Healthy Lifestyle Centers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Healthy Lifestyle Centers


... funds are used to directly place adults without dependents receiving Food Stamps. ... on-the-job training applications, marketing opportunities and access ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Healthy Lifestyle Centers

Broward Workforce Development Board WorkForce One
Council PY 06-07 Budget Contract
Renewals Thursday, May 25, 2006
Agenda Overview
  • PY 06-07 Preliminary Budget Presentation
  • PY 06-07 Adult Contract Renewals
  • PY 06-07 Youth Contract Renewals
  • PY 06-07 Intermediary Contract Renewals
  • PY 06-07 Preliminary Budget

1. PY 06-07 Preliminary Budget
  • Overview of PY 06-07 Budget provided for
    decisions on contract renewals. No action taken
    at this time.
  • This is the same process level of information
    the Board has requested and reviewed in the past.
  • We anticipate a 5.27 reduction in budget in our
    major funding streams.

1. PY 06-07 Preliminary Budget
  • Projecting a 21,517,120 budget in PY 06 in WIA,
    WTP, WP and FSET.
  • Does not include CSC Summer Youth, National
    Emergency Grant, Veterans and Job Corps.
  • Overall PY 06-07 agency budget is projected to be

1. PY 06-07 Preliminary Budget
  • Youth Council considered approved the youth
    component of the budget on May 3
  • Preliminary budget reflecting a 14.55 reduction
    was considered approved by the Better
    Jobs/Better Wages Committee on May 12
  • The Executive Committee considered approved the
    preliminary budget reflecting a 12.78 reduction
    on May 15
  • Workforce Florida met on May 18 approved final
    allocations new budget developed

1. PY 06-07 Preliminary Budget
  • The preliminary budget includes new allocations
    in our major funding streams plus the projected
    WIA carry-over funds and incentive funds.
  • Wagner Peyser (WP) funds are used for universal
    labor exchange Majority of these funds retained
    at state level to fund our local Agency for
    Workforce Innovation (AWI) staff. Also includes
    Re-Employment Unemployment Compensation funds.

1. PY 06-07 Preliminary Budget
  • WIA Adult funds are used for employment and
    training services for eligible job seekers,
    on-the-job training and Employed Worker Training.
  • WIA Dislocated Worker (DW) funds are used for
    employment and training services for eligible
    laid off workers and others dislocated from
  • DW and Adult funds can be transferred from one
    funding stream to the other. This budget
    transfers 400,000. We may request more after
    the first quarter.

1. PY 06-07 Preliminary Budget
  • WIA Youth funds are used for employment and
    training activities for eligible youth. The
    majority of the funds are targeted at older,
    out-of-school youth.
  • Welfare Transition funds are used for case
    management and employment and training activities
    for Broward County residents transitioning from
    welfare to work.
  • Food Stamp Employment Training (FSET) funds are
    used to directly place adults without dependents
    receiving Food Stamps. Many FSET customers have
    significant barriers to employment.

1. PY 06-07 Preliminary Budget
1. PY 06-07 Preliminary Budget
  • We attempted to fully fund all performing
    contracts and limit the impact of the projected
    reduction on programs and support services
  • As we have historically done, we have recommended
    cuts in administration and overhead wherever
    possible to preserve as much resources to direct
    participant services, contracts and training

1. PY 06-07 Preliminary Budget
  • Increase funding for employed worker, on the job
    (OJT) and customized training to assist
    businesses retain current employees and quickly
    identify, hire and train new employees in the
    current labor market
  • Maintain and expand our commitment to targeted
    sector business intermediaries because of access
    to their association members increased high
    wage/high demand opportunities. Includes funds to
    continue the successful aspects of the BEST Grant
    in case we do not receive second year funding

1. PY 06-07 Preliminary Budget
  • We wanted to ensure that programs were focused on
    our key business results and were aligned with
    pending performance measures that will be
    federally required
  • Where we could streamline and improve processes,
    we did so including the decentralization of
    on-the-job training and WIA youth eligibility
  • We wanted to continue funding some youth services
    for younger youth using WTP-funds because these
    services are allowable but no longer viable using
    WIA Youth funds because of the new performance

1. PY 06-07 Preliminary Budget
  • Direct Participant Services - 11,869,834
  • (-506,608 or 4.1 reduction compared to PY 05)
  • This category includes all WIA, WTP, FSET and
    Youth program contracts, Agency for Workforce
    Innovation (AWI) personnel at the WorkForce One
    Centers, job fairs and other direct participant
  • The PY 06-07 Direct Participant Services category
    represents 55.16 of the overall budget compared
    to 54.48 in PY 05-06.

1. PY 06-07 Preliminary Budget
  • Provider Support 2,590,490
  • (-558,964 or 17.7 reduction compared to PY 05)
  • Contains operating costs to support the providers
    including staff salaries and associated overhead
    for MIS, Program Manager and Quality Assurance
  • One-stop rent, supplies, equipment rental
    (copiers), telephones and information technology
    (T1 costs), Audit Fees and Workers Compensation
    for the 800 youth that are on our payroll
    throughout the year.
  • The PY 06-07 Provider Support category represents
    12.04 of the budget compared to 13.86 in PY

1. PY 06-07 Preliminary Budget
  • Training - 3,496,459
  • 60,414 or 1.8 increase
  • Includes Individual Training Accounts (ITAs),
    on-the-job and customized training
  • Employed Worker Training budget has been
    increased to 700,000 to assist businesses
    retain/advance current employees.
  • The PY 06-07 Training category represents 16.25
    of the budget compared to 15.12 in PY 05-06.

1. PY 06-07 Preliminary Budget
  • Support Services - 2,108,453
  • 61,597 or 3 increase
  • Includes funds for medical exams, emergency
    support, clothing vouchers, childcare, bus passes
    gas cards
  • Participant wages, incentives and stipends are
    included in this category to assist in the
    recruitment, retention and outcomes for
    out-of-school youth
  • The PY 06-07 Support Services category represents
    9.8 of the budget compared to 9.01 in PY 05-06.

1. PY 06-07 Preliminary Budget
  • Administration - 1,451,884
  • (- 254,655 or 14.9 decrease)
  • Cap is 10, includes both personnel and
    non-personnel administrative functions
  • The PY 06-07 Administration category represents
    6.75 of the budget compared to 7.5 in PY 05-06.

PY 06-07 Preliminary Budget Summary (page 20)
1. PY 06-07 Preliminary Budget
  • No action taken at this time.

2. PY 06-07 Adult Contract Renewals
  • Pages 21-50 of the Agenda Back-up
  • Summary Tables Pages 27-33 include contract,
    program description, monitoring findings, current
    projected outcomes and recommendations
  • Contracts allow for renewal for an additional
    year based on performance. Can be considered
    together or individually
  • Considered and approved by the Better Jobs/Better
    Wages and Executive Committees at their May

2. PY 06-07 Adult Contract Renewals
  • Current providers have demonstrated continuous
    improvement, significant time, energy resources
    have been invested
  • Urban League Community Work Experience Contract
    is not recommended as discussed last month.
  • Streamlining Decentralization of on-the-job
    training and WIA youth eligibility
  • Job matching and Welfare Participation Rate
    corrective action strategies have been initiated
    we expect to see better results in PY 06-07
  • All contract renewals amounts are subject to
    continued performance through June 30 and

2. PY 06-07 Adult Contract Renewals
  • Arbor ET - 2,501,184 (pages 27-28)
  • WorkForce One Central one-stop management, case
    management career counseling for all adult
    programs and labor exchange
  • Includes WP, WTP, FSET, WIA and TAA funds
  • Net increase in contract because of removal of
    youth funds and increase of WTP FSET funds
    based on share of caseload.

2. PY 06-07 Adult Contract Renewals
  • Broward Community College Industry Based
    Training (BCC/IBT) - 524,044 (page 28)
  • Develops on-the-job and customized training
    opportunities for WTP WIA job seekers
  • Relocated entire operation from BCC South to
    WorkForce One Central to improve customer access
    and recruiting.

2. PY 06-07 Adult Contract Renewals
  • Educational Data Systems, Inc. (EDSI) -467,250
    (pages 28-29)
  • Tiered employment program for Welfare Transition
    program customers
  • High placement wage rates.

2. PY 06-07 Adult Contract Renewals
  • Hispanic Unity of Florida - 216,752 (page 29)
  • Career counseling, success seminars job
    placement for Welfare Transition customers that
    may be immigrants or Limited English Proficient
  • HU is expanding services to North and Central by
    locating staff at the WorkForce One Centers

2. PY 06-07 Adult Contract Renewals
  • OIC of Broward - 216,203 (pages 29-30)
  • Career counseling and job placement for Welfare
    Transition customers who are ex-offenders
  • Co-locating job placement staff specializing in
    working with ex-offenders at the WorkForce One
    Centers through a separate USDOL grant.

2. PY 06-07 Adult Contract Renewals
  • SER Jobs for Progress Hands on Training (HOT) -
    484,062 (page 30)
  • Basic skills job training for Welfare
    Transition customers
  • Highly effective BETA-TEC model that incorporates
    contextual workplace learning with basic skills

2. PY 06-07 Adult Contract Renewals
  • SER Jobs for Progress 3,127,729 (pages 30-32)
  • WorkForce One South North one-stop
    management, case management career counseling
    for all adult programs and labor exchange
  • Includes WP, WTP, FSET and WIA funds
  • Net decrease in contract because of removal of
    youth funds, decrease of WTP increase of FSET
    funds based on share of caseload.

2. PY 06-07 Adult Contract Renewals
  • RECOMM Approval
  • ACTION Motion for Approval
  • EXHIBIT Memo 124-05
  • Contract Summary Tables
  • Contract Detail Tables
  • Summary of recommendations on page 25
  • All contract renewals amounts are subject to
    continued performance through June 30 and

3. PY 06-07 Youth Contract Renewals
  • Pages 51-67 of the Agenda Back-up
  • Summary Tables Pages 53-55 include contract,
    program description, monitoring findings, current
    projected outcomes and recommendations
  • Contracts allow for renewal for an additional
    year based on performance. Can be considered
    together or individually.
  • RFP for all youth services to be issued in PY 06
  • Considered and approved by the Youth Council at
    their May 3 and May 8 meetings.

3. PY 06-07 Youth Contract Renewals
  • Programs focused on economically disadvantaged
    youth with barriers, out-of-school youth and
    aligned with Youth Common Measure requirements
  • Programs have a history of programmatic
    financial performance
  • Maximized reduced WIA youth funding by
    streamlining youth eligibility process
  • Continue to target WTP funds for teen-pregnancy
    prevention career development for younger youth.

3. PY 06-07 Youth Contract Renewals
  • RES Business Education Training, Inc.
  • Youth Enrichment Training (page 53)
  • Funding Level - 497,276 in WIA Youth funds
  • 200 youth including 120 OSY and 80 ISY
  • Basic skills, career planning, entrepreneurship,
    leadership training and job placement

3. PY 06-07 Youth Contract Renewals
  • School Board of Broward County (ACT)
  • Academy of Careers Technology (page 53)
  • Funding level - 466,839 in WIA Youth funds
  • 175 out-of-school youth
  • Occupational skills training at career/technical
    centers, counseling, case management and job

3. PY 06-07 Youth Contract Renewals
  • School Board - ALEAP
  • A Learning Earning Activity Project (page 54)
  • Funding Level - 200,000 in WIA Youth funds
  • 125 in-school youth
  • Paid internship, tutoring, guidance career
    counseling, community service and employability
    skills training, HS diploma and placement into
    jobs or post secondary school

3. PY 06-07 Youth Contract Renewals
  • School Board - Summer Transitions (page 54)
  • Funding level - 296,455 in WTP funds
  • Common Measures preclude younger youth in WIA
  • Previously approved by Youth Council BWDB
  • Results in additional 1.6 million in CSC Summer
  • 160 younger 14 and 15 year old in-school youth
  • Current year 9th graders will continue as they
    enter 10th grade
  • Summer project-based learning, community service,
    tutoring, FCAT preparation, counseling,
    internships employability skills training

3. PY 06-07 Youth Contract Renewals
  • Urban League of Broward County
  • Project Fresh Start (pages 54-55)
  • Funding level - 230,000 in WIA Youth funds
  • 114 out-of school youth
  • Basic literacy, education, work experience,
    occupational skills training and job placement
  • Challenges this year due to staff turnover and
    hurricane damage have been addressed

3. PY 06-07 Youth Contract Renewals
  • Urban League of Broward County
  • Project DREAM (page 55)
  • Funding level - 273,224 in WTP funds
  • 155 in-school youth
  • After-school teen pregnancy prevention program
    including tutoring, basic skills, field trips and
    career exploration

3. PY 06-07 Youth Contract Renewals
  • RECOMM Approval
  • ACTION Motion for Approval
  • EXHIBIT Memo 126-05
  • Contract Summary Tables
  • Contract Detail Tables
  • Summary of recommendations on page 52
  • All contract renewals amounts are subject to
    continued performance through June 30 and

4. Intermediary Contract Renewals
  • Targeted sector intermediary contracts and staff
    have provided access to hundreds of job orders,
    the opportunity to reach more businesses,
    increased our visibility and resulted in Employed
    Worker Training opportunities
  • Current intermediaries include the Broward
    Alliance, MIASF, SFMA, South Florida Bio-Science
    Consortium and SFHHA through either contracts or
  • The contracts with South Florida Manufacturers
    Association (SFMA) and Marine Industries
    Association of South Florida (MIASF) have been
    reviewed recommended for renewal by the
    Employer Services and Executive Committees.

4. Intermediary Contract Renewals
  • Marine Industries Association of South Florida
    (MIASF) - 40,000 (pages 69-70)
  • Represent 814 marine companies in South Florida
  • We are considering changes to existing
    partnership with MIASF
  • Funds may be used for a staff person or to
    increase OJT and EWT opportunities.

4. Intermediary Contract Renewals
  • South Florida Manufacturers Association (SFMA)
    53,480 (pages 71-72)
  • Represent 197 manufacturing companies in South
  • Includes job listings, Employed Worker and
    on-the-job training applications, marketing
    opportunities and access to member businesses.

4. Intermediary Contract Renewals
  • RECOMM Approval
  • ACTION Motion for Approval
  • EXHIBIT Memo 127-05
  • Contract Summary Tables
  • All contract renewals amounts are subject to
    continued performance through June 30 and

PY 06-07 Preliminary Budget Page 20
5. PY 06-07 Preliminary Budget
  • RECOMM Approval
  • ACTION Motion for Approval
  • EXHIBIT Memo 123-05
  • Pages 13-20
  • Revised budget including final allocations and
    actual carry-over presented at the July or
    September meeting
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