Title: MSFC
1MSFCs Heritage in Segmented Mirror Control
John Rakoczy Advanced Optical Systems Development
Group NASA Marshall Space Flight
Center john.rakoczy_at_msfc.nasa.gov
2MSFCs Segmented Mirror Control Technology
- SELENE (1991-94)
- PAMELA (1993-Present)
- SIBOA (1998-Present)
- HET SAMS (1999-Present)
- NGST (1996-Present)
3MSFC Program Relevance to GSMTSpacE Laser
- Background
- 5M advanced concept defintion and technology
development - funded by NASA Headquarters 1991-94
- transmit electrical power from the ground to
satellites and spacecraft via high energy laser
illumination of photovoltaic array - Relevant Products
- Post-Keck, 12 meter-class ground imaging
telescope design - Broad exposure to state-of-the-art
- 1000 meters of highest tow, pultruded graphite
composite tubes
- 12 meter primary mirror truss engineering
drawings - checked. - Prototype tetrahedron including nodes tube-end
fittings - Experimentally verified finite element models
4SELENE Trade Studies Relevant to GSMT
- Control algorithms for huge numbers of segments
- Optimum segment size and keystone families
- Optimum actuator stroke and resolution at segment
vs. cluster level - Telescope performance for parabolic vs spherical
primary - Adaptive optics reqmts vs, altitude, geography,
and high zenith angle - Cost vs. performance of low(angle iron),
moderate(stainless steel), and high (composite)
tech primary mirror truss materials. - Sources and size of error off homology in truss
assemblages vs. tip angle - Fixtures/instruments/procedures for precise
assembly of large telescope trusses - Roles of edge sensing and image-based wavefront
control techniques - Evaluation of several prototype mirror flexures
- Damping qualities of composite components in a
large telescope - Distributeds processor architectures for highly
segmented active mirrors - Comparison of various wavefront control
techniques and instruments - Self-sensing, high resolution, long stroke,low
power, linear actuators - Industrialization of small segment production
capacity - Advanced mirror materials and fabrication
5PAMELA Phased Array Mirror Extendible Large
- 36-segment adaptive spherical primary mirror
- Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor
- Inductive edge sensors
- 5 kHz sample rate
- Tip/tilt/piston control via voice coil actuators
- Closed-loop bandwidth exceeding 100 Hz
6PAMELA Control Challenges
- Utilized Shack-Hartmann sensor for local tip/tilt
feedback and edge sensors for nearest neighbor
edge-matching - More than 100 modes within control bandwidth
- Segment dynamics coupled through primary mirror
7(No Transcript)
8SIBOA Testbed
Systematic Image Based Optical Alignment (SIBOA)
testbed to demonstrate quasi-deterministic
image-based alignment and phasing techniques at
low temporal bandwidths
- Seven spherical segments
- Aspheric secondary
- Broadband, multiwavelength and monochromatic
sources - PC/LabVIEW/MATLAB software interface
- New Focus picomotor actuators for tip/tilt/piston
control - Blue Line HET-grade edge sensors
9SIBOA Quasi-deterministic Phasing
3-segment Aperture Mask for quasi-deterministic
Next slide shows PSFs when one segment is
pistoned out of phase from 0 to 2p in 1/8 wave
10(No Transcript)
11Segment Alignment Maintenance System (SAMS) for
theHobby-Eberly Telescope (HET)
Correct thermoelastically induced misalignment of
primary mirror segments using inductive edge
12SAMSs Inductive Edge Sensors
Accuracy 50 nm RMS Noise lt 25 nm RMS
- 480 edge sensors on HETs 91 mirror segments
- 1 Hz sample rate
- Give PMC updates every 10 seconds
- Control software in LabVIEW for Solaris on Sun
UltraSparc 5 - Successful demonstration on 7-segment sub-array
in April 2001
13Sub-array SAMS On-sky Performance
74 hours after last stack
14NGST Next Generation Space Telescope
- Contributed to preliminary design and government
yardstick concept - Hands-on experience in integrated modeling
utilizing JPLs IMOS (integrated modeling of
optical systems) MATLAB toolbox - Studied application of edge sensor architecture
for aligning NGST segments (rigid or flexible) - Managed lightweight mirror development and
advanced cryogenic actuator development contracts
15NGST Simulink Example
16NGST Simulink Optics Block Diagram Example
17MSFCs Unique Capabilities
- Operation of 2 unique active/adaptive optics
testbeds - PAMELA adaptive, high temporal bandwidth, 36
segments, lots of dynamic coupling - SIBOA active, low temporal bandwidth, 7
segments, relatively benign disturbance
environment - Developed a MATLAB toolkit for analyzing
segmented mirror control, including edge sensor
configurations, radius of curvature control, and
image point spread functions - Utilized LabVIEW and MATLAB for rapid software
development of segmented mirror control systems - Over 40 nights of engineering-time experience
on-site as PI on HET - Integrated thermal, structural, optics, controls
modeling of telescope structures
18Recent Bibliography
- J. Rakoczy, D. Hall, R. Howard, J. Weir,
E. Montgomery, G. Ames, T. Danielson, P. Zercher,
Demonstration of a segment alignment maintenance
system on a seven-segment sub-array of the
Hobby-Eberly Telescope, No. 4494-10, SPIE
Adaptive Optics Systems and Technology II, July
30-August 1, 2001, San Diego, California. -
- J. Rakoczy, E. Montgomery, J. Lindner,
Recent Enhancements of the Phase Array Mirror
Extendible Large Aperture (PAMELA) Telescope
Testbed at MSFC, No. 4004-61, SPIE Astronomical
Telescopes and Instrumentation 2000, March 27-31,
2000, Munich, Germany. - J. Booth, M. Adams, G. Ames, J. Fowler, E.
Montgomery, J. Rakoczy, Development of the
Segment Alignment Maintenance System (SAMS) for
the Hobby-Eberly Telescope, No. 4003-20, SPIE
Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 2000,
March 27-31, 2000, Munich, Germany. - J. Rakoczy, An Edge Sensor Architecture
Concept for Coarse Figure Initialization of the
Next Generation Space Telescope, NASA/MSFC
Internal Memo ED11(12-98-124), June 9, 1998. - G. Mosier, M. Femiano, K. Ha, P. Bely, R.
Burg, D. Redding, A. Kissil, J. Rakoczy, Fine
Pointing Control for a Next Generation Space
Telescope, No. 3351-06, SPIE Astronomical
Telescopes and Instrumentation, March 20-28,
1998, Kona, Hawaii. - G. Mosier, M. Femiano, K. Ha, P. Bely, R.
Burg, D. Redding, A. Kissil, J. Rakoczy, L.
Craig, Integrated Modeling Environment for
Systems-Level Performance Analysis of the Next
Generation Space Telescope, No. 3356-08, SPIE
Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation,
March 20-28, 1998, Kona, Hawaii. - D. Redding, S. Basinger, A. Lowman, A.
Kissil, P. Bely, R. Bur, G. Mosier, M. Femiano,
M. Wilson, D. Jacobson, J. Rakoczy, J. Hadaway,
Wavefront Sensing and Control for a Next
Generation Space Telescope, No. 3356-47, SPIE
Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation,
March 20-28, 1998, Kona, Hawaii. - G. Ames, R. Howard, J. Lindner, E.
Montgomery, A. Patterson, J. Rakoczy, G. Zeiders,
H. Waites, Phase 1 Testing and Verification on a
0.5 Meter Diameter Telescope with a 36 Segment
Adaptive Primary Mirror, No. 2376-22, SPIE
Laser Power Beaming II, February 4-10, 1995, San
Jose, California.