Title: Young Children Learning Math
Idaho Parents as Teachers presents
- Young Children Learning Math Science
- Through Block Play
College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Sponsored by
2 A Case for Blocks s
Block play helps children develop their math,
science and literacy skills while promoting
creativity and positive social development.
- will provide
young children and families with a rich,
hands-on math science learning
opportunity while creating a festival event
that engages community support for building
the engineers and scientists of
The exhibit consists of five stations, five kinds
of blocks and lots of fun.
Block Fest increases parent knowledge of early
development in the areas of math and science
literacy. The importance of children developing
basic abilities in literacy and numeracy in the
early years is recognized globally.
International research has found that the
majority of children who leave the early years
unable to read, write or perform basic
mathematical operations, find it difficult to
progress in later years. School systems
worldwide are working to improve childrens
learning in these areas.
Investing in early childhood education offers
much more promise of positive net social benefits
than many of the territorially competitive
incentive packages with negative returns in which
governments invest billions each year. The
Committee for Economic Development (CED) 2004
4Building Many Skills One Block at a Time
Block play stimulates learning in every domain.
5The Exhibit
6Kidsare the Stars!
While Block Fest has thousands of blocks and many
cool features, the kids are the stars! Here are
the exhibit photos with and without the stars.
Whether you choose a typical group meeting or
community wide event, the exhibit provides a
wonderful, rich learning opportunity for kids and
7Welcome to
Parents and children are welcomed to Block Fest
by exciting banners that set the tone for fun and
A brief introduction by one of the staff lets
parents know how the hour will proceed and how to
get the most from their Block Fest experience.
Each of five stations is defined by a soft foam
mat 8 x 10 thats great to build on an provides
a comfortable play surface. Containers for blocks
appropriate to each type are included for every
Unit Blocks are familiar to many preschoolers and
early childhood professionals. They are hard wood
blocks that are proportional, great for endless
building possibilities and many underlying math
9Foam Blocks
The foam block station features giant colorful
foam blocks and unit block sized foam as well.
These soft blocks have different building
properties and are fun for all ages. A large
hamper helps contain the many blocks in this
station and helps make clean-up fun.
Each of the 5 stations has sufficient blocks for
6-8 children to play and learn without struggling
to find enough blocks or comfortable space.
Parents are asked to join them on the floor. The
entire exhibit accommodates 30- 40 children and
their parents at one time for a quality
experience. Block Fest staff are happy to
brainstorm how your program can best schedule
the number of families you would like to attend.
10Cardboard Bricks
Cardboard brick blocks are large but light. While
they balance differently than wooden blocks they
allow the builder to construct something large
enough to surround themselves in just minutes.
All ages enjoy something about these large blocks
building up, around and knocking them down.
Parent educators facilitate learning at each
station very much like they do in a personal
visit or group meeting. Joining parents and
children on the floor to model important learning
strategies. Educators describe what children are
doing with particular emphasis on math and
science concepts and vocabulary. They encourage
sharing, joining and extending play. Clean-up is
fun when its a game and we move along to the
next station.
11Unit Cubes
After conducting 16 Block Fest sessions in one
week we were convinced that a one hour experience
was just the right amount of time for children 8
months 8 years. During the one hour parents and
children have a chance to try the 5 different
stations. They are really engaged and eager to
move along to something new. About 15 minutes on
either side of their hour session allows for
smooth sign-in, removing shoes, distributing
books and getting coats on and off.
The Unit Cube station has hundreds of brightly
colored 1 wooden cubes that are fun for
towering, counting and creating patterns with the
cards that are included. The containers and shelf
help keep things organized. Some additional
booklets give parents a concrete idea about how
to help children understand quantity.
12Keva Planks
Over 1000 Keva planks are available in the Keva
station to promote constructions from very simple
to very complex. This station is of particular
interest to the older child. Dads come to life
when theyre building architectural wonders with
their kids in the Keva station. The wonderful
clinking sounds of wooden planks along with
counting, measuring and balancing make this an
outstanding early math science experience.
Block Fest is designed for children8 months to 8
years. There is fun and excitement for every
age. We didnt find boredom a challenge for any
age but occasionally, educators need to
remind older children to be mindful of the space
of toddlers. Different ages working together can
create great cooperation and learning as well
as opportunities to talk about respect, sharing
and feelings.
13Adult Learning
- We know that parents learn while interacting with
their children, observing and trying out new
strategies. Additionally, Block Fest is designed
to give parents information in a number of ways.
Play and Learning with Blocks! A Handbook for
Parents was developed exclusively for Block Fest
by the University of Idaho Parents as Teachers.
It features stages of block play, parent roles
and the benefits of block play to learning in
math, science, literacy and general knowledge.
Five Block Fest banners (36 x 72) feature
child development information in the areas of
math and science, Parents as Teachers concepts,
and the benefits of block play for the whole
child. Two banners serve as a warm welcome to
Block fest.
Each station has an A-frame sign that labels the
station and tells parents the features of that
type of block, a math minute idea and Ask Pat
-frequently asked questions answeredby
experienced PAT educators.
- "We know that all children are born learning. Our
job is to help them succeed. By identifying these
important BUILDING BLOCKS and connecting families
with the right resources early in a child's life,
we can give them an important head start that
will last a lifetime." - Governor Dirk Kempthorne October 11, 2005
BLOCK FEST is a development of The University of
Idaho Parents as Teachers Demonstration Project
and Idaho Parents as Teachers with the generous
support of the Generation of the Child and the
Micron Foundation. For Block Fest information
and support contact Patti OHara U of I
office, 208-343-1542 or pattio_at_uidaho.edu or
Michelle Welsh, State Leader 336-1070 X118
mwelsh_at_unitedwaytv.org Visit our website