Programming with Processes and Threads in Unix - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Programming with Processes and Threads in Unix


CSE 4733/6733 Operating Systems I ... FYI: disney runs bash ... wait first checks if caller has deceased or suspended children. If so- immediate return. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Programming with Processes and Threads in Unix

Programming with Processes and Threads in Unix
  • References
  • Unix Internals, The New Frontiers,
  • Uresh Vahalia
  • Unix System V Release 4,
  • Kenneth Rosen, Richard Rosinski, James Farber

Mini Unix Primer
  • Some generally useful commands
  • ls list contents of current directory, -l, -lA
  • pwd print working directory
  • cd change directory
  • mkdir make a new directory, rmdir remove it
  • cp copy a file, mv move it, rm delete it
  • lpr print
  • Other sources
  • http//

Mini Unix Primer
  • Editing and Compiling
  • Editors joe, pico, vi, emacs
  • Compiling gcc, g, cc, CC
  • See handout in class
  • Other useful commands
  • man (man, i.e., manual pages)
  • Can be invoked for any Unix command
  • Ex. man cp

Mini Unix Primer
  • File Ownership /Permissions
  • UID every user gets one
  • GID every user assigned to a group
  • SuperUser- sys admin, UID 0, GID 1
  • File has permissions for user, group, and other
  • rwx r-x r-- myfile
  • Useful command
  • chmod ugorwx myfile

Mini Unix Primer
  • Processes
  • Process 0- system process created when Unix
  • Process 1 -init process- all other processes are
    spawned from this
  • Sets up system in single or multi-user mode
  • Spawns log-in shells for users
  • Exists as long as system runs, ancestor of all
    other processes on system
  • Other PIDs start at 2, assigned sequentially to
    run to max, then go back and look for those

Mini Unix Primer
  • Processes
  • Useful commands
  • ps (process status) no options gives info
    for your terminal
  • -f full option adds PPID,
    StartTime, and Index
  • -l long option adds process state,
    O,S, R, I, Z, T, X
  • kill PID kills a process
  • -9 kills a login shell
  • 0 kills all processes created
    during a login shell

Mini Unix Primer
  • Processes
  • Other useful commands
  • bg (or ) run process in background
  • fg bring process to
  • jobs list all running jobs

Mini Unix Primer
  • Log-in Shells
  • What is a shell? Command-line interpreter
  • Versions sh, csh, ksh, bash
  • For version history, see UnixHelpDesk url
  • FYI disney runs bash
  • Important to remember your login-shell is the
    parent of all processes created during your login

System Call Interface
  • When process makes a system call, it executes
    special sequence of instructions to put system in
    kernel mode (mode switch) and transfer control to
    kernel. Kernel handles operation for process.
  • After system call completes, kernel executes
    another set of instructions that returns the
    system to user mode (mode switch) and transfers
    control back to process.

Process Creation
  • fork
  • The fork system call creates a new process.
  • Calling process is parent
  • New process is child
  • Child is almost exact clone of parent

  • To differentiate, fork returns different values
    to parent and child
  • 0 to child
  • childs PID to parent
  • Both parent and child execute same program, have
    identical data and stack regions, and resume
    execution at instruction immediately following
    call to fork.

  • fork system call must do many things, including
  • 1. Allocate new PID and PCB for child
  • 2. Initialize PCB by copying some data from
    parent, and initializing child-specific
  • a. Copy process state, scheduling, mem.
  • and hardware context from parent
  • b. Set PID, PPID specific to child,
  • CPU usage to zero, etc.
  • 3. Get references to shared resources inherited
    by the child, i.e., open files and current
    working directory
  • 4. Make child runnable and put it on
    scheduler queue
  • 5. Have child return from fork with value of
  • 6. Return PID of child to parent

  • exec overlays a new program on the existing
  • Often, child process will call exec shortly after
    returning from fork, and thus begin executing a
    new program.
  • Thus, child does not return to old program unless
    exec fails.
  • On successful completion of exec, childs address
    space is replaced with that of new program and
    returns to user mode executing first instruction
    of new program

Example of fork and exec
  • if ((result fork()) 0)
  • / child code /
  • if (exec (new_program), ) lt 0)
  • perror(exec failed)
  • exit(1)
  • else if (result lt 0)
  • perror(fork)
  • / parent continues here /

Why use fork and exec?
  • Why not make them one call since child often
    discards parent to do exec?
  • Because!
  • Modularity, Flexibility
  • Client-server apps may want clones
  • Process may want to invoke new program without
    creating a new process
  • Child may want to do things between fork and
    exec, I.e., change uid or process group, close
    files inherited from the parent, but not needed,

  • exec gives spawned process a new address space
    and loads with contents of new program
  • Process address space includes
  • Executable code
  • Initialized and uninitialized data
  • Shared memory and libraries
  • User stack (kernel allocates for each process)

  • Recall-gt if ((exec(new_program, ..) lt 0)
  • Things exec must do include
  • Parse pathname and access executable file
  • Verify that caller has execute permission on the
  • Change callers UID/GID to owner of file
  • Free old address space (not for vfork)
  • Allocate new address and swap space
  • Initialize hardware context most registers set
    to 0,
  • pc set to entry point of program
  • C library versions exec, execl, execv, exece

Process Termination
  • exit()
  • exit system call -gt calls kernel exit function
    which terminates a process.

  • Does many things, including
  • Closes all open files
  • Writes accounting log
  • Saves resource usage statistics and exit status
  • Changes state to zombie
  • Makes init process inherit any live children of
    existing process
  • Releases address space and swap space
  • Wakes parent if it is asleep
  • Calls swtch() to schedule a new process.

Awaiting Process Termination
  • Parent often needs to know when a child
    terminates, e.g. when a bg process terminates,
    shell may want to notify user.
  • wait system call allows a process to wait for a
    child to terminate.

  • Child may have terminated before call- wait must
    handle that condition also.
  • wait first checks if caller has deceased or
    suspended children. If so- immediate return.
  • If not, wait blocks the caller until a child dies
    and returns once that happens.
  • In either case- wait returns PID of deceased
    child and frees and updates the appropriate
    structures (i.e., info in PCB)

  • When process exits, it remains in zombie state
    until cleanup by parent. It holds info,
    e.g.,exit status and resource usage, possibly
    needed by parent. Parent calls wait to obtain
    this and free up PCB.
  • If parent dies before child init inherits child
    and when child dies, init calls wait to release
    PCB info.
  • If child dies and parent does not call wait-
    process remains in zombie state until system
    reboots- shows up in ps listing, user tries to
    kill, but it is already dead! Also, it continues
    to use PCB structure.

Interprocess Communication
  • Kernel provides mechanisms to allow multiple
    cooperating processes to communicate. Called
  • Purposes
  • Data transfer
  • Sharing data
  • Event notification
  • Resource sharing

IPC Mechanisms
  • Common to all Unix variants
  • Pipes
  • Signals (primitive)
  • Process trace (used by debuggers)

  • (for traditional Unix)
  • A unidirectional, FIFO data stream of fixed size.
  • Writers add data to end of pipe
  • Readers retrieve data from front of pipe
  • Once read, data is removed from pipe and
    unavailable to other readers

  • Process trying to read from an empty pipe will
    block until more data is written
  • Process trying to write to a full pipe blocks
    until another process reads (i.e., removes) data
    from the pipe

  • Pipe system call creates a pipe and returns two
    file descriptors one for reading and one for
  • File descriptors are inherited by child process,
    so they share access to the file.
  • This allows a pipe to have several readers and
  • Normally, process is shared between 2 processes,
    each owning one end.

  • I/O to pipe is similar to I/O to a file and is
    performed through read and write system calls to
    the pipes descriptors.
  • Process is often unaware that file it is reading
    or writing to/from is a pipe.

Limitations of pipes
  • Cannot broadcast data to multiple receivers
    (since reading removes data)
  • Data in pipe is treated as byte-stream, so cannot
    specify boundaries if multiple objects are sent.
  • With multiple readers, writer cannot direct data
    to specific reader and vice versa.

SVR4 pipes
  • SVR4 pipes are bidirectional
  • Pipe system call returns two descriptors, but
    both are open for reading and writing. Syntax
  • int filedes2
  • status pipe (fildes)
  • Creates 2 independent, FIFO I/O channels
    represented by 2 descriptors. Data written to
    fildes1 can be read from fildes0 and vice

File Descriptors
  • Process interface with files via file-related
    system calls.
  • File system calls identify files by 2 names path
    name and a file descriptor.
  • File descriptor is integer number identifying an
    open file within a process.
  • Each process has a table of open files, starting
    at fd 0 and going up as more files are opened.

File Descriptors
  • A file descriptor can be obtained with open()
    system call, which opens a file named by path
    name and returns a file descriptor identifying
    the file
  • fd open(etc/passwd, mode)
  • Once opened, an fd can be used for operations on
    the file
  • read and write provide basic file I/O

File Descriptors
  • An fd is eventually closed by close system call
    or process exit
  • By default, fds 0,1, and 2 are opened
    automatically by C runtime library and represent
    standard input, output, and error.
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