Title: Privacy Research Overview
1Privacy Research Overview
18739A Foundations of Security and Privacy
- Anupam Datta
- Fall 2007-08
2Privacy Research Space
What is Privacy? Philosophy, Law, Public Policy
Formal Model, Policy Language, Compliance-check
Algorithms Programming Languages, Logic
Next 3 lectures
Implementation-level Compliance Software Engg,
Formal Methods
Data Privacy Databases, Cryptography
3Philosophical studies on privacy
- Reading
- Overview article in Stanford Encyclopedia of
Philosophy - http//plato.stanford.edu/entries/privacy/
- Alan Westin, Privacy and Freedom, 1967
- Ruth Gavison, Privacy and the Limits of Law, 1980
- Helen Nissenbaum, Privacy as Contextual
Integrity, 2004 (more on Nov 8)
4Westin 1967
- Privacy and control over information
- Privacy is the claim of individuals, groups or
institutions to determine for themselves when,
how, and to what extent information about them is
communicated to others - Relevant when you give personal information to a
web site agree to privacy policy posted on web
site - May not apply to your personal health information
5Gavison 1980
- Privacy as limited access to self
- A loss of privacy occurs as others obtain
information about an individual, pay attention to
him, or gain access to him. These three elements
of secrecy, anonymity, and solitude are distinct
and independent, but interrelated, and the
complex concept of privacy is richer than any
definition centered around only one of them. - Basis for database privacy definition discussed
6Gavison 1980
- On utility
- We start from the obvious fact that both perfect
privacy and total loss of privacy are
undesirable. Individuals must be in some
intermediate state a balance between privacy
and interaction Privacy thus cannot be said to
be a value in the sense that the more people have
of it, the better. - This balance between privacy and utility will
show up in data privacy as well as in privacy
policy languages, e.g. health data could be
shared with medical researchers
7Privacy Laws in the US
- HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act, 1996) - Protecting personal health information
- GLBA (Gramm-Leach-Bliley-Act, 1999)
- Protecting personal information held by financial
service institutions - COPPA (Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act,
1998) - Protecting information posted online by children
under 13 - More details in lecture on Nov 8.
8Data Privacy
- Releasing sanitized databases
- k-anonymity
- (c,t)-isolation
- Differential privacy
- Privacy preserving data mining
9Sanitization of Databases
Add noise, delete names, etc.
Real Database (RDB)
Sanitized Database (SDB)
- Health records
- Census data
- Protect privacy
- Provide useful information (utility)
10Re-identification by linking
- Linking two sets of data on shared attributes
may - uniquely identify some individuals
- Example Sweeney De-identified medical data
was released, - purchased Voter Registration List of MA,
re-identified Governor - 87 of US population uniquely identifiable by
5-digit ZIP, sex, dob
11K-anonymity (1)
- Quasi-identifier Set of attributes (e.g. ZIP,
sex, dob) that can be linked with external data
to uniquely identify individuals in the
population - Make every record in the table indistinguishable
- from at least k-1 other records with respect
to quasi-identifiers - Linking on quasi-identifiers yields at least k
records for each possible value of the
12K-anonymity and beyond
- Provides some protection linking on ZIP, age,
nationality yields 4 records - Limitations lack of diversity in sensitive
attributes, background knowledge, - subsequent releases on the same data set
- Utility less suppression implies better utility
13 (c,t)-isolation (2)
- Mathematical definition motivated by Gavisons
idea that privacy is protected to the extent that
an individual blends into a crowd. - Image courtesy of WaldoWiki http//images.wikia.c
14Definition of (c,t)-isolation
- Let y be any RDB point, and let dyq-y2. We
say that q (c,t)-isolates y iff B(q,cdy) contains
fewer than t points in the RDB, that is, B(q,c
dy) n RDB lt t. - A database is represented by n points in high
dimensional space - (one dimension per column)
15Definition of (c,t)-isolation (contd)
16Differential Privacy Motivation (3)
- Guaranteeing that a sanitized database does not
imply any private information is too hard - Auxiliary info Terry is an inch taller than
average - Sanitized database The average height is 6 feet
- Sanitized database only provided non-private
data, but resulted in private info being learned - All surveyors really need is for people to be
comfortable supplying their private data - People will be comfortable if providing data does
not change the sanitized database enough to be
17Differential Privacy Formalization
- Want a sanitization function K that maps two
databases D1 and D2 that differ by one person to
about the same sanitized databases K(D1) and
K(D2) - Make a disclosure S about as likely with K(D1) as
K(D2) - A randomized function K give e-differential
privacy if for all data sets D1 and D2 differing
in at most one element and all subset S of
Range(K), - PrK(D1) in S exp(e) PrK(D2) in S
18Privacy Preserving Data Mining
- Reference
- Y. Lindell and B. Pinkas. Privacy Preserving Data
Mining, Journal of Cryptology, 15(3)177-206,
2002. - Problem
- Compute some function of two confidential
databases without revealing unnecessary
information - Example Govt. database of suspected
terrorists intersection with airline passengers
database - Approach
- Cryptographic techniques for secure multiparty
19The Security Definition (Slide Lindell)
Computational Indistinguishability every
probabilistic polynomial-time observer that
receives the input/output distribution of the
honest parties and the adversary, outputs 1 upon
receiving the distribution generated in IDEAL
with negligibly close probability to when it is
generated in REAL.