Title: Radiation induced charge trapping in ultrathin HfO2 based MOSFETs
1Radiation induced charge trapping in ultra-thin
HfO2 based MOSFETs
S.K. Dixit1, 2, X.J. Zhou3, R.D. Schrimpf3, D.M.
Fleetwood3,4, S.T. Pantelides4, G. Bersuker5, R.
Choi5, and L.C. Feldman1, 2, 4 1Interdisciplinary
Materials Science Program 2Vanderbilt Institute
of Nanoscale Science and Engineering 3Department
of Electrical Engineering Computer
Science 4Department of Physics
Astronomy Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN -
37235 5SEMATECH, Inc., Austin, Texas 78741, USA
MURI meeting June07
- Investigate the radiation induced charge
trapping in MOSFETs based on HfO2 as the gate
dielectric - Study charge trapping as a function of
- - thickness of the dielectric
- - gate bias
- Examine the effect of biased annealing in these
devices following x-ray irradiations
Literature shows electron and hole trapping in
HfO2 based devices Felix et al, IEEE TNS 49 (6),
pp. 3191, 2002 Kang et al, APL 83 (16), pp. 3407,
2003 Xing et al, IEEE TNS, 52 (6), pp. 2231,
2005 Afanasev et al, JAP 95 (5), pp. 2518, 2004
SiO2 - The trapping varies according to
processing (wet/dry), surface preparation, and
other factors
MURI meeting June07
3Sample fabrication
- State-of-the-art samples, SEMATECH, Inc.
- p-type Si (001), with n and p-well doping
(pMOS/nMOS) - HfO2 grown by ALD technique (TEMA Hf O3)
- Standard CMOS flow, 1000?C/10 s dopant
activation anneal - Post Deposition Anneal in N2
MURI meeting June07
4HfO2 sample details
- 65 nm technology node
- nMOSFETs with W/L 10?m/0.25?m
- tphys 7.5 nm and 3.0 nm
- (EOT 2 nm and 0.8 nm)
- SiO2 interlayer ( 1 nm - TEM, Sematech)
- 10 keV X-rays, RT irradiation
- Function of dose ( 10 Mrad)
- Function of bias
- Characterization done using
- I-V measurements
In-situ irradiations performed
MURI meeting June07
5CVS and biased irradiation
Hole injection - 2V bias stress
Hole injection saturates after an hour
S. K. Dixit et al., Radiation induced charge
trapping in ultra-thin HfO2 based MOSFETs,
accepted for NSREC 2007
D. Heh, G. Bersuker et al, APL, 88 (152907),
2006. J.F. Zhang, G. Groeseneken et al, IEEE EDL,
27(10), 2006.
MURI meeting June07
6CVS and biased irradiation
Electron injection 2V bias stress
Electron injection saturates
S. K. Dixit et al., Radiation induced charge
trapping in ultra-thin HfO2 based MOSFETs,
accepted for NSREC 2007
MURI meeting June07
7Total dose results (0V bias)
Threshold voltage shifts at 0V gate bias
tphys 7.5 nm
tphys 3.0 nm
Contribution from charge injection is negligible
at zero bias Predominant net hole trapping
S. K. Dixit et al., Radiation induced charge
trapping in ultra-thin HfO2 based MOSFETs,
accepted for NSREC 2007
MURI meeting June07
8HfO2 total dose results
- -2V bias and 0V bias reveal net positive charge
trapping - 2V bias indicates a turnaround effect
- 0V bias, all hole trapping radiation induced
tphys 7.5 nm
Threshold voltage shifts influenced by injection
S. K. Dixit et al., Radiation induced charge
trapping in ultra-thin HfO2 based MOSFETs,
accepted for NSREC 2007
MURI meeting June07
9HfO2 total dose results
- Similar trend observed for the three bias
conditions - No significant difference between the bias
stress and irradiated samples
tphys 3.0 nm
Thinner dielectric traps significantly less net
S. K. Dixit et al., Radiation induced charge
trapping in ultra-thin HfO2 based MOSFETs,
accepted for NSREC 2007
MURI meeting June07
10Tunneling probability
T 1(E02sinh2kW/4E(E0-E)-1 where k
2m(E0-E)/ h 21/2
We expect increased neutralization from tunneling
of charges in the 3nm thick samples
Jleakage 4-5 orders of magnitude more for 3 nm
as compared to 7.5 nm
S.M. Sze, Physics of Semiconductor devices, Wiley
sons, pp. 97, 1981
MURI meeting June07
11HfO2 results
n-MOSFET cross-section
- Carrier injection from tunneling
- Si- surface condition dependent
- Both electron and hole trapping observed
- Predominant bulk hole trapping (radiation)
- Zero bias - radiation induced trapping
MURI meeting June07
12Biased irradiations and anneals
Annealing at 300 K (-2V)
Irradiation (-2V)
- Post-irradiation negative 2V bias annealing
flattens the curve indicating - no h injection under bias stress
- Further proves that following initial carrier
injection, ?VT vs dose curves - exhibit a slope only under exposure to
radiation dose
MURI meeting June07
13Biased irradiations and anneals
RT Annealing (2V)
Irradiation (-2V)
- Substantial recovery observed with a 2V
annealing gate bias due to e- injection - Additional electron trapping highlights the
problem of switch bias anneal as discussed
previously by Xing et al.
Xing et al, IEEE TNS, 52 (6), 2005
MURI meeting June07
14Biased irradiations and anneals
Irradiation (-2V)
RT Annealing (0V)
- Partial recovery observed with a 0V annealing
gate bias - No additional voltage shifts observed for time
scales of up to 13 hours indicating the existence
of residual positive charge in the oxide
MURI meeting June07
- Electron and hole traps in HfO2 - Constant
Voltage Stress and Irradiation experiments - Combined Constant Voltage Stress Irradiation
is detrimental for the device operation - The thinner samples (3 nm) show negligible
shifts relative to the 7.5 nm samples - - Reduced density hole traps due to net
reduced volume - - Increased tunneling induced neutralization
in thinner samples
MURI meeting June07
Work supported by the Air Force Office of
Scientific Research through the MURI program
We express our sincere thanks to SEMATECH, Inc.
for providing us with the samples for these
Thank you
MURI meeting June07
17Back-up slides
MURI meeting June07
18Charge injection under stress
Hole injection - 2V bias stress
Electron injection 2V bias stress
S. K. Dixit et al., Radiation induced charge
trapping in ultra-thin HfO2 based MOSFETs,
accepted for NSREC 2007
MURI meeting June07
19Introduction Motivation
Image courtesy. Intel website, R. Chau
Wilk G.D. et al, JAP, 89 (10), 2001
- Device scaling -- J (A/cm2) -- replacement of
SiO2 - Alternate gate dielectrics, higher ?
- Same capacitance, higher tphys -- J (A/cm2)
C k?0A/d
MURI meeting June07
20?NT (Threshold voltage shifts)
?NT (Threshold voltage shifts) ?Not ?Nit
For Si, assuming acceptor level traps below Ei
and donor level traps above Ei are neutral, we
have ?Vot ?Vmg, . Interface traps neutral at
midgap ?Vit ?Vfb - ?Vmg n-type
?Not (cm-2) Cox ?Vot/q.A
MURI meeting June07