
  • By Angad Grewal, Shri Rai,
  • Rob Phillips and Chun Che Fung

  • The e-learning industry is moving forward. One
    of the pressing issues at present is the strife
    for common accepted standards so as to encourage
    interoperability and reusability.
  • In our Interoperable E-Learning Infrastructure
    Lifecycle using Web Services, all the e-Learning
    components and learning objects would be well
    established, effectively discovered and loosely
  • As we move towards a world of loosely coupled
    applications capable of exchanging data freely
    and communicating with a broad range of devices.
  • In a diverse environment where content,
    delivery, management and analysis tools are being
    produced by a number of vendors, interchanging
    data and developing a common interface between
    various components calls for development of
    common standards.

  • Interoperability emphasizes the need to have a
    standard communication methodology (protocols)
    between various components of e-learning systems.
  • Thus the use of open standards would allow
    interoperability and reusability at different
    stages of an e-learning solution.
  • One significant way of achieving
    interoperability is through agreed standards and
    specifications. These may be international or
    local. There will be some local needs such as
    curriculum requirements. The specifications and
    standards may be generic such as HTML or they may
    be for e-learning such as LOM.

E-Learning Lifecycle
ActorsThe list of actors who play an important
role in the lifecycle of a Digital Resource and
are listed below.
  • 2.3.1 Actors
  • The list of actors which were identified play an
    important role in the lifecycle of a Digital
    Resource and are listed below.
  • .
  • a) The Creator uses a Creation Tool to create a
    Digital Resource. An example of such a resource
    is digital asset.
  • b) The Author uses an Authoring tool to put
    existing content (such as text and graphics) into
    a logical arrangement thus creating a Compound
    Digital Asset of a Learning Object. Examples can
    include Macromedia Flash, Macromedia Director,
    Flash and Dreamweaver.
  • c) The Discoverer uses a Federated Search Engine
    to discover existing digital content. Search
    engine examples are Webfeat, Metalib and Fretwell
  • d) The Librarian uses the Metadata Creation Tool
    to describe the newly created digital resource.
  • e) The Organizer uses Sequencing tools to convert
    simple learning objects into complex learning
    objects. These complex learning objects can be
    packaged as either IMS content packages or SCORM
    Shareable Courseware Objects . These packages
    contain a manifest, which describes the content
    of the package. Such packages enable Learning
    Management System to connect directly to a SCORM
    manifest .
  • f) The Arranger uses a Learning Activity
    Management System to structure digital resources
    (e.g. complex learning object) into Learning
    Activities .
  • g) The Learning Manager negotiates with the
    Broker concerning the terms and conditions for
    using the desired digital resource.
  • h) The Digital Rights Management can further be
    divided into 3 actors
  • 1 The Intellectual Property (IP) Controller is
    the one who creates IP Rights for a Digital
    Resource. The IP rights for any given Digital
    Resource is also checked.
  • 2 The Broker negotiates license deals (e.g.
    permissions for modifying learning resources).
    The Broker demands payment from the client or
    customer. On receipt of such payments (e.g.
    royalty payments), the broker allows access to
    the customer.
  • 3 The Digital Rights Manager manages license
    usage and tracks license usage.

E-Learning lifecycle In detail
Content Creation Authoring
By Dr Rob Phillips Murdoch University
Components of E-learning Lifecycle
  • Digital assets the electronic resource like a
    image, chart, formula.
  • Content objects Digital assets contextualised,
    e.g. adding text to tell the learner what to do
    with the content like an image with supporting
    text or labels
  • Learning objects consist of content object
    directed towards a particular learning outcome,
    with assessment to measure performance.
  • Below use case for each Digital Resource is
    created by examining how each actor uses tools to
    create/manage the Digital Resources.

Digital Asset
  • A Digital Asset is defined as any piece of
    content that is created using technology.
  • It could be any remote electronic resource like
    an image, chart, or even a formula.
  • A digital asset can be web-based or CD/DVD-based,
    depending on file content and consumer needs.

Compound Digital Asset
  • Compound Digital Assets can be best described as
    digital assets with contextualised information
    (e.g. addition of metadata).
  • Examples for these are when some text is added to
    a JPEG image or a description explaining a
    mathematical formula.

The Context and the digital asset
Contextualisation of the asset
tell the learner what to do with the
  • Consider a picture of the Arnold, which is
    readily available on the web. The definition
    above says that this picture is not, in itself, a
    learning object.
  • A range of learning objectives might be
    facilitated by appropriately contextualizing this
    particular image
  • We refer to the raw electronic source data of
    the picture as a digital asset and to any
    particular contextualization of it as a content

Content Object
Learning Object
  • We have defined a Learning Object as the
    aggregation of Digital Asset, Compound Digital
    Asset and Metadata with a particular learning
  • It is made up of two components - the object
    content and its metadata
  • Example they can take the form of a
    classroom-based electronic forum, or even a movie
    clip (with some sort of educational value).

Complex Learning Objects
  • Complex Learning Objects are packages consisting
    of structured assemblies of zero or more Digital
    Assets, zero or more Compound Digital Assets and
    one or more Learning Objects.
  • These packages can be in the form of well know
    packaging formats like IMS or SCORM Shareable
    Courseware Objects .

  • Advantages of SOA
  • Existing services can more easily be reused
  • Apps can expose their services in a standard way
  • Applications can be exposed more easily to
    diverse clientsWindows clients, ASP.NET/JSP, etc.

Application II
Application I
Common services
Application Platform Suite
  • Application neutral services
  • Maximize Reusability
  • Self describing and self-contained
  • Accessible from a variety of platforms

Java Virtual Machine
Operating System
What is a Web Service?
  • A Web Service could be simply a service
    available via the Web
  • This digital learning resource/service can be
    implemented as Java application, C application,
    Javascript code, etc.
  • Usually, web service means a resource that can
    be accessed programmatically.
  • In this case they could be a services to Locate
    and access remote learning object

Web Services
  • SOAP
  • Simple Object Access Protocol
  • XML message protocol for web services
  • WSDL
  • Web Services Description Language
  • Allows programs to access descriptions of digital
    learning services
  • UDDI
  • Universal Description, Discovery and Integration
  • Stores WSDL and other information about the web
    services (which in this case could be a remote
    Learning service)

Web Services Standards
This is how Web Services work with e-learning
Service Requestor
Register Web Service(at development time)
UDDI Registry
WSDL Document
Web Services and e-Learning Description Step wise
  • When the learning services go live they are
    registered in a service registry (UDDI), with a
    description of the learning resource that
    includes what it can do? and how to access it?
  • These descriptions are written in XML.
  • The Service Requester (client) uses the
    description and the other services in the
    registry to determine how to invoke the service
    and what response to expect in return.
  • Thus this description is specified in a standard
    way by using WSDL.
  • WSDL document contains sections that describe
  • What that particular service (Learning Resource)
    can do?
  • The operations it can perform?
  • The protocols used to access that service
    (Learning Resource)?
  • Where and How to access the service?
  • Once the desired service has been discovered and
    its WSDL description used to determine its
    capabilities, like where the service resides and
    how to access it, the next step is to access or
    invoke the service.
  • Thats where SOAP comes in, it is written in XML
  • It defines a specification for how XLM massages
    can be passed over a network.
  • Using SOAP as the standard protocol for
    accessing learning resources (services) does not
    tie the user to any particular transport method.
    It can be used over HTTP,SMTP, FTP and etc.

Search Services
Content Provider Y
Content Provider Z
Content Provider X
UDDI Registry
  • Content Discovery Service
  • Look up Service
  • The Broker or Digital Rights Manager can discover
    the desired learning content by sending a SOAP
    Query to the UDDI Registry.
  • The information received from the UDDI Registry
    is only partial, though the URI of the WSDL
    document describing the Web Services is returned.
    This will be the URI of the Web Service followed
    by ?WSDL Examplehttp//myserver/service/learningc
  • The Broker or Digital Rights Manager can get the
    desired learning content by sending the a request
    based on the URI retrieved from the UDDI
    Registry. This is returned over a transport
    protocol like HTTP.

Federated Search Engine A
Is Managed by the Broker or Digital rights
Federated Search Engine B
Learning Content Management System A
Learning Content Management System B
  • Several services are registered in the UDDI
  • These web services have been described as a WSDL
    document the URI or which can be found while
    accessing the UDDI
  • These services could be deployed at and remote
  • (ex Tomcat web server using the axis SOAP
  • Thus the LMS 1 and LMS 2 can use these services
    to get access to remote learning objects.
    Irrespective of the language they have been
    written in.
  • With the help of these services LMS or LCMS
    created by different vendors can re-use remote
    learning objects

Content Discovery Service Stored and deployed in
a remote Web Server
Learning management System B
Learning management System A
Look up Service Stored and deployed in a remote
Web Server
Sequence Diagram of the Creation Stage
Sequence Diagram of the Authoring Stage
  • The objective behind using web services as a
    middleware technology is to provide
    interoperability in the e-learning framework,
    right from the creation of a digital learning
    objects to a fully packaged courseware being
    delivered to a learner.
  • In this paper, we have tried to identify and
    explain the steps involved in the creation of a
    raw digital asset and how it is transformed into
    a complex learning Object. This identification of
    steps or stages has lead to the creation of
    common services (which are also based on web
  • These services (with real time web services
    technology) would provide a common interface
    between various components leading to platform
    independence and interoperability between
    learning systems.

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