Title: Drug Targets
1Drug Targets
2DrugA-ReceptorR complexAR regulates
cellular function
3Quantum (All or None) Response
4Therapeutic Index
5Graded Dose-Response Curve
Hyperbolic curve
Sigmoidal Curve
6Drug Targets
7Kd (Equilibrium) Dissociation constant (unitM)
Low Kd high affinity difficult to
dissociate, nM to pM High Kd low
affinity quick to dissociate, mM to ?M
fb fractional binding of receptor
8 Dose-Response Curve Occupational Theory of
Drug action
However, it was demonstrated later that the
occupational theory does not work in most of
9Response is not proportional to the fraction of
receptor occupancy.
(100 binding is not necessary to generate max
10Potency and Efficacy are independent.
11Agonist and Antagonist
12Antagonist Competitive or Noncompetitive
13Partial Agonist
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15Inverse Agonist
Allosteric Theory of Drug action
16Allosteric Theory (two state theory) of drug
17Signal transduction pathways in mammalian cells
Pharmacological basis of therapeutics 10th
edition by Goodman Gilman
18Four types of receptor
19Four types of receptor
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21Classification of G? subunits
Gs Gs? Adenylyl Cyclase (stimutation) Golf?
Gi Gt?? cGMP Phosphodiesterase
(stimulation) Gt?? Gi?? Adenylyl Cyclase
(inhibition) Gi?? Gi?? Go?A Adenylyl Cyclase
(inhibition) (?) Go?B Gz? Adenylyl
Cyclase (inhibition)
Gq Gq? Phospholipase C ???stimulation) G11?
G14? G15/16? G12 G12? RhoGEF
(stimulation) G13?
22Soluble second messengers
23Desensitization of Receptor-mediated response
24Desensitization of G protein-mediated signaling
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