Title: Gifted and Talented Program
1Gifted and Talented Program
- Parent Information Meeting
2Purpose of Meeting
- Explain Assessment Process
- Provide Overview of Program
- Address Questions
3Texas State Plan for Education of Gifted and
Talented Students
A gifted and talented student means a child or
youth who performs at or shows the potential for
performing at a remarkably high level of
accomplishment when compared to others of the
same age, experience, or environment and who (1)
exhibits high performance capability in an
intellectual, creative, or artistic area (2)
possesses an unusual capacity for leadership
or (3) excels in a specific academic
field. Texas Education Code, 1995
4Eanes Gifted and Talented Program
- Ability Test
- Nonverbal Ability Test (grades K-1)
- Student Portfolio4 Planned Experiences 1
Project submitted - Parent Observation
- Teacher Observation
6Elementary Student Portfolio
- Grades 1-5 participate in 4 planned activities
with GT Specialist - Kinder participate in a fifth activity with GT
Specialist - 1st -5th grades have a home project
- Total 5 items in portfolio
7Teacher and Parent Evaluation
GATES which stands for Gifted and Talented
Evaluation Scales Same form designed for teachers
and parents 5 Scales Eanes focuses on the
intellectual and creative scales
- Each question uses a 9 point scale.
- When rating each item, think about the student in
the following way - Compared to average students her age, Mo is
above average in learning facts quickly. - You can not make a circle between numbers.
- Please complete all 5 scales!!
9Student Profile
- Assessment begins with Consent form
- OLSAT, NNAT2, Planned Experiences
- Parent GATES form and Teacher GATES
- Campus GT Instructional Needs Committee meets
- Letter of notification mailed
- Conference with GT Specialist
- Parents may appeal a campus decision by meeting
with the GT Specialist and completing an appeal
form for review by the District GT Appeals
12How do I Decide?
- Look at GATES observe your child
- Bright vs. Gifted (in GT screening packet)
- Think about the 5 top descriptors of gifted
children - Quick grasp of concepts
- Unusual memory
- Curiosity
- Creativity
- Sensitivity
- Risk-taking
- able to test again in a 12 months
13G/T Program
- Meet with grade level
- groups 150 minutes per week
- Opportunity to work with other G/T students
- Discuss social/emotional issues as needed
- Explore topics in-depth, work at faster pace than
in regular classroom
14Units of Study
15What GT is NOT
- Specific Academic achievement
- Advanced Math or LA class
- The only way to meet your childs needs
- Differentiation in classroom
- After school classes
- Passions
- DI
- Creative Writing Lab
- Artist Palette
- Thinklabs
- Please do not hesitate to
- e-mail me atssniderman_at_eanesisd.net